
Chapter 120: appointment

Eight purple-black lightnings exploded at the same time as Liu Hangqing's feet. The window glass in front of him was blown apart, and the splash of glass **** brushed his cheeks, leaving a long blood mark on his face.

Liu Hangqing stunned. He didn't expect anyone to dare to do it in the inner city, and he still started to work for him!

There are more than 9 million survivors in the Jiangnan settlement, of which 100,000 are of the abilities, 50% of the 100,000 abilities are first-order abilities, and 45% are second-order abilities. 5% is the third-order abilities. He stood out from the 100,000 abilities, and advanced to the fourth-order abilities. Even if he is no longer the unique fourth-order abilities of the Jiangnan settlement, it is definitely not the object that other abilities can provoke!

A Thunderbolt is just a matter of killing him. It's as simple as pinching an ant. He wants him to understand today what is the equal gap!

Like Liu's temper, Liu Hangqing's temper is very hot. He raised his hand and a huge fireball flew over Qin Wuhua.

In the next second, a bowl of thick water scorpion appeared out of thin air, and the mouth was swallowed to the incredible extent. The fireball enters the water 'after the body' directly annihilated, boiled up, steamed out a smog shrouded around the otter, adding a bit of mysterious, the water squatting is not reduced, banging Liu Hangqing flying Up, on the wall, a spider web crack appeared on the wall with plain wallpaper. Liu Hangqing fell softly on the ground, wowed out a big mouthful of blood, and the whole body was drenched like a chicken. The hands and face of the fruit dew were all hot and red, and he was a fire-resistant person. Personally, maybe it is directly burned.

Silence, Liu Hangqing and his friends were all shocked.

One trick, he was defeated with just one stroke, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back!

And it is a recognized water power with weak attack power!

Wu Ye blackened his face with a cold voice: "The mouth is clean for Laozi, a fourth-order low-level actor, and dare to scatter on Feng Ge's site. I don't know if it is high." If it is not for the inner city, it is forbidden to fight. Wu Ye is not as simple as using water abilities to scare Liu Hangqing.

Qin Wuhua did not speak, and the slender and sharp eyes of the phoenix looked coldly at Liu Hangqing. The eyes were killing and plundering, and the mental power suddenly went out. Some people felt an inexplicable repression and fear in the place.

Liu Hangqing was still not willing to retaliate back. The few dog legs that followed him were just about to scream and scream. After feeling a horrible momentum, Zhang's mouth was wide open, like a **** that was licking his neck, a little bit. I don't dare to speak.

The inner city patrol happened to pass by, seeing the battle here, and rushed over. However, the captain of the patrol is not the idiot of Liu Hangqing. He just received the inside news, and four fourth-order abilities entered the city with more than 20 mutated wolves. Seeing the group of mutant wolves ready to go, the patrol captain's scalp was numb, and he ran his head on the scalp, preemptively making humanity: "What? What? What is it? The inner city is not allowed to fight, what kind of grievances..." He thought It is a small open that does not understand things, and provokes this group of people, which is actually Liu Hangqing.

Liu Hangqing has always been a leader among the versatile people in the south of the Yangtze River. He has a high-level green eye and has set up a team of hunters in his hands. He has not been able to condone his temptations. In the past, Jiangnan's settlement was only a fourth-order actor. The high-level people needed him to fill his face. Not only did he turn his eyes on his actions, but he quietly sneaked him in the dark. Liu Hangqing and his men often do some deceptions, and often clashed with the patrol team. However, some people pressed the patrol to take him. He hated him for getting itchy. It was rare to see him unlucky today. The patrol captain silently gave it to him. Wu Ye and his party liked it. When the words turned, they turned to the Civil Administration Administration and turned it into, "...what kind of grievances go to the city to solve it."

The Jiangnan settlement has nearly ten million survivors. If there is no perfect law, it must not be messed up.

The Jiangnan settlement has continued some of the laws of the end of the world, adjusted some rules, and introduced some new laws and administrative departments that apply to the present. The Civil Administration is equivalent to the police station before the end of the world. Its authority is greater than that of the police. The mediation resolves the contradictions between all survivors.

Outside the city, it is not subject to the law, no matter whether it is hurting or killing, no one will manage it.

