
Chapter 88: Great increase in strength

In the eleven days, in the tight battle, almost blink of an eye passed. Wu Ye and his younger brothers spent twenty days in Qinglan County. The zombies that they hunted were as many as 14 or 50,000. The thickest part of the ashes in the elevator apartment was more than one meter high. If the mutant worms eat the meat of the zombies, the ashes will only accumulate thicker.

In addition to the four-level zombies encountered in the first few days, and later encountered three fourth-level zombies, through the system to release random tasks, Wu Ye arranged in advance, and five 5th-level zombies were turned into five precious Huang Jing. It is worth mentioning that the animalized four-level zombies are more difficult to deal with than the ordinary giant zombies. Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua have combined their abilities to get rid of it.

After this period of targeted hunting, the third-grade zombies in Qingyi County were almost extinct, and the third-level zombies were also slaughtered. Qingzhao County's zombies are nearly 1/2 less, with one or two zombies as the mainstay. Wu Ye intends to send the buckwheat species back, and let the city defense personnel come over and move some of the industrial equipment back.

Although most of the factories in the Qingyi County Industrial Zone have not been officially opened, many factories have set up the machines and equipment, such as Guanghui Pharmaceutical Factory. Those machines and equipment are quite cumbersome, and they alone have no way to smash them. It is best to hand it over to the City Guard. As for the things in the city, these twenty or thirty people can only move with some valuable money. The rest, let the hunters of Yucheng come to the end.

Eating meat, eating the bones of the bones, drinking soup, everyone has the profit, and this city owner will convince more people. It is a pity that Qingyi County is still too far away from Yucheng. Even if the zombies inside are cleared, they will not be included in the Yucheng territory in the short term. However, if you can really get rid of the zombies inside, for the survivors of the city, it will become a good nugget. A county town that once had three or four hundred thousand permanent residents believes that the materials in it are distributed to 80,000 people, enough to make many people rich for a while.

If it is not the conditions, Wu Ye wants to develop Qinglan County into a satellite city in Yucheng. It is a pity that there are only 80,000 survivors in Yucheng, and there is no extra population to go to Qingcheng County to build a city.

In a short time, Qingyi County finally changed from a desperate land to a land of gold nuggets.

In a short period of time, Wu Ye and a rabbit worked together and finally earned more than 1.6 million points. In the practice that orange crystals can be exchanged, he spent 4. and handed out a copy of the "Basic Breathing Method";


Use dark control";

He spent 4 to exchange a copy of "Introduction to Spiritual Training"; finally spent 1 (first layer.)

"Introduction to Spiritual Training" is recommended by Wu Ye for the system. According to the theory of the higher universe, all living creatures have spiritual power. The only difference is the level of talent. According to the data monitored by the system, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua's spiritual talent is comparable to that of the human being on this planet. It can be regarded as a middle-class, and placed in the higher universe, which is simply incomparable.

At first glance, mental strength does not seem to have much to do with repairs, but in fact it has a huge relationship. The initial stage may not be obvious. The more people cultivate into the back, the more people will find that the stronger the mental strength, the easier it is to cultivate, the more insightful in cultivation, and the easier to break through the bottleneck. On the other hand, if the mental strength is low, no matter how good the physical condition is, it is destined to go **** the road of cultivation, and it can't even go far.

Wu Ye's large score and crystal nucleus went down, and the effect was very significant.

Zhao Ganyu's talent is very good, and he sinks his heart and hard work. Before he practiced his abilities, he relied on his own groping. After practicing "Dark Control", he finally got a road to correct the dark abilities. This road may not be a shortcut, but it has left him with fewer detours. Wu Ye gave him a few days to exchange the exercises. He accumulated a lot of hair, and broke through the third-order squat in one fell swoop, and advanced to the fourth-order dark abilities. The four-level genetically enhanced strips were stable at 5%.

Corrosive dark abilities are born for battle. "Darkness Control" is a practice of cultivating skills and combat skills. After Zhao Qianyu's cultivation, he will strike 10 three-level zombies and raise them directly. Their heads are corroded into a pool of black water, which has stimulated many people.

Qian Xin's talent is slightly behind Zhao Ganyu, but unlike Zhao Qianyu, Zhao Qianyu was only an ordinary person before the end of the world. Qian Xin was a specially trained special soldier with a solid foundation. After practicing "Wind Track", he successfully learned the correct cultivation method of the wind power. His ability quickly soared, and also broke through the third order. The fourth-level genetic strengthening strip also stopped at 5%, and the progress was even larger than Zhao Qianyu. The fly in the ointment is that the main role of "wind track" is to assist in the practice of abilities, without combat skills.

Qian Xin can only rely on his own groping. Now he has been able to issue dozens of wind blades at the same time. These wind blades deal with the first and second corpses, which are as simple as cutting melons, but they are some in the face of the three-level zombies. The successor is powerless. Qian Xin can't kill 10 third-level zombies once like Zhao Qianyu, but there is absolutely no problem in killing three or five.

