
Endless Change

A bartender and a mafia leader love story. Asaka is a mafia leader who falls in love with Levar, a trans bartender.

We_are_here · Action
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88 Chs


(Levar Point of View)

I can hear what sounds like fighting in the kitchen from the tone of Asaka's voice. I hope everything is already. After all, Frey was just making a joke, I think. After all that was the first real interaction between the two that I have seen. I don't know what that was about. Do they tend to cuddle friends? Is that normal for them? I don't know. I hope everything is alright between them. 

Frey soon comes out of the kitchen. They sit down next to me.

"I'm sorry about that. Asaka isn't one to joke around often."

"It's fine." I went to mention my sister when I stayed quiet.

"Is there something that you wanted to add?"

"Nothing. Don't worry about it."

They stay quiet for a minute, causing me to start fighting with my hands. "So who is older? You both do look around the same age." 

"I am younger. I am only 16."

My eyes widened. "What? Wow. You could have fooled me. I guess it is good I'm not at the door."

They look at me a little confused. "What do you mean?"

"I am a bartender at a strip club so you have to be older than 18 to enter with a few areas you need to be older to make the stripers more comfortable. So the people at the door check IDs to see if they are old enough to enter but if they think that are older then I think it is 25 maybe, then they will just let them in without checking any IDs."

"Oh and if you were there underage people would get in, is that what you are saying?"

"Yes, it is."

"How old do you think Asaka is?"

"I don't know. 23 maybe? I know she made some kind of comment about her age "

"No, she is 20."

"Oh. I guess that I didn't remember correctly and she is younger than I thought. But I guess part of that could be because of my job."

"What do you mean?"

I pause for a second to think about it. "I mean a lot of young people come in but they are always older than I think so I am used to thinking that they are older than they look."

"What do you think we would be if it wasn't for that?"

I let out a small chuckle. "Well I already know both of your ages so it's not really fair but I really wouldn't think that you are 16. I would say 17 at least, maybe 18."

"At max?"

"Like 20, with work in mind late 20's but you could push it to early 30's."

"Most people think I am 20 so you aren't alone with that."

"I'm glad."

We both are quiet for a second before they speak, "Does Asaka call you anything?"

I pause for a second. Where did that come from? "Yes, she tends to call me darling."

"You know what you should do?"

What do they mean? "No, I don't."

"You should call her baby. After all, if she is going to call you by a pet name you might as well call her by a pet name."

I can feel my face become a little red. What? A pet name? I mean, yes she does call me a pet name and I do like it when she does but I call her ma'am. Isn't that enough? I mean they don't know about that and I guess it couldn't hurt anything. "I guess I can but I do already call her ma'am."

I see the shock on their face. "What? You call her ma'am?"

"Yes, I do. What's so surprising about that?"

"Nothing is but she seems to like you so I didn't think that you would."

"Well, I started calling her ma'am when she came into my work. Does she have a high ranking?"

I see them pause for a second. "Well kind of, yes. What high ranking are we talking about?"

I look at them confused. What other high-ranking could she be? They are siblings, after all, I doubt that they wouldn't know, right? "Being a police officer? What are you talking about?"

They put their hands behind them. "Of course. They have several jobs but she is very respected in the police department."

"That's good. What other job do they have?"

"They sell some older things that they have or find online."

"Oh. I didn't know that."

"Well sometimes they can take home things families don't want so she will sell them for extra money, after all, she doesn't need any of it."

"Oh. Does it do well?"

"Sometimes, yes. After all, some people collect bottles but you're not going to find many people looking for things like ripped-up clothes with bad stitches in them."

"That does make sense."

"Good to see you two are getting along. I made us lunch." I look over and I see Asaka. She is smiling so I smile back at her. I guess now I can do what Frey suggested.

"Thank you, baby."

"You're we-" She heard me. I can feel my face become a little red as I hear Frey giggling. I look down at the ground, feeling even more embarrassed.

"You did this, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did. Now let's eat." Frey smiles at Asaka. How can they be so calm about this? I feel so embarrassed. I see Asaka set down the plates and sit down next to me.

"I'm sorry about that. Frey said that I should since you call me darling." She should know why I called her baby. My face is even redder now that I have amidded it.

"It's fine darling. You just caught me off guard. You can keep calling me baby if you want, I won't mind." I feel my face becoming even redder. "You don't have to, I just thought that it would fit since I call you darling. Why don't you start eating darling?"

I nod my head as I start eating. Why did I actually agree to that and how can she be so calm about it? She even said that I can do it again. At this rate, we are going to be called a couple. Once I see all of us are done, I go to clean up for them when Asaka lightly grabs my wrist.

"Darling. Let me do it. You don't need to."

I look up at her. I want to help out. After all, she has done a lot for me. "Are you sure? I want to help out. After all, you did make lunch."

She smiles at me. "Yes, I am sure. I will take care of everything." 

I watch her leave with the plates when I hear Frey speak. "You actually did it?"

"Yes, and that was so embarrassing."

"I can tell your face is bright red."

Asaka soon comes back and sits down next to me. "How about we watch a movie together?"

"We should watch a horror movie." Frey seems happy with that. That was a fast response. I guess they must like horror movies. I'm not the biggest fan of horror but I guess it can't be that bad.

"Alright. You can choose."

Once Frey has the remote controller, they look for a horror movie, and the ones that she is looking at look really scary and I can't really take gore. I know I have heard people's stories where they will tell me about murder but at the same time, I don't see that and they are too drunk to go into detail and when they do, I can't always understand it.