With Liu Hangqing's status in the Jiangnan settlement, went to the Civil Administration Department, is it not black and white, is he not the final say? The patrol captain asked them to go outside the city to solve the problem, obviously it is not to let Liu Hangqing take advantage of it.

Wu Ye and a cold look at Liu Hangqing and others did not speak, Liu Hangqing several people were pressured by Qin Wuhua's spiritual power to sweat, did not dare to speak, and finally Feng Yu's men slammed his head and said: "No, nothing. It's just a joke."

Nima, the store has been ruined half, have fun?

The two sides were still silent. Finally, Liu Hangqing's person helped him and left the store in a dingy way.

Liu Hangqing can't figure out how to make it, how can he be inexplicably defeated, just a trick! At this time, he has obtained the information of Wu Ye and others, knowing that they are fourth-order abilities, and also the fourth-order. Why is the difference so big? He even felt that Wu Ye did not do his best. Liu Hangqing's eyes sparkled with jealousy and resentment. However, the eyes of Qin Wuhua's murderous eyes appeared in my mind, and I could not help but feel discouraged.

The battle between Wu Ye and Liu Hangqing happened very suddenly, and the end was very fast. There were not many people on the scene, but there was just one guy who took a mobile phone and a female companion to play street shooting. Just saw this scene and switched to video in time. The pattern, Wu Ye's counterattack, Liu Hangqing's inability to parry, and finally sneak away from the dog's legs, was recorded. He is standing across the street, the video is not particularly clear, but he can definitely recognize the people in the video at a glance.

This person is also afraid of offending Liu Hangqing, specifically looking for a friend who understands hacking techniques, and helps him anonymously send the video to the hunter forum.

The post quickly ignited and was quickly placed by the top. After the evening, the hunter who came out of the mission returned, and the post was fired again.


Xxxx Building: Nima, is a technical synthesis, which abilities are so arrogant, the landlord you made?

Xxxy Building: Upstairs IQ is not an explanation.


Xxyy Building: The savvy wolf army of good prestige, smashing the screen, worshipping. Local tyrant, please give me a big thigh hug!

Xyyy Building: The eyes upstairs are soaked, right? The goddess's legs are so hot and spicy, the goddess, let me give you a baby!

Yyyy Building: Upstairs, you haven't let go of your underage, can you be more of a beast? Let go of that child, let the beast be my beast!

There is a long list of squatting posts behind.

Wu Ye slammed his brain, and the hair was different from what he thought! Underage your sister! A group of teasing!

"Aye wants to go out and walk?" Qin Wuhua continued to drive the car for one day and one night, and made up for an afternoon, the spirit is very good.

Wu Ye's eyeball turned and nodded: "Good! Just two of us, no rabbit boss and big gray."

The smile on Qin Wuhua's face is even stronger: "Good." My heart is sweet and meditation, should this be a date?

The big gray and rabbit bosses were left in Feng Yu's 'hotel'. Feng Yu is very economically minded. He bought an old-fashioned residential building in the south of the Jiangnan settlement. After renovating and renovating, he made a hotel and arranged some houses in the Jiangnan settlement. The rest of the room was rented to the merchants at a cheap price. Team, business has been good. He occasionally brought a caravan to come, and there is also a place to stay, do not have to go to those potholes. Not only save money but also make money.

The hotel is in the outer city, close to the open-air trading area of ​​the Jiangnan settlement, down the stairs, and then walk half a street.

At this time, the hunters have just returned from the outside, it is the time when the open trading area is in good business. This trading area was originally a county square, much larger than the trading area of ​​Yucheng, and it is more abundant to sell, but the vast majority are the old goods collected by hunters from all over the place.

There are also many food stalls, such as vegetarian meatballs, roasted sweet potatoes, barbecue, bean curd, dried bean curd, boiled dried silk, vegetarian steamed dumplings, roasted small potatoes, all kinds of beautiful snacks, etc., and there are many varieties, especially due to lack of necessity. The materials and seasonings, many snacks did not look so good, especially the various snacks, in the words of Wu Ye, it was extremely bad. Snacks are also mainly based on vegetarian food, not expensive, the stall owners can only earn some hardships.

Wu Ye noticed that these people used the contribution point to trade, and others deliberately exchanged the crystal nucleus into a contribution point for consumption.

