
Endless Carnage: Ever-changing World!

In a world where humanity's understanding of reality is turned upside down, the year 2023 marks the beginning of a new era. As a result of a mysterious event, every person on the planet gains the ability to enhance their physical abilities, but at a cost. This newfound power is both a blessing and a curse as it holds the potential to change the course of humanity. With this new power, individuals must navigate the unknown and face the challenges that come with it. The question is not whether they have the power, but whether they have the courage to use it. For some, the temptation to become a powerhouse is too great to resist. They will push themselves to the limit, risking their lives to become the strongest they can be. Others, however, will be hesitant to use their powers, fearing the unknown and the potential consequences. As individuals face this new reality, they must make a choice: succumb to the fear and limitations of their past or rise above to conquer their fate and the unknown. Will they choose to become a slave to their weakness or stand on top of the world? The choice is yours. But be warned, the journey will not be easy. As individuals strive to become stronger, they may find themselves facing unexpected challenges, such as loneliness and isolation. The power may also come with a heavy price, as individuals may have to sacrifice a part of their humanity in order to fully embrace it. In the end, it is up to each individual to decide if the power is worth the price. The fate of humanity rests on the shoulders of those who possess this new power, and the choices they make will determine the course of the future.

ColdHeavens · Fantasy
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4 Chs


The year is 2023, and the time is 12:00 a.m. The 30th of January.



People on Earth were just beginning to recover from the recent crisis, a global pandemic known as Covid-19, which had paralyzed every economy in every country on the planet.

A specific location in the country of A, located in Southeast Asia. A man is standing on the balcony of a two-story house, looking up at the sky with a terrified expression, as he witnesses an unbelievable scene that he will never forget for the rest of his life.

The sky was shrouded in dark clouds, and thunderous lightning reverberated throughout the surrounding area. The earth trembled, and the sky wept. The man then abruptly turned his gaze to a distant skyscraper, and the thin line-like structures began swaying back and forth before collapsing.

"What the heck is going on?!" he exclaimed.

Crack! Rumble! Then lightning began to rain down from the sky, destroying every building it touched. Boom! Chaos had descended on the entire planet. The sudden changes in the world terrified everyone who was awake at the time, and those who were sleeping were awakened by a loud strike of lightning and the earth trembling.

"An earthquake as well?!"

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. This disaster alone has already caused widespread destruction and loss of life. Suddenly, all living beings on the planet collapsed at their feet and lost consciousness. The entire planet was shrouded in darkness and the sky painted in a dark hue. Despite the fact that chaos was occurring everywhere, all noises were eliminated.

Nobody knows whether the silence lasted a second, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years. But one thing is certain, the world as we know it has changed forever. The man on the balcony, like many others, was left to ponder the fate of humanity and what the future holds.

As soon as the survivors regain consciousness, they will be surprised to find themselves in a world overrun by zombies.