

The dining table was occupied to full capacity.Not by people but foods of all sorts. Rasi and her mother were used to this type of treatment.Rasi being the only daughter,she often received whatever she wished for.Sometimes she would change her mind and opt for another type of food and yes-her mother will definitely comply to her needs.

The cold season had already begun.The leaves her already dried up and were partially covered up by snow.One could hear the voice of leaves cracking when stepped on beneath the snow.Rasi could see people outside wearing heavy jackets ,tractors trying to clear the snow-white roads and children playing jubilantly making snowmen. Owls cold be seen on a tree close to her bedroom.

Rasi was elated this particular night.This was probably because her eighteenth birthday was few hours away.Although her mother pretended to have completely forgot about it,she had secretly purchased literally everything to make the birthday worth remembering.

Rasi's eyes began getting heavy.It was past her `beauty nap' as she called it. The hallway clock was heard ringing.Rasi went to her mother and kissed her goodnight. She sluggishly walked to her bedroom.She put on her sleeping gown wrapped herself in her blanket,made sure she was cozy, switched off her night lamp and slowly drifted to the fantasy land.

"Can't believe mom actually forgot my birthday.Her only daughter's birthday" and away she went.

Rasi was sleeping peacefully enjoying her sleep dreaming of stuff her mother couldn't afford or didn't exist.She was riding unicorns on rainbow in forest of ice cream.Her imagination was limitless.Just then a shadowy figure disrupted her serene environment.It grabbed her by the neck and started strangling her.Rasi tried to scream but her screams couldn't be heard.It was as if the creature had pressed the `mute' button in her larynx.Rasi was helpless.She had to give in and accept her fate.

The shadowy creature looked at her and let her go.Just like a gust of wind,the creature disappeared.Rasi was scared out of her skin.She attempted to run to her mum but she was frozen out of fear.It was probably the worst nightmare she ever experienced.

Although she was used to nightmares lately but this one was on another level.She didn't want to spoil the big day ahead by making her mother stressed.She lay in bed and waited for the alarm to ring.

Finally the alarm started ringing.Unlike her nature of snoozing the alarm and going back to sleep Rasi was up and running. She quickly went to the bathroom and took a long lasting shower. She came out shining brightly with joy and optimism.She went down the stairs and found her mother waiting for her.Rasi's mom-Mrs Matt had completely outdone herself in breakfast. She had been taking cooking lessons and now the lessons seemed to have paid of.After breakfast of pancakes,syrup and bacon the two ladies went to their respective rooms and prepared to leave.

Rasi wore a polka dotted blouse,Gucci branded trousers and a Louis Vuitton heeled shoes while her mother wore a black dress,white scarf,white shoes and pair of black gloves.The dress fitted her body to an extent one could see her well curved thighs which she seductively portrayed.

The chauffeur was already waiting for them and off they went leaving behind a cloud of dust.