"It seems that this side is also limiting the circulation of crystal nucleus." Wu Ye ordered a large number of various meat skewers at a large barbecue stall, sitting next to the small table, whispered to Qin Wuhua.

Qin Wuhua whispered: "The nucleus here is more scarce than the city, and there is no way for the nucleus to circulate as a currency."

The Jiangnan settlement has 900 coins, which is not realistic at all. The population of Jiangnan settlement is more than 90 times that of Yucheng, and non-combatants account for more than 2/3. Two-thirds of these people are engaged in planting, construction, industry, scientific research, and Basic industries such as medicine, they are an important force to maintain the normal operation of the Jiangnan settlement, and this part of the people basically have no chance to hunt for the zombie nucleus. They need to maintain their lives, and in the case of banknotes being void, they must have other currencies.

Crystal nucleus, gold, these are hard currency in the Jiangnan settlement earlier, but these 'currency' are mainly concentrated in the hands of hunters, rare and precious, disguised, the value of crystal nuclei and gold will become more and more High, social wealth will become extremely unbalanced in a very short period of time, which will lead to serious social contradictions. There are few small people in Yucheng, and this contradiction will not be particularly prominent. However, the number of non-combatants in the Jiangnan settlement has reached nearly 7 million. If these people are forced to rush, the consequences will be quite serious.

In order to prevent this from happening, the top leaders of the Jiangnan settlement forced the introduction of a new currency, the contribution point, which stabilized or suppressed the value of the crystal core. Like the credit points introduced by Wu Ye, there will be many concessions in the Jiangnan settlements with contribution points. And to encourage and compensate hunters, they also developed a gene collector to identify the zombies that were killed. Through continuous improvement, the gene collector can also identify the level of zombies, faithfully record the hunter's hunter status, and then reward it.

One contribution point for the first level zombies, 10 contribution points for the second level zombies, 100 contribution points for the third level zombies, and so on.

What's more regrettable is that the gene collector can't distinguish the quasi-secondary and quasi-three-level zombies. When recording, they will treat them as low-level zombies.

In order to compensate the hunters, when the powder crystals and red crystals are converted into contribution points, they will be given a 20% exchange ratio on their own value. In the ordinary crystal nuclear trading, there will definitely be no such concessions. Naturally, when hunters receive this type of crystal nucleus, they will choose to convert into contribution points. In addition, the contribution point consumption has a discount in many times, the cumulative consumption to a certain amount, there will be a small rebate.

The Jiangnan settlement also controls the exchange ratio between the nucleus and the contribution point. The ratio is the same as that of the city, 1 transcrystal = 5 contribution points, and so on.

However, the price of the Jiangnan settlement is more expensive than that of Yucheng. The coarse grain of Yucheng sells 5 credits, 1 kilogram, and the sales here are 8 points, and many other materials are more expensive than the city. The variety of taxes is also more, the water and electricity charges must be charged separately, and the cost of living is higher than that of Yucheng. Similarly, the wages of the ordinary labor force here are higher than those of the city. In the final analysis, the survivors of the settlements are similar, and the rulers can and can only provide them with guaranteed wages to maintain basic living.

The hunter's treatment is better, but the value of the nucleus is strictly controlled, and the hunter pays more risk, and the role is equivalent to a 'golden miner'. It is you who mine, but enjoy the value of gold but others.

What makes the Jiangnan settlement more even is that guns, ammunition, gasoline and other materials only accept the nucleus trading, and further extract the crystal nucleus in the hands of the hunters.

Not only the settlements in the south of the Yangtze River, but many settlements, especially large settlements, basically do the same. This is also the reason why Feng Yuyi was not willing to help Wu Ye to exchange nucleus, because doing so fundamentally touched the interests of the top managers of major bases.

The crystal nucleus and the contribution point are a bit greasy, and many people have a number in their hearts. Therefore, in the large settlements, there are also some shops that only collect crystal nuclei. For example, Feng Yu's luxury store only collects crystal nuclei. On the other hand, for the sake of them, Guojing Bank is also eating in the tiger's mouth.

In the case of Liu Hangqing, the top-notch abilities, in order to retain talents, the Jiangnan settlements will give them an additional amount of subsidy for the monthly contribution. In the case that the contribution point is enough, he is certainly not willing to spend with the crystal nucleus.

