

Sometimes love can be painful, sometimes wait can kill us, and sometimes it's really hard to survive but that one person can change everything and bring us back to life, so this story is about one true love.

ruchika_mangeshwar · Teen
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41 Chs

Episode 33

Ava's Point Of View,

"Hey, what happened to him? Is he crying coz of me? If that is true then I am gonna cry too", James asked me and I just rolled my shoulders as I also do not know what happen to my small baby. I know that is he so sensitive but he does not cry like this. Maybe something really hurt him that is why he is behaving like this. Otherwise, I do not remember when did he cry like this last time for no reason. And he is not even ready to show me his face so that I could get any hint.

"I really do not have any idea what happened to him all of the sudden", I said to him and I just picked Luke.

"Luke baby, just look at me and tell me what happened. Why you are crying like this baby? Tell Mumma what happen", I asked him and he sobbed hard. My heart ached to see him like this. My baby does look good while he cries. I only like him when he smiles. His tears break my heart.

"Hey buddy, am I not your best friend? Tell me what happens to you? Why you are crying like this? You are my strong boy right, strong boys do not cry", James was trying to make him understand but I just know that Luke was angry with James because he was scolding me and he heard what he was saying.

So now he is angry with James but he is not gonna say this. Luke just turned his head in the other direction. I know he is really hurt. Now it is really hard for me to make him understand that it was nothing like what he is thinking. It is a little hard to lie to him coz he is really smarter than others and he understands things easily.

"Mumma, tell him that I will not talk to him. How dare he scold you? Please Mumma tell him to go. I do not want to talk to him", Luke said to me in my ear and I just closed my eyes and looked at James who was also looking so upset now.

"Luke, that is bad manners. Say sorry to James right now. He was not scolding me, baby. He was just making me understand some things. You should not say this about him", I said to him but he aggressively shook his head.

"No Mumma, you are lying. I heard him, he was scolding you. Tell him to go back. I do not want to talk to him right now", he started crying hard and it was pretty hard to handle. My baby is smart but angry and aggressive too and when he cries like this, it is so hard not to do what he says. I looked at James with pleading eyes and he passed me an understanding smile. He was trying to say do not worry I am fine and I just took a deep breath as James got up from the bed.

"I am so sorry baby. I did not mean to hurt you and scold your Mumma. Can you please forgive your buddy", James was still trying to be gentle and make him understand but my baby was so stubborn and angry as he shook his head and James just sighed.

"Okay, then I am leaving. Take care of him okay, and take care of yourself too. I will come back tomorrow. I know how to make it up to him, so I will see you", James just places a soft kiss on my cheek which makes Luke angrier than before and he just started crying, even more, so James just left with a smile.

I was saying sorry to him with my eyes. I did not have any idea that Luke will get that much angry. It is the very first time when I am seeing that my baby boy is way possessive of his Mumma and at the same time mom walked into the room.

"Luke, what kind of behavior was this? How could you be so rude to him? He is your best buddy right, then why did you do that to him", I scolded him as he was not crying anymore. He was looking at me with his cute eyes. His eyes were still wet and he was still sobbing, and I just hugged him tightly and wiped his face.

"Baby, did not I teach you that it is a bad manner to be rude to someone who is close to you like James is", I said to him but he just made a sad, puppy face.

"Do not scold him, Ava. He is just a kid. He does not know anything", mom scolded me and Luke just glared at my mom.

"He was scolding you Mumma and he was rude to you too, and I did not like it when someone disrespects my mom", Luke said and my eyes just got wide to hear that. I did not expect him to say such a thing. He is so small to say such things and understand them. I just do not even know how to react. I just exchanged a look with my mom and she was also shocked to hear that.

"Luke, baby, who taught you that", mom asked him and he just wiped his face.

"Mumma, I am angry with James. He was so rude to you and I will not talk to him now", he said and I just noticed that he did not tell me what I asked him. He is still angry with James and I just do not know how to cover it now.

James did a lot for me and he loves Luke so much. And I am sure that he would be so upset with Luke's behavior. He was hurt. I could see that in his eyes but he still did what Luke said. I just do not know what the hell I should do now.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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