
Endless Change

A bartender and a mafia leader love story. Asaka is a mafia leader who falls in love with Levar, a trans bartender.

We_are_here · Action
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88 Chs

Keeping the Kitten

(Asaka Point of View)

Once we get to the vet clinic, my darling heads inside first. I first send a text with a list of things I need and then send the money as I follow my darling. He gets us signed in before I get inside. We sit beside each other, I see him playing with the kitten. He looks so cute with the kitten. I guess I can let this slide. After all, I can't be mad when I look at his adorable face. He looks so happy with the kitten. I should just let him be with his kitten. By the time we get home, everything should be there but right now we just need to wait. He looks so happy with the kitten, why can't he be that way with me?

Once we are let in, they take the kitten. My darling seems so nervous. I want to hold him close and tell him it will be alright but I don't want to scare him off. But I want to hold him close. I want him to rely on me. I want him to hold me close and say that he needs me. Why can't I have that? Maybe I should make the first move. Might as well. After all, he did hold me close and fall asleep on me when we watched the movie. 

I put my hand on his shoulder. He looks over at me. I give him a small smile before I speak, "Do you want to hold me until the kitten gets back?"

He nods his head before holding onto me. I hold him close. He looks so cute in my arms. He looks like he belongs here, in my arms. I should never let him go. I should just keep him here. I should never let him leave. No. I can't do that. I can't. He would hate me. I can't have that. He has his face in my chest. He looks so cute. He seems so small and innocent like this. I just want to keep him here. I never want him to leave. I need to stay calm. I just have to make sure he is safe and happy. I can do that. I take a deep breath before holding him a little closer to me. 

After about half an hour of waiting, we were called back to see the kitten. I almost kiss my darling on the forehead when I let him go but I stop myself. I follow him to the back and into the room where the kitten is. The kitten is wearing some kind of jacket but is asleep. My darling walks up to the veterinarian. 

"How is he?"

"Well from the looks of it, he is a runt that was abandoned. I did give him a few things to keep him alive but you will need to feed him a certain formula until he can eat solid food."

"What is wrong with him?" He looks so worried about the kitten.

"He was overworking his body and by the looks of it, never got the right care from his mother."

"Can we take him home yet?"

"Yes, you can. I will just need to grab a few things for you." The veterinarian leaves the room and I walk up to my darling.

"You really want to keep that kitten, don't you?"

"I do. Can we?"

"Yes, we can. I already have the stuff for him at home but if he needs special food, I don't, so we will have to see."

"Thank you so much." He hugs me close. I hug him back with a smile. 

The veterinarian walks back into the room with a bag. He sets down the bag and leaves us alone in the room. Good. Now I have some alone time with my darling. After about a minute, my darling pulls away. I let him leave my arms.

"You can grab the kitten and I will get the bag, alright darling?"

He nods his head as he picks up the kitten as the kitten sleeps. I grab the bag as we head back out to the car. I put the bag in the back as I check my phone. I see a few text messages that basically say that they can do it and that it is done. I'm glad that they got that done. I put my phone away as I got into the driver's seat. I start the car as I look over at my darling. He is lightly petting the kitten with a small smile. He looks so cute like this. I love him. No. No, I can't. I need to keep my head straight. I should just get us home. That is what I need to focus on. Not how adorable my darling looks with the kitten in his arms. I need to get my head straight. But I'm sure he would look even more adorable if he was sleeping in my arms as I hold him close and keep him safe. It would be amazing. No. I need to drive and focus on driving. 

I focus on driving as I don't look at him. If I do, I might say that I love him.