This is exactly why he started to make a big noise in Feng Yu's shop. He did not hit the tail with a sneak peek, and the loss of Feng Yu's store all let Wu Ye pick it up. Of course, one or two thousand transparent crystals in the district are nothing to be considered by Wu Ye. It is because of the low cost that Wu Ye is unwilling to owe Feng Yu.

Not long after, Wu Ye's barbecue was baked and served on the table.

"Two handsome guys, do you want to come to the two bowls of this restaurant's glutinous powder, the wine tastes full and full of belly, with a barbecue is best to eat, 15 contribution points a bowl, is the signature dish of the small shop, many guests specialize Come and eat it." The boss's mouth is very powerful, and a long list of words is not even a bit.

The two local tyrants opened their arms: "Come two bowls and add two eggs to each bowl. The speed is faster." After eating, he has other things.

The smile on the boss's face is even brighter: "Well, it's good!" Today, luck is good, it is a big buyer. The proprietress is not worried about Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua eating two kinds of tyrants, because her man is a third-order actor, dare to mess? Burn directly!

The barbecue stalls are relatively high-grade, there are a lot of leeks, and the owner still uses the fire abilities to bake things, which is very eye-catching. The taste of the things themselves is also very good, and the business on the stalls is very hot.

Although it has reached mid-March, the temperature has not recovered, and there is still a small snow drifting from time to time, and the climate is worse than in previous years. In this cold weather, drink a large bowl of sweet and sour noodles, smashed sweet and sour slightly sour wine, and the glutinous rice noodles are delicious and delicious. After drinking, they can warm up to the heart. It is accompanied by a spicy barbecue skewer. The second is a pretty red face. The mouth is so hot and red and swollen. It looks funny and looks a bit tempting.

Qin Wuhua spent money, took his hand, pulled people into a dark alley, and opened the door directly.

After a while, Wu Ye panted and pushed open his paws in a harmonious way. He was dissatisfied: "What crazy? This is on the street!"

Qin Wuhua put people in his arms and his voice was very hoarse: "Let's go back and do it."

Wu Ye's straightforward rejection: "Don't go, I can't think of something meaningful in your mind?"

In the darkness, the two little stretched baby faces look very solemn and serious, let the spring|hearted Daqin feel a little guilty: "What makes sense?"

"Are we not dating right now?"

Daqin nodded.

"Dating must be done romantically, right?"

Daqin hesitated, nodded. However, does Aye's brain really have a long romantic rib? How many times is it better than him?

"I saw a brainstorming hall in the inner city, let's play the game!"

What is fun with the game? What is romantic about playing games? It's just a waste of time and life! However, seeing the peach eyes of the two 眨巴眨巴眨巴巴, Daqin silently defeated, silently swallowed the word 'no' back into his stomach.

A Ye is really too spoiled!

Daqin silently sighed: "Go."

Wu Ye took a kiss on Qin Wuhua's face and happily went home to drive to the inner city.

Due to limited conditions, the Brain Game Hall has been changed to be similar to the crowded and noisy Internet cafes around the Z State University. The difference is that there are too few people who smoke in the game hall, and there is basically no foggy 'Fairy World'. The scene.

Two less spent 1000 contribution points packaged a couple small room, full of eyes full of the game guys, have long forgotten expensive questions. After paying the money, I took Qin Wuhua and went to the private room.

Unfortunately, the Jiangnan settlement only provides one online game - race hegemony, the style is a bit similar to Warcraft, but all aspects are much better, more playable, directly using the touch screen operation, for the novice is fun, for the master needs more Quick response and hand speed. Wu Ye took the opportunity to apply for an account and quickly started. Qin Wuhua had passed the age of playing games, and had no interest at all. He opened the hunter forum in the Jiangnan settlement and browsed the posts on the forum.

In the morning, they learned that Liu Hangqing's post has been deleted by the administrator, and all related posts are blocked. The entire forum did not search for related topics. Instead, a group of Liu Hangqing's post that killed the third-level zombies was added to the top. Qin Wuhua randomly clicked to open the video and watched it. When shooting the video, Liu Hangqing should have reached the fourth stage. The fireball and rocket attacks seem to be sharp, but Qin Wuhua believes that this wave of attack will consume at least 1/3 of him. More abilities.

