
Chapter 114: Temptation

Wu Ye promised to accompany Wu from the oversized oil bottle. Fortunately, He Yushu and Wu Yong, after the rehabilitation of physical fitness pills, the body is much stronger than before, and the energy is strong and does not lose Wu Li and Pang Zhi. Everyone visited a lot of attractions and took many photos. Unfortunately, I only played for six days. Wu's leave was run out and I had to go back to school.

Jia Lijuan wants to go back to her hometown to give her parents a dead grave. When Wu's holiday is over, she and Pang Zhi are on the plane back home. Only the family members, Wu Ye took out the New Year's screen taken with Qin Wuhua and showed it to his family.

In the video, Qin Wuhua made a self-introduction, and Wu Ye was playing next to it, and the atmosphere was very happy and harmonious. After the introduction, Qin Wuhua began to say the New Year message, Wu Ye commanded the rabbit boss to run in front of him to grab the lines and grab the camera. The rabbit's boss's selling three styles are simply too stealthy, and it is too clever to see He Yushu and Wu Li's excitement. Qin Wuhua was interrupted and said that he could not go down. He commanded the big gray to take the rabbit boss away. The rabbit boss was not afraid of the big gray. The big one and the small soon became a group. Wu Ye picked up the side and had eyes. People can see that they are simply playing around.

This New Year's video has no traces of cutting, and it is naturally warm and lively. Wu Yong and Wu Li are both attracted by the ash that pulls the wind. He Yushu has been observing Qin Wuhua.

It can be seen that he does not have any bad thoughts about Wu Ye, and even as much as they can tolerate Wu Ye. But I don't know why, He Yushu always felt that Qin Wuhua gave her a feeling that she couldn't say it. She always felt that something was wrong, and she couldn't think of it. He Yushu's love for the same **** is just to know a concept. There are no such people among the relatives and friends around him. At least, they are all straight in front of outsiders. If Qin Wuhua is a woman, He Yushu must have seen that the cat is tired, but unfortunately he is a man, a son's savior, and a son's buddy brother. Think about Wu Ye and Pang Zhi and Qiu Xiaohao. They often do this, it seems that there is There is nothing wrong with it, and there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

The gas field between lovers is different.

He Yushu did not think deeply, and finally ignored this point.

Out of courtesy, Wu Yong, He Yushu, Wu Li took a blessing video together and let Wu Yezhen bring Qin Wuhua. In the video, Wu Yong, as the head of the family, first of all thanked Qin Wuhua for his care of Wu Ye. He Yushu was able to count down the shortcomings of Wu Ye, so that Qin Wuhua looked at him more. Wu Li now knows that the big gray is not the contracted beast of Wu Ye, and that only the fat and cute white hair ball is! He didn't want to make any evaluations about his brother's various bragging glory. He was a daring arrogant ash, and finally asked Qin Wuhua for a small gray tail.

After the video was not filmed, Wu Ye regretted her face and bulged.

The face is completely gone.

Next, Wu went to class normally, and the mercenary who secretly protected him returned to work. Wu Ye returned home with her parents and went to visit Zhao Jun.

The outside world has been rumored to have a profound knowledge of the Zhao family. You can see the Zhao family's luxury manor in the port city.

When Wu Ye returned to China, he had already passed the eighth day. The guests who had been entertained had already received almost the same, and the manor had resumed the usual quiet. Zhao Jun heard that Wu Ye's family had come to celebrate the New Year, both surprise and excitement. In the morning, he personally went to the airport to wait for someone to pick up.

"Zhao Ge, don't come innocent, and, Happy New Year." Wu Ye laughed.

Zhao Jun hurryed out and handed back to him, and politely greeted Wu Yong and his wife. After a chill, they set foot on Zhao Jun's luxury car. After the car, there were several Hummers escorting the road. The head could not be more adequate. . It can be said that Zhao Jun is giving the face of Wu Jia.

When he arrived at Zhao's Manor, Zhao Chengyuan specially went to the door to greet Wu Ye. He immediately praised Wu Ye for a while, boasting that Wu Yong and He Yushu were floating, but they could not help but have some doubts - was the person he said really their son?

Wu Ye specially prepared a gift, a pair of official kiln blue and white porcelain bottles, the pattern of exquisite workmanship is more difficult to preserve well, Wu mother knows that Wu Ye wants to send this pair of porcelain bottles, the meat hurts for a long time. Needless to say, the starting price of the auction is not lower than 300. It is only a matter of spending a few other antiques. However, Zhao Chengyuan has a new understanding of Wu Ye's shots and shots. There are not many people who have the power to send tens of millions of gifts.

