
Chapter 60: Phase

The continuous rains not only make people exhausted, but even the zombies seem to be unable to fight the spirit. Although the ultraviolet rays they hate in the rain have weakened a lot, the same, the rain constantly washes away the smell of human beings, seriously disturbing their hearing and smell. Over time, the zombies on the outskirts of the city were much less, and wandered to other places. The zombie wall that was pushed forward in the last zombie siege has been slowly overthrown by human survivors, and the new zombie wall slowly formed outside the city more than 50 kilometers away from Yucheng.

This is barely the bad news, the only news that can give the Yucheng survivors a little comfort.

The rainy days at the end of September were particularly early in the evening. Heavy rain is not conducive to long-term firearms operations, and has a certain impact on cars. More than once, some people were killed in the battle due to gun damage caused by rain, car breakdown, and were killed by the zombies. Just five o'clock, Qin Wuhua ordered everyone to work, returning, there are still many people in the hunting area to continue fighting.

Now the most common rifle bullets in Yucheng have grown to 4 translucent crystals. This means that if only one level of zombies is killed, even if you pass through the crystal, you will lose at least 3 crystals and hunt to the second-level zombies. Powder crystals can earn 1 through crystal outside the cost, and the zombies still occupy the largest base in the hunting area. The abilities use the abilities as much as possible, and the ammunition supplied on the black market is relatively cheaper, and a part of the nucleus can be saved. For ordinary hunters, the cost of expensive ammunition has seriously affected their income. Some people who are not good at shooting are facing a bankruptcy crisis and will become a poor or even a refugee.

The plague has begun to plunder, and hundreds of people die every day in refugee camps outside the city. As more people begin to contract the plague, the death data is constantly rising. The living conditions in slums are only a little better than in refugee camps, and there are more people than in refugee camps. The number of deaths per day and the level of infection are comparable to those in refugee camps. At present, the top of the city has taken measures to isolate the slums, and it is conceivable that the isolated poor will live a life.

Therefore, even if the weather is late, many people still fight on the front line, trying to kill one or two higher levels of zombies before the twilight is completely down. It is only at this moment that someone will really expect the zombies to speed up their evolution.

Those who were planted with loyalty were originally worried that Wu Ye had not changed in Qin Wuhua. The income of the hunting squad was too high. They fought in the front line and knew the price of ammunition now. Wu Ye took the six. It is simply not enough for ammunition expenses. However, Qin Wuhua is observing Wu Ye's classification criteria, and the daily output is distributed to them in strict accordance with the standards. In addition, the store's income is also allocated according to Wu Ye's promise of 20%, according to their level of ability and contribution, they are allocated to their cards on a weekly basis.

With the crisis that is brewing, many hunters in the city have tightened their pockets. The sales of 'luxury' such as cigarettes, snacks, cosmetics, etc. are falling every day, and the price of medicines has soared to an unimaginable level. height. The penicillin and cold medicines that Wu leaves had once sold out have long been sold out, and the medicines they brought back from Qingyi County have long been robbed.

These medicines have brought more than 500,000 crystal-transparent incomes to Wu Ye. It is just a drug, and there are thousands of crystals that are distributed to each of them. In the course of more than 20 days, they have received a net income of less than 12,000 transcrystals from small stores.

Light on these incomes, even if there is no loyalty, they will never betray. Just kidding, the whole city, except Wu Ye dare to make such a high reward, who else dare? I am afraid that there will be a few people like Wu Ye who are so big in the big place of the capital city.

According to Wu's plan before leaving Wu, Qin Wuhua hired 50 hunters to participate in their team. Qin Wuhua's condition is to give priority to the selection of veterans and the selection of abilities. Among the 50 hunters, very few people were recommended by Su Jianbang Gao Jingshu and others. After careful selection, they entered the team. Among them are 40 abilities and 10 ordinary hunters.

Their daily remuneration is 200 translucent crystals. The guns and ammunition needed in the battle are all provided by the employer. For the time being, this is quite a good reward in Yucheng. What impressed them most was that Qin Wuhua made it clear at the beginning of his employment that he would select the top ten people from them to join their fixed team.