This kind of attack power does not say that he and Wu Yebi are compared with Qian Xin and Zhao Ganyu.

The abilities of the reserves are small, the power consumption is large, and the control of the abilities is shallow. Is there only such a level for the fourth-order abilities without the guidance of the exercises?

Then, what are the two of Li's family, Li Wei and Li Wei?

Qin Wuhua entered these two names in the forum search term, and actually found more than ten posts, one of which actually attached a video. He clicked in and opened the post. It was a three-minute battle video. The video was more than a year ago. It should be the time when the third-level zombies just came out. At that time, the two brothers' brothers' abilities should just enter the third. The order, a strange white flame flew out, the flame is like a skeleton of the bones sticking to the third-level zombies, it will not go out, a gust of wind, the wind helps the fire, the third-level zombies are quickly burned to ashes.

Li Wei and Li Wei have a lot of resources, and others have calculated and designed the cultivation methods for them. Their starting point is much higher than that of ordinary abilities. When he and his team members were sent to perform the mortal task in June last year, the two brothers had both reached the third-order peak. Now ten months have passed, and the two don't know what level they have reached...

Qin Wuhua looked through all the posts one by one, and each of them mentioned their posts and they took them to the altar and became the first power of the Chinese nation. What star of tomorrow, what star of hope, what savior, Qin Wuhua snorted, turned off the post, was about to see other information, and saw Wu Ye looked at him pitifully: "I hang again, that guy too Don't face, help me abuse him!"

Qin Wuhua: "..." Would you please help me face?

"Come on, hurry, I am going to upgrade soon!"

Qin Wuhua: "..."

Therefore, in the virtual performance field, the guy who had just abused the rookie was so refreshed that the rookie became a **** in a second, and he was smothered in minutes.

"Mom, it's too shameful!"

The second is the most likely to cross the river to break the bridge: "You let go, you let go, change me!"

Daqin: "..." was thrown when used up, very good.

In the distant capital, a confidential information was presented to Li Wanglu. After reading Wang Li, he said, "Hey, hey, take it."

Li Wei took the information and slowly looked down. The smile on his face was a bit cold: "It's a bit interesting."

Li Wei was curious: "Whatever, let me see too." Li Wei took the information from his eldest brother. The upper right corner of the document is a photo of Wu Ye.

Li Wei said: "Unfortunately, their abilities are different from me, but the attribute of the surname (Qian Xin's pseudonym) is the same as that of the Achilles. It is ripe, and may help you to go further."

Before the fourth power, there is no special guidance for the power. As long as the talent is good, the crystal nucleus is sufficient, and the time is spent, and with some other means, the ability is improved very quickly. But after the fourth order, if you can only rely on your own exploration, the improvement of the ability is too slow. Li Wei and Li Yuka have been stuck in the fourth-order card for more than eight months, and even used a lot of means to see the light, but only reached the fourth-order intermediate level, and the breakthrough was nowhere in sight. The promotion before the two was too fast and too smooth, and now there is a bottleneck, and that kind of anxiety can be imagined.

Li Wei quickly read the information, and the evil spirit smiled and said: "I have to do the same name and Wu Ye. I am much more beautiful than my little pets." Li Wei's fingers repeatedly rubbed Wu's fingers. The face, the twisted smile in the eyes makes people sick.

Li Wanghao said with a black face: "You give me more thoughts on cultivation."

Li Wei didn't take it for granted: "As long as you give me more wind power, it is not the same thing to repair." Seeing Li Wang's face is even more ugly, Li Wei threw the information on the table and yawned. "Oh, okay, I know, I will not talk about it in the future. Here are three of us, I really don't know what you are afraid of."

Li Wangxun couldn't help himself, and began to hate the lesson of iron.

In the far south, because the latitude near the equator is low, even if the weather is particularly cold this year, the cold air lasts for a long time, and the impact on it is still not too great. In mid-March, in most parts of China, when it was still cold and snowy, some areas in the south had begun to warm up quickly.

After a long winter, the zombies gradually thawed from the cold, and with the zombies thawed, there was something else...

Close to the rainforest, a small settlement of only two or three thousand people, shrouded in darkness without warning. When the morning sun shines into this settlement again, there is only a white bone in the settlement, too soft. There seems to be something creeping in the soil...