Zhao Chengyuan knew that Wu Ye was coming, and specially invited two old friends to come.

"This is Xu Zhongyuan, Wudang sent a great elder." Xu Zhongyuan wore an old robe, his hair was white, and there was some smell of celestial wind, and the dust was swept away, more like an old god. Of course, just like it.

Mom, the shot is really unambiguous. Wu Ye secretly stunned in her heart. If it wasn't for a few tricks with Qin Wuhua, it wouldn't be so easy to unload the sweeping inner strength. It's a big elder, and there are two brushes. It turns out that there is really a martial arts master in this world.

If Xu Zhongyuan knows Wu Ye's thoughts at this time, he may be mad at vomiting blood. What is the two brushes, labor and capital used 60% of the skill, even a bubble did not take!

Wu Ye extended his right hand politely, revealing two sweet dimples on his face: "Xu Chang is good."

The well-behaved and harmless look almost made Xu Zhongyuan unable to stand up. Don't look at the appearance of his sacred bones. In fact, he was just an outsider. Zhao Chengyuan's friends were no more anxious than his temper. If you don't hear Zhao Chengyuan lightly coughing, he may directly ask the purpose of the trip.

Xu Zhongyuan took a deep breath and extended his right hand with a cold face: "Small friends have such accomplishments at a young age, and the poor road is really admired."

Mom, come back! Then don't blame Laozi for being unkind!

Wu Ye smiles unchanged, and the mobilization and abilities are combined into one. The endurance of the internal force is back, and the endless temperament is just right against Xu Zhongyuan's internal strength. Upon receiving the shocked look of Xu Zhongyuan, Wu Ye smiled and removed the internal strength to withdraw his hand: "Xu Chang has won the prize."

If Xu Zhongyuan's internal strength is quantified as an ability level, it is at best a second-order peak. In the world of ordinary people, it is indeed very powerful and very powerful. It can even be used to kill people invisible, but compared with Wu Ye, it is still too far away.

No way to do it, Xu Zhongyuan's hard work for decades, all rely on the body to produce internal strength, which is comparable to Wu Ye's guidance, and can continuously absorb the nucleus energy to strengthen the integration with the abilities. Strong? Absolutely not comparable.

Wu Ye's practice is placed in the end of the world, purely bullying. However, in this plane, the martial arts did not fall out of the martial arts, Xu Zhongyuan is already the top master of the number. In the face of Wu Ye, they will only be shocked and unbelievable. But the truth of the matter is that Wu Ye is not an ordinary person, nor a warrior. He is a fully evolved abilities. It is no exaggeration to say that he is higher in the life level than an ordinary human who has not evolved.

Xu Zhongyuan lost nothing to him.

Zhao Chengyuan knew that this contest, Xu Zhongyuan lost. He looked at Wu Ye's gaze a little more dignified, and introduced a chubby and solemn monk to Wu Ye: "This is the master of the round wood, the elder of South Shaolin."

The inner strength of the log is only a thicker than Xu Zhongyuan. Since Wu Ye can defeat Xu Zhongyuan lightly, there is no doubt that he can be defeated equally, but he still hopes to try the depth of Wu Ye.

In the process of chilling, once again, the round wood was quickly defeated as expected. He suddenly had some doubts. Can Wu Ye really be the apprentice of that person? The power of Wu Ye has exceeded his prediction. If he is really an apprentice of that person, then what is the power of that person now?

After a moment of loss of consciousness, the log made a low voice, dispelling the puzzles in the bottom of my heart.

After a simple and straightforward exchange, Zhao Chengyuan's evaluation of Wu Ye has reached another level. He originally wanted to talk to Wu Ye very well. He knew that Wu Ye was lacking in martial arts problems. Zhao Chengyuan saw his intolerance and smiled indulgently: "You still play with the military." It's too hard for you to chat with our old guys."

Wu Ye has seen a glimpse of the urban fantasy novels of x points, and he has never only paid attention to the details of the plot. You tell him the advantages and disadvantages of **** acupoints, **** tendons, and **** boxing. He must be able to understand it. . Wu Ye ran out of the living room with a smog under the gaze of Wu's father's hate of iron. The two youngsters were quite angry. The old man didn't know how to understand him. If they had all the stuffing, they all had to finish playing. They didn't reflect on it. When Qin Wuhua taught him with his heart, he was not running the slogan or sleeping.