The exact same level of power, the lethality is different, the difference in the ability itself is on the one hand, the most important thing is the practice. Closed-door cars and predecessors are two very different concepts.

It is not Wu Ye who does not want to exchange Qian Xin for the combat exercises. The price of the combat class of the wind system is particularly expensive. Wu Ye's score is enough, but there are not so many Huang Jing.

After Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua practiced the "Introduction to Spiritual Training" (referred to as "fine"), Wu Ye felt that his spiritual strength had risen sharply. The most obvious manifestation was that his use of space rings was no longer as difficult as before. After the mental energy is exhausted, there is no such feeling of a splitting headache. When you run the exercises, your mental strength will soon be filled back. During this time, he went to the warehouse every day to load two kinds of grain. His mental strength was squeezed from the beginning, and now he has a good time. If there is no time limit for the portal, he wants to run a few more to pack things.

After practicing "Jing", Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua's abilities were greatly improved again. Wu Ye's four-level gene enhancement reached 58%. Qin Wuhua was slightly more than him, reaching 64%. The rabbit boss was stained with Wu Ye. The light, the level of four-level gene enhancement reached 28%. The original degree of genetic enhancement of Qin Wuhua pulled a large section of Wu Ye, but now it is slowly being tied. No way, who can let Wu Ye sleep as usual, but he can't do it.

Wu Ye was able to practice his abilities when he slept, and he completely entrusted the blessing of the "Basic Breathing Method". The internal strength generated by the "Basic Breathing Method" was under his chaos, and the coincidence and "The Best Water Control" There is a fusion and variation, and the internal strength and the abilities are finally combined into one. The "Basic" and "The Best" are mutually reinforcing.

Others have practiced the "Basic Breathing Method" and can only gather a little weak internal strength when sleeping. Wu Ye can improve the abilities and internal strength by absorbing the energy of the nucleus. Now there is the aid of "Fine", which is like a duck. Wu Ye waited for a few hours of cooling of the portal, and practiced it carefully. During the day, he practiced in the gap of the battle break. At night, he could open the 'auto-cultivation' mode, and it would be strange if he could not get up. The rabbit boss will not practice the martial arts. Every day, when he sees the opportunity, he will stick to Wu Ye, and he will find a lot of benefits. He has Qian Jian and Zhao Qianyu.

Go back and they have to get the contract beast!

Wu Ye not only improved, but after spending a lot of money to buy "Ice and Snow Field (First Floor)", the lethality also increased. He is just beginning to practice, and the resulting 'ice and snow field' can only be completely frozen within 1 meter and not more than 1 meter high for 5 seconds. After the first level has been learned, the 'field' will be expanded to a temperature of less than 3 meters and no more than 3 meters high for 1 minute. Within this minute, all objects that enter this 'field', as long as it has moisture, can enjoy an absolute zero taste. It is a pity that the first two layers of the "Ice and Snow Field" must be attached to the ground to be displayed. If it can be used for volley, it is called a calf.

However, this is the case, and it has already made the two less happy tails go up to the sky.

Second, think about the points that have been needed for the 1000-point portal. Take a look at the present, redeem the practice, and then deduct the points spent on the expulsion and transfer gates and system monitoring during the period. There are 6 left.

Wu Ye decided to wait for Yucheng, and then exchanged one or two medium-sized low-level isolation boxes, so that Ji Yun gave him a cranio squad. See how those zombies will grab the nucleus with him in the future!

In these 20 days, not only Wu Ye and his comrades who have bound him rely on the strength of the exercises, but others are constantly improving in the day after day of hard work.

The four first-order abilities in the ranks all advanced to the second-order primary; among the old players, Gao Jingshu, Peng Zijun, and Xu Dan were promoted to the third-order primary; among the new players, half of them were represented by Dong Daling He Dasheng. Advance to the third-order primary.

Among the entire team, four fourth-order abilities, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua are fourth-order intermediates, Zhao Ganyu and Qian Xin fourth-order primary. If you count the rabbit boss, it is 5 fourth-order.

Then, there are 12 third-order abilities and 9 third-order beginners in the team. Yang Qi soil is a third-order senior, Yang Lina gold is a third-order intermediate, and Su Jianbang is a third-order intermediate.

The remaining 12 people are all second-order abilities.

Yucheng does not say anything else now, and the number of fourth- and third-order abilities is enough to disdain some large-scale settlements at the end of the ranking.

Once Wu Ye announced the way the contract beast was signed out, the number of abilities in the city was equivalent to doubled. How impressive?

Wu Ye yy is on a good day in the future, leaving the Qingyi County unimpeded.

In the distance, two roads leading to Yucheng, a large-scale food fleet full of food, and survivors who have survived in a small settlement, are rushing to Yucheng.