Qin Wuhua's fixed team did not know the specific treatment, but with the team members to work together to train, just to see that they had good meat and good wine, the mites in their stomachs quickly climbed out. A few of the people recommended by Su Jianbang, although they are not aware of their treatment, but they are very close to the recommenders, knowing their enviable living standards, sharpening their heads and trying to fix them. team.

The newly hired hunters did not work with the fixed team. The leaders of Qin Wuhua and Qian Xin were hunting in the vicinity of the fixed team. The hunting nucleus was not counted in the fixed team allocation. These fifty people are all masters selected by Qin Wuhua. Everyone works together. Under such high ammunition costs, the net income per day can basically be equal to that of Qin Wuhua. Qin Wuhua does not need to pay extra money. The cooperation between the two parties is very pleasant.

Qin Wuhua once revealed that the selection of newcomers needs to wait until the boss has finished the matter and then proceed. The newly selected people only listen to Wu Ye's name but he has not seen anyone, but he sincerely hopes that he will return. Of course, I hope that Wu Ye will return in addition to Qin Wuhua, as well as Qian Xin and Ji Yun.

Boss, you are coming back, I can't bear it alone. You are coming back, the head is changing because of you.

Qian Xin's big broken scorpion screamed the lyrics of these two tune every day. Ji Yun lived under the roof with him, and he was almost tortured and mad qaq.

On the day of Qin Wuhua's confession, Wu Ye disappeared without saying anything. Even Wu Ye said that he would wait for a while to come back, but as time went by, his uncertainty and worries came to an end. more.

If he would be wrong, Wu Ye really does not like men, really do not have a good impression on him?

What if he doesn't care about him later?

What if he is angry and never comes back?

Love is caused by love, and love is born. As long as there is a person who is truly in the heart, even a **** with a heart like a cold iron will suffer from loss, not to mention that Qin Wuhua is only a person, a mortal who has a tempting object for the first time.

When he returned to the empty 'luxury house' and looked at Wu Ye's out of the bedroom without any preparation, he looked at his smiling peach eyes, and suddenly he felt that the whole world was bright.

Two less ones have been awkward for many days. Now that Qin Wuhua has calmed down, he specially packed a lot of delicious food back in the drunken court, and is preparing to go downstairs to the kitchen to heat up their dinner.

Qin Wuhua came to him and put his hands on his shoulders. Wen Wen asked: "Do you think about it?"

Two little ear tips are red, and the eyes are dodging: "Think about it? I don't know what you are talking about?"

"I still want to hear it again and say it again?" Qin Wuhua held Wu Ye's cheeks and looked at his eyes seriously: "Aye, I like you."

Two little doll faces burst red, stuttering and saying a 'oh' word, and did not respond for a long time.

The tension in Qin Wuhua's heart is only a lot more than that of Wu Ye. It's just that the dark skin is dark and can't be seen. In fact, the ears are burning up quickly, so the face looks extraordinarily serious. "And then?"

Two little heads are a little dizzy: "Ran...and what?"

"And then would you like to be with me?"

Second, I feel that I should nod, but I used to say that I like men in the past. I am a metamorphosis. Is it not a slap in the face? Zhiwuwu said: "I...I..."

The system feels that the stupid host is simply stupid, and obviously wants to nod in the heart, actually for a bit of it can not understand the awkward death, ah, it is difficult to help him, send a gift to Qin Wuhua.

So Wu Ye was still stunned, and suddenly he had a lot of things in his hands. He subconsciously picked up the things in his hand, and the 'system made' that had never been packaged was actually three more full of 'malicious' bright red characters: lubricants.

I am jealous.

The system instantly senses the blood pressure of the stupid host burst, clearly making it a good thing, why is there a bad premonition? Is it because of the virus?

[1500 points have been deducted, the system gives away free energy, I wish you a happy evening, don't thank me too much. The sound of the system's icy machine suddenly sounded in the ears of Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua. I don't know if it was Wu Ye's illusion. He even heard the taste of 'seeking praise.'

