
End Game[EG]

Boredom is one of the problems that many divine beings have to face. Having the power to do almost everything sometimes makes it all boring. "Huh, What would happen if I threw a gift into the mortal world?" The threads of fate have moved. Now, chosen mortals will tread their paths to sovereignty. In a "world" with gods, dragons, elves, cultivators, and a plethora of beings, which one will be blessed? --------- Warning!! This novel contains many protagonists and different points of view. Different perspectives and worldviews. For the guys who love or hate Harem, don't worry, just give it a try. this novel will also have elements of cultivation, magic, alchemy, supernatural powers, etc.  English is not my native language, I apologize for the spelling errors  _ Cover credits: ???

Dark4_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

A New World—Spirit Fragment

"Now is the best time," Yato muttered.


"Master, the consequence the girl will have-"

"Don't worry; I won't force them to go on this mission," Yato replied with a smile. "But I'm sure they will."


[Heads up! New mission issued. The host will transition to a new world]

[Time in the Host world will be stopped]

[Main Quest: Get a Superior or higher level spirit as your alter ego]

[Side Quest: Prevent the Apostle of Fear from completing his objective]

[Rewards: 50,000 points and a special body/physique]

"What?" Keiichi looked at the system screen with a stunned expression. "...I hope