The system couldn't help but vomit him: [Stupid host, the blind can't teach. ]

This level of attack can not break the face defense, he did not care: [乖 system, you actually learned to bite words, really smart! ]

System: [...] Hey, smart, what, don't think I will eat you! Hello, how the chip is getting hot again, **** virus!

Two less easily transferred the attention of the system, and under the leadership of the servant, quickly found Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun was surrounded by a circle of young people. His eyebrows were impatient. After Wu Ye came over, his eyes lit up and he got up and let Wu Ye sit on his left hand side. Out of the courtesy, he introduced Wu Yeyi to the group of so-called relatives and old watches. There are three descendants of the romantic seeds left by Zhao Chengyuan in the early years. In name, Zhao Jun's uncle is also called.

Zhao Chengyuan is in a romantic atmosphere, but his brain is not bad. The illegitimate children outside can give them a crown and Zhao surname, but none of them have a Zhao family tree. He can give them a worry-free money, but the family business never let them divergence, and they will not give them any inheritance rights. Even if the wife had not been pregnant in the early years, he offered to let him take back those illegitimate children. Also quite insisted that there is no consent.

Zhao Jun is the oldest son of Zhao Chengyuan and his only nephew. The birth of Zhao Jun, I do not know how many people have broken the reverie, I do not know how many times these people have secretly tied up. It is not bad to be able to coexist in one room with each other. This year, Zhao Jun likes the reputation of men to spread thoroughly. Zhao Chengyuan also chose the default and laissez-faire attitude. Zhao, who has been actively welcoming Zhao Jun's blind date, has also stopped, and all kinds of signs have made this group unwilling to settle down. People started to move again.

Today, Zhao Chengyuan and Zhao Jun and his father greet the Wu family's squad. They look in the eyes. These people are sulking Wu's identity while trying to please Wu.

From the small to the big, Wu Ye is the most lacking of such a flattering person. In the past, he would be happy to deal with these people. The last time he wanted to sell an apartment, he was refused to be degraded by the so-called 'friends'. I completely looked at it. Since I can't count on you when I am in trouble, why should you expect to benefit from me now?

Zhao Jun saw Wu Yexing's lack of sufficiency. He quickly dismissed this group of people in a few words and took Wu Ye to go to the manor. After many years of expansion, Zhao's Manor has a large area, pure European Baroque style, very beautiful and beautiful, with beautiful views everywhere. Going to Huxin Pavilion, Zhao Jun retired the bodyguards around him. He talked about Wu Ye's topic: "The goods sent by Pang Zhi, we have already delivered the goods here. After the end of the year, we will transfer the first money. The account you have designated. Subsequent funds will be delivered in the next year."

"Well, when you look back, you can make a direct negotiation with Pang Zhi. He will handle it for me." Wu Yeyi did not care, and made a gesture of trust.

Zhao Jun thought for a moment and said: "After two days, my father will hold an annual big gathering in the open sea of ​​Australia. Many friends will come to cheer. I don't know if Wu Shao would like to enjoy a face and play with me. child?"

Wu Yezhen took a peach eye and asked very seriously: "Is it a food and lodging?"

Zhao Jun haha ​​laughed: "Of course, as long as Wu Shaoken appreciates his face, he will definitely provide you with seven-star service for free."

"Yes, this is what you said. But let me say first, I am only responsible for eating, drinking and having fun all the time." Wu Ye did not want to get too deep in the dark world. But one foot has already stepped in. How easy is it to pull out?

Zhao Jun smiles unchanged: "Wu Shao said what is what, you are my savior, you can do whatever you want. My father held this rally, but wanted to provide a platform for friends to communicate and solve some ordinary small There is a small contradiction between grievances and grievances. In addition, it also provides a good opportunity for everyone to relax and have a lot of fun projects on the boat. If there are any good things in Wu Shao's hands, they can also come up with auctions."

Wu Ye's eyes lit up: "Is there an underground auction?"

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "Yes, there will be a lot of things that can't be seen at the auction. New varieties of drugs, special-standard weapons, messy treasures, antiques, Wu Shao, if you are interested, you can buy In the last one or two. In addition, only the friends on the road will participate in the rally, and other people will participate in the auction. There will be friends from abroad."

"It sounds very lively."

"Of course, after all, it is only one event in a year."