
End of It All

Junhui thought his dreams was a mere fantasy, not until he discovered it was a fragment of his past. After being granted power by The Under Rose Society, he was now tasked to defeat the demons that now roams X City. Will he be able to fully control his powers? Or will his power devour him, leaving it to be the end of it all?

llewnam · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Bounded by Fate

"You shouldn't have brought him here Maotouying!"

Junhui started to regain his consciousness after passing out.

"Everyone, let's take a break shall we? Junhui is now awake," a sweet voice greeted Junhui.

Standing up slowly, Junhui examined his surroundings. He was inside a huge room decorated with marble and accents of Gold and what he presumed to be Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamonds, and other gemstones he could not think of the names.

"Where am I?" Junhui scratched his head as he now realized the four people in front staring at him.

"Welcome Junhui to the Under Rose Society," it was the sweet voice that greeted Junhui talked. "I am Guang, head of the Under Rose Society,"

Guang shone bright, dazzling even without being in the sun. She wore a cape that looked a lot like that of a jellyfish.

"Enough with the introductions, let's start," a small boy spoke.

Junhui looked down and saw someone smaller than him, almost half of his height. Junhui tilted his head wondering why a child was lost in this place.

"Whatever you are thinking, stop assuming. I am older than you, however my height isn't a lot of help," the small boy sighed. "I am Lu," Lu reached out his hand for Junhui to shake, however Junhui picked him up and hugged him.

"Why are you so cute!" Junhui exclaimed, pinching Lu's cheeks. Lu smiled but he interrupted Junhui's joy by asking him to be put down.

"My name is Yinghuochong," a female spoke, the same height as Junhui, she appeared and bowed. She was glowing in a birght neon green color.

"And I am Maotouying, at your service Master Junhui," Maotou said. Junhui was embarrassed by what Maotou has said and he quickly stopped him.

"So why exactly am I here again?" Junhui asked.

"Originally, we were going to tell this to you on your birthday... However, the overlapping will happen a day or two earlier," Guang explained, full of seriousness.

Junhui was now in a state of confusion. He wanted to laugh and call everything a dream, but on the other hand, everything has been too real for it to be called a dream.

Junhui looked at Maotou, afraid of what was going to happen.

Junhui was always an enthusiast of fantasy stories ever since the "dream" of him meeting the owl, which was Maotouying started to occur. He has read countless of stories revolving around the same plot of monsters and powers.

Now face to face with reality, he is now in one of those stories he very much adored. Instead of feeling happy, he felt the opposite of that.

He gulped, he knew that if he try to be stubborn again, nothing will end well. Already accepting the fate bound to happen, he looked at Guang. Eyes filled with determination, but also doubt.

Doubts about himself if he can actually do this.

"What am I going to do?"

Guang was enlightened, she smiled a little after hearing what Junhui said.

"We will not waste any time and begin,"

Guang grabbed Junhui's right hand and pressed her thumb in his palm. A beam of glowing light appeared out of his palm. His surroundings started to shook, thunder growled as his vision switched from black and white.

"What's happening?!" Junhui shouted in fear.

"This is normal, relax," Lu comforted Junhui.

A few seconds later, Junhui felt his palm burning. It was manageable at first but then it became too hot for him to handle. He screamed in agony, kneeling down as he tried to cover his palm.

It was no use.

Maotou looked concerned, he knew that this didn't happen before. He tried to help Junhui out, but before he could reach him, Guang extended her arms, stopping Maotou from approaching Junhui.

"He's in pain!" Maotou screamd at Guang. Guang remained unbothered, she closed her eyes.

Maotou couldn't do anything but stare at his master in worry.

Junhui continued to scream, the pain was now unbearable. He was now rolling on the floor.

"Stop! Please stop!" Junhui shouted again and again.

Minutes later, it finally stopped. Junhui was still holding on to his consciousness. He felt his body being carried by someone, his eyes started closing in.

"Rest for now master," the last words he heard before fainting.

Junhui opened his eyes. Checking his phone, 5:59 AM appeared on the screen.

He sighed and pulled on his hair. The dream he had was too realistic, it felt too vivid.

Doing his morning routine, he took a bath, put on his clothes and got out of his room. He was living alone in an apartment. His parents sent him his daily allowance through his bank account.

Checking his phone again it was 6:18 AM. He still needs to go to the bank to get his money.

He successfully got his money and started walking to his school.

On his way there, he saw one of his classmate getting hit by a gangster.

"This early on the morning?" Junhui sighed. He tried to ignore it, but weirdly enough, he started approaching his classmate.

"Hey, stop doing that to Feng,"

"Is this your friend Feng? He looks weak!" the leader laughed. His minions followed laughing.

Junhui rolled his eyes at them. The leader irritated by what Junhui has done, he threw a punch at him, but Junhui immediately dodged the attack. The gang started attacking Junhui and at the same time, he didn't get hit by any of their attack.

Junhui was surprised by what he did, he tried punching one of the minion. His attack landed and the minion fell face first.

The other gang members looked at Junhui in surprised and started attacking him more harshly.

Junhui also fought them back, knocking out each and every single one of them.

He was face to face by their leader. Junhui was ready to attack. But before he could punch the leader, a black smoke appeared in the middle of them. Junhui unable to identify what was in front of him, he purposely swerved his hand to the left of the leader, completely missing his opponent

Looking at the leader again, the black smoke passed through the leader. The leader growled in pain, kneeling down as he held his stomach.

Junhui watched his opponent standing up. He was different now. His eyes glowed red, as his body morphed into something like that of a demon.

"A monster!" Feng, the classmate of Junhui screamed as he ran away.

Junhui slowly backed away, but before he could run, the demon slammed the ground, causing Junhui to trip and fall.

Facing the demon, it positioned itself to whack Junhui with its fist.

Junhui closed his eyes, hands in front of his face to try and block the attack.

No impact.

Junhui slowly opened his eyes to reveal himself covered in a blue see-through shield. He saw his right palm glowing in a bright blue color, now understanding the situation, it wasn't a dream that he experienced yesterday.