System small bastard, dying of the old man, but also praised a fart!

Qin Wuhua couldn't help but laughed: "Well, thank you, do a good job."

The data in the system chip began to smash again. It paused and whispered a thank you. Before the stupid host made a mistake, he chose the standby item and installed the deadly device quite thoroughly.

Wu Ye couldn't find the culprit. He was not angry when he was holding a lubricant. He didn't know what to say when he burst into a red face. Qin Wuhua's good mood took a sip on his sullen mouth: "Wait for a good bath, we will use it at night."

Two less stupid sluggish for two seconds, then violently thundered: "Who said to use?"

"This is 1500 points. Are you willing to throw it?" Qin Wuhua thought about it and took the opportunity to kiss him. "Hey."

"..." Two less qaq. 1500 points are so expensive, it is a bit reluctant to throw. but--

Oh, your sister! Two pothole jerk!

The confession is also expressed, the mouth is also kissed, even the lubricant is in the hand, and the second less awkward and careful thinking is completely smouldering, simply breaking the can, and when Qin Wuhua plans to attack him for the third time, he Angrily pushed him away and slammed his feet again: "The whole body is a zombie smell, stinking, go to the bath soon."

Qin Wuhua quickly sipped on his cheek: "Follow, boss."

When Qin Wuhua entered the bathroom, the second few touched his lips and face with his fingers. It felt like it was not bad.

Inside the space ring is a vacuum, there is no breeding conditions, the temperature is constant at 10 degrees Celsius, so it has a certain preservation effect. Wu Ye walked into the kitchen downstairs and took out the food and snacks packaged in the drunken court three days ago. The things are still very fresh. He burned some water in the induction cooker, steamed the characteristic soup and crystal shrimp dumplings first. Other things were taken out of the packing box one by one, and it was hot for a while.

The confession is successful, and the introverted, like Qin Wuhua, is also in the mood of Xiaoqu, carefully cleaning himself, and deliberately scraping the Hu Hu who had been shaved in the morning. Put on the camouflage vest on the camouflage trousers, touch the smooth chin, and repeat it several times in front of the mirror. It seems that I can finally understand that the former soldiers were going to meet their girlfriend before the wife...

If they are known by their devil instructors today, they will definitely laugh at the big teeth!

In order to avoid the ignorance of the light bulb, Qin Wuhua specially called Qian Xin and told him that he had something to go out in a while, and did not go to the small building to eat. Not waiting for Qian Xin to ask questions, he pressed the phone and made two steps to the kitchen downstairs in two steps.

Wu Ye almost packed a dozen copies of the dozens of signature dishes in the drunken court, only took 1/3 of the space, and filled the kitchen counter. Qin Wuhua found a spare induction cooker and got along with him for a while before they cooked the dishes. It is because of the indication of the heart, the two people can clearly feel the other's awkwardness and ... oh.

The dining room was next to the kitchen, some simple, only a small mahogany round table was placed. There was a blue and white porcelain bottle on the table, and some fake flowers were inserted inside, which was barely embellished. Two less interesting guys threw the bottles directly into the corner, and the table was full of delicacies.

"Wait for three minutes." Qin Wuhua finished, went to the kitchen to find two red wine glasses, took a bottle of red wine from the refrigerator, and took the bottle opener back to the dining room.

The gorgeous red wine in the white light, set off a circle of extraordinarily embarrassing, a few mouthfuls of wine to go down, a thousand cups of non-drunk Wu Shaobai jade jade doll face actually two more blush.

The wine is fascinating and intoxicating, and the wine is misplaced.

A big meal was not able to taste anything. He was treated as a big meal by Qin Wuhua, chewing it until the middle of the night, and there was no bone residue left.

Daqin said that the color of the meat and the beauty of the lingering and forgetting to return the lubricant can save the heart to the baby, and the second said that the backache of the soft sore is really bad.

Your sister, say good one person at a time? Grave eggs! Deceived paper! Qaq!