
Chapter 68: Lazy

Yucheng was initially stabilized, and Wu Ye's laziness was completely violated. In order to win the Yucheng, in the past two months, he tightened his nerves into a dog every day, and the college entrance examination did not struggle so much!

At the end of October, the temperature has begun to cool down. In the second life, I have been adhering to the spring and autumn and lack of summer snoring. In winter, of course, I have to hibernate. As the day is getting brighter, the frequency of the second less bed is getting higher and higher. Every morning at 5:00 am, Qin Wuhua called the city defense team to an open space in the plantation park at 5:15. The thunder did not move until 8:30, went to the small building to have breakfast, and also packaged several colors for Wu Ye. The scented buns come back.

Back home, at nine o'clock, the home is still quiet. Qin Wuhua was very helpless and walked upstairs to the bedroom, pulling a thick curtain, and the room suddenly lit up. Two less like a feeling, turned over and pulled the quilt to cover his head and continue to sleep.

Qin Wuhua felt that if this was the soldier in his hand, he would dare to stay in bed at nine o'clock. He would definitely drop a cold water, and then let him roll the quilt, but the object was replaced by his baby Aye--

Qin Wuhua sat on the edge of the bed and pulled down the quilt. He whispered: "Aye got up, or the buns are cold for a while."

Two less: (~o~)~zz

Qin Wuhua: "... don't you say that you want to go to the plantation today?"

Two less: (~o~)~zz

Qin Wuhua: "...you promised that I will not stay in bed today, hurry up, I know that you are awake." Qin Wuhua put his hand into the bed, but unfortunately he ran for 20 kilometers and the temperature was better than the bed. It is still warm. Two less sleep, half a dream, half awakened, directly when there is more than a stove, still holding it.

The little **** is born to me! But don't think I can't do anything! Qin Wuhua decided to make a killer -

He opened a scallion buns, and the onion and meat were scattered in the room. Two less should be pouting, but people are dreaming of trotters, and the big pig's trotters that are cooked and scented are much more delicious than the buns, and they are not happy to wake up.

This time, Qin Wuhua is dumbfounded, and the killer has failed! Ok, I can only change one trick. Qin Wuhua pinched Wu Ye's nose, and after a few seconds of squatting, he took a decisive mouth and breathed. He was dreaming of licking the pig's trotters and burning the chicken. The scorpion came out. If the two are awake at this time, they will tell Qin Wuhua that the nose is weak and weak. When he is still in elementary school, his mother will not bother to use this trick.

Qin Wuhua was simply mad at him, and he directly smashed a large piece of buns into Wu Yezui. Two young people slowly woke up, and one paw waved Qin Wuhua's hand, which contained a vague saying: "I want to sleep, don't bother me." The sound is soft and sandy, with a little nasal sound, like many The grievances seem to be spoiled. Qin Wuhua listened softly.

However, as a normal man, especially a man who still holds a loved one, the heart is soft and often harder.

After a while listening to the voice of Sosuo, the second few finally woke up and exclaimed: "Bastard, what are you doing early in the morning?!"

A low-magnetic business whispered in his ear and said, "Dry you, hehe."

Two less: qaq

Qin Wuhua: Calling for two new skills to get up (√).

The effect of the new skills is that the two people together rely on the 11th point, and the effect is good.

Resolutely refuses to admit that he has two talents. After eating lunch, his waist is not sore and his legs are not hurting. Just like the anger of Qin Wuhua, he seems to have forgotten. Two people drove the pickup truck and came to the plantation park in Yucheng.

There were a total of 280,000 mu of plantation parks in Yucheng. After Wu Ye took control of Yucheng, the weather became beautiful and the weather began to turn fine. Ji Xiang organized the people to clean up the plantations according to his instructions. The rice that was harvested before Wuye came to power, in the case of high temperature and humidity, almost all rooted and germinated, all of which appeared mildewed after drying, and the ground rice was easily broken, not to mention that the effective nutrients in it almost disappeared. The maturity of corn is only less than one month later than this batch of rice. Due to the abnormal temperature this year, the summer is unusually dry and hot, the maturity of corn is advanced, and many of the corn that is too late to be rescued sprouts in the field. The situation is no better than rice. it is good.

The maturity of autumn soybeans is slightly later than that of corn. It entered the harvesting period in the first half of November. Some of the methods that were washed down by the rain have been ruined and there is no way to rescue them. Fortunately, there is still a small part of the survival, but the result The situation is generally not good, and can harvest up to 100,000 jin of beans. This is not enough for the tens of thousands of survivors of Yucheng.

The ripening period of sweet potato is at the end of October and early November. It is now in the harvest season, but the heavy rain lasted for a whole month in September, which directly affected the yield of sweet potato, and also caused many sweet potatoes to rot directly underground. The expected reduction is more than 2/3. It can only be said that it is better than some other kinds of food.

However, Wu Ye did not know the channel through which the medicinal raw materials of the plague were obtained. Ji Xiang's confidence in him increased significantly. Wu Ye promised that after he had tried his way, he would no longer be entangled and actively organize people to level the land. Let the professional command the construction of the greenhouse. Everyone collected firewood with high flames. Only ten or more days have passed, and one or two thousand mu of land has been replaced by greenhouses.

Some of the refugees who were rescued by Wu Ye have already been put into work. I have experienced the hellish life of refugee camps outside the city. Now Wu leaves them safe accommodation. They don't have to worry about when they are robbed, when they are hungry and eaten as food, and eat three meals a day. Although it is just ordinary coarse grain, a few pieces of vegetables and leaves, can only eat half full, but it is much better than the life of three meals in the refugee camp.

Living in the refugee camp for a long time, many people have forgotten what time they have lived before the end of the world, but for them, the days of safe accommodation and three meals on time are just like heaven. While grateful to Wu Ye for his generosity and ethics, many people do not hesitate to work hard and work diligently. Of course, laziness is also one of human nature. For lazy people, the punishment set by Ji Xiang is very simple and rude - close the black prison. A small, closed-door house, no light, no one, no food, no matter who is treacherous, go in and close for three or five days and die, and immediately be honest. For those who do not change their education, they are directly expelled from Yucheng. Those who are expelled will not be able to return to Yucheng next time.

To be honest, compared to many settlements, Yucheng is already a good environment. There are two or three hundred thousand mu of land. If it is not this natural disaster, there is no need to worry about food. In terms of management, it is relatively free and lax. Although the tax is slightly higher, there are definitely not many places where taxes are much higher than that of Yucheng. What's more, now that Wu Ye has come to power, it is obviously much more 'benevolent' than the former management. If you can continue to follow the current situation, many people are reluctant to leave the city.

Especially for the refugees, they can't afford to pay for the entrance to the city, can they afford the cost of other settlements? Now Yucheng has provided them with accommodation and food. If they screw up themselves, it is simply a dead end.

Many of the survivors who fell into the refugee camps became refugees, and many of them were unable to kill the zombies. Therefore, more than 80% of the people chose to go to the plantation to pay for their debts after they recovered. They don't want to lose this hard-won vitality, and most people are doing very hard. Originally, the residents of Yucheng had quite confessed to the people who had robbed them of their jobs. Now they see that they are simply working on the needles, and they see that the managers are obviously dissatisfied with them, and they are not afraid to be lazy. When it's slippery, efficiency is unprecedented.

Now that the shed has been set up, some experienced old farmers and technicians who know the agricultural technology have already begun to direct everyone to replant the greenhouse vegetables. The vegetables are mainly hungry potatoes, and the cabbages, spinach and rapeseed with short growth cycle, and some kinds of beans, eggplant, melon, pumpkin and so on. In the case of very scarce food, vegetables are a bit extravagant. The greenhouses that specialize in growing vegetables are made of glass in order to keep them as warm as possible. In order to get as many foods as possible before the winter season, only the more than 50 wood abilities in Yucheng were recruited.

Under the abilities of the woody abilities, the seeds take root to sprout faster. Now these abilities are in accordance with the level of power. The first-order is responsible for five acres of greenhouses per day, and the second-order ones are responsible for ten acres of greenhouses, which alternately produce seeds. There are too few pedigrees, and these abilities do not squeeze the last abilities every day. Managers are reluctant to let them go. Just kidding, 100-day-old crystal-transparent and high-paying, and free of charge, they are also provided with free nucleus to restore their abilities. Without squeezing the abilities of these wood abilities, Ji Chong will cry.

Yes, the person in charge of the 280,000-acre plantation has now become Ji Chong, the son of Ji Xiang's 'good man'.

In addition to the 'good man color', Ji Chong also loves money very much and loves the point of being comparable to the dragon. When he first heard that Wu Ye said that these wood abilities were so hot, he had already grinded his teeth. If he was not a wood abilities, he would definitely have to talk to Wu Ye.

Ji Chong is just 21 years old this year. If it is not the end of the world, he is still reading his second-rate university and learning the horticultural department he didn't like after being transferred. Before the outbreak of the virus, he rarely made an angry statement and vowed to transfer to the finance department. As a result, he did not wait for the final exam to wait for the zombies. Fortunately, their family of three is a power. Dad is a powerful fire-powered actor. His mother is weak but very practical to heal the abilities. He is awakened by the wood abilities. In order not to return to his disgusting 'horticulture', he is desperately honed. Wood fighting skills, the result...

The result is not mentioned. Now Dad has changed from the first person in charge to the acting city owner. Although his treatment has not declined in all aspects, the glory of his second child has disappeared. At the same time, he loves the wealth of life, he encountered a local tyrant, and let him do his most unhappy 'horticulture' work. It is conceivable that Ji Chong is uncomfortable with Wu Ye.

However, whenever he sees that Wu Ye is as masculine as he is, and is still the kind of old baby face, Ji Chong will find a strange fast feeling.

Yes, Ji Chong really likes men, but he likes tall and mighty muscle men. Wu Ye, a small bean sprout, is not his dish at all.

Wu Ye now has a very good eye. He looks at Ji Chong's eyes and looks at him... Qin Wuhua, who is next to him, has two buns on his face.