
C5: Extravaganza Drive

"Can't you just fly your car, Johnson?"

Kaja asked to Johnson in a joking manner, they find themselves as only three to go. Estes told Zilong to stay in the Celestial Palace for essentials. Johnson furrowed his brows to him.

"I can, but you should carry me. You're the ones who have wings here. Why will I have wings anyway? I'm not a griffin car"

Kaja looked at Freya whose looking serious as she gazes of the forest they will go through. "How about her?"

"Stop with the non-sense things." Freya sharpens to them, she faced them and buckled her sword in it's shaft.

"There's an urge of feeling inside me, that there is still a path that we can get through. A safe one, and still has no infectious of the virus."

"Let us use Harper then for us to see ourselves." Kaja raises his right hand, and a blue glowing light appears.

"Harper, lead us to see the safe way to the Ninjas place."

"Wait, aren't we going first in the Dark Palace?" Johnson said.

"The Queens there are too terror, especially Vexana. We might die, and it is possible. So it will be more good if we have tell the others first" Freya said in a serious monotone, but Johnson sees her words as a joke.

Harper then goes to the floor and starts running somewhere in a path, it gives a light that shines so bright that it leaves glowing marks into the safe way they begged a help for.

"Hurry, let us go" Johnson said. He turns into a car, Freya and Kaja immediately gets inside.

"No matter what happen Johnson, just keep on driving straight and follow Harper. Do not worry, me and Freya are here to look and guide things around"

They all inhaled deep, and gasped air as they have already entered the vile jungle. They can feel the strong perception, and recognition of the perilous atmosphere.




"What is happening?" Johnson asked as he tries not to panic.

Freya and Kaja looked behind, and throughout the windows as they heard groans of vile wilderness, scratches, and tumbling of dead leaves on the paths.

"The infected jungle monsters are heading to us, some are chasing behind." Kaja said.

"What now?" Johnson asked worried.

"Just drive, Johnson. We won't let them get near or touch you." Freya felt Johnson's agreement to what she said, he fasten his engines.

Freya faced Kaja. "We must get out of here, let us go on the top of the cars."

"We will fight them?"

"Yes, for the sake of us, and of the others. Nothing will happen if we just sit here, panic and worry. We will be deep riven of this Darkness."

Kaja nodded. "Let us go."

They opened Johnson's car door while he is still driving, they closed the doors and forcefully jumped into the roof of the car.

Exactly, bunch of monsters were already coming. Freya thrown her sword to them, it hits one. But the both of them were terrified when it didn't kill the jungle monster, it's body just swallowed her sword after it glitched. The jungle monster threw the sword on their way

Kaja quickly did his dash to push Freya at the side. Another sharp thing was heading in their way to hit them caused by one of these vile creatures, Freya quickly summoned her shield and protected both of themselves.

Things seems hopeless, but as a heroes of the Dawn, they have their role and built selves. Courageous, bravery, and fight until the end. No surrender button for this time.

Freya then again summoned another sword. Kaja prepared his self and throws his Lightning Bombs, it explodes on the monsters and slowed down their run movements towards their direction. Freya also throws three of her Spirit Contracts that made some of the monsters explode, and scatter it's corpse everywhere.

They think some monsters were alarmed due to the powers they released, vixens of roars and groans sent the monsters another set in their way as they can see. Freya throws inside the jungle her attack Godspeed Strike from her shield. An explosion and bright light executes the other monsters coming.

Kaja sees that more monsters were coming from the sides of the jungle, and the ones behind them are almost getting near as the monsters are becoming more aggressive. He releases a ringed electric blade that quickly expands and contracts, Ring of Order.

The monsters were set off, and pushed back that again slowed their movements. They are almost getting away with the monsters

"Guys, Harper went missing! The blue glowing path, it's gone!" Johnson said that made the both of them faced the path they are tackling through.

The blue glowing path was already cut off, a few meters away is waiting to them and they will reach the end to stop driving.

"Does that mean, the safe path is gone already?" Kaja asked nervously. Freya stops her mind to think of losing hope, but an idea popped in her mind.

"No, it is not. Harper was just succumbed by the virus so he disappeared. The other way of path must have already strong recognition of the virus, that's why harper haven't get through"

This time, Freya's the one who summoned a Harper in her hands.

"Will that work?" Kaja asked in doubt. Freya looked at him

"We must not lose hope."

Johnson stopped the drive, they have already reached the end of the light. The monsters are already heading on their way. They were all recognition in Harper which is glowing in Freya's hands.

"No..." Kaja and Freya said in chorus when the blue circle glowing light disappeared. The three of them bow their heads in lose of hope.

"We lose..."

"No, look" Johnson said.

Kaja and Freya paced the path, tiny way of glowing blue lights were again leading their way. Their eyes quivered in joy, and hearts then again filled by hope.

"Johnson, let's go—"

"Damn! The engines, it's not working!" He panicked and as he keeps on cursing under his breath. They again felt nervous in their veins, and the panting of hearts in race.

As Johnson is still trying to run his engines, Kaja and Freya heard loud roars, groans, and grunches on their way. The monsters are already near to them

"I will distract them, once Johnson's engines worked drive away as fast as more than enough and can."

"What!?" Kaja yelled, Freya faced her. "Look, you do not have to do this—"

"I have to, the three of us just can't die here—"

"I can be the one to sacrifice my own life!"

Freya disagrees the movement of her head, she then again raised her head to look at Kaja while helding her tears.

"I can hold them for a minute for you and Johnson to escape. You are more needed in the battle to prepare for, Kaja"

"Freya..." She smiled.

"From now on, my sword will always be with you. With everyone in the Land of Dawn"

Kaja's tears escaped, the monsters were about to touch near them but Freya jumped into the floor with her Wings of Faith. The monsters were set back, she then ran to them at the middle to push the monsters away.

Kaja faced Johnson "What is happening!?"

"My engines were restarting, twenty more seconds"

"WHAT!?" Kaja then again faced Freya.

"AHHHHH!" Freya screamed then she turns into her Valkyrie. Her sword turns into a big weapon, and she swept some of the monsters around her.

More monsters came to attack, and succumb her. She held her shield with Godspeed Strike to set the monsters back, but they were all ready touching her.

Kaja saw her turning into black while glitching. Her eyes turned glowing red that looked straight into him, but it quivered, a sign that she smiled at him behind the darkness that is succumbing her.

"Thank you..." She mouthed.

Johnson's engines starts to work already, he quickly drives off in a rush. Kaja fell to knee on the car's roof

Before they can get away, Kaja saw Freya turned into ashes and blew by the wind.

Kaja has no more words to say as he silently thump into cry of tears. Johnson saw the blue glowing path slowly disappearing due to the ground was closing by the virus.

"Kaja, hold on tighter."

He gasped for air, in his speed drive he added sprint. His Electro-Airbag covers the whole part of him, also Kaja, for shield, and protection against the virus that will hinder them.


All of them in the room raised their heads, and were all alarmed.

"What was that?" Hanzo said as he tries to break the others of sensing the place.

Hayabusa whose sitting with them disappeared, he uses his Ougi: Shadow Skill.

He's already outside, and he is standing at the tip of their home. He was shocked to see Johnson, and Kaja in unconditional state of looks.

He appeared in front of them. Also Hanabi who showed after her Higanbana bloomed. Hanzo followed with it's Kinjutsu, Pinnacle Ninja spirit. Lastly, Kagura who came worried

"What happened?" Hayabusa asked. Kaja wept off his tears, while Johnson bows his head.

"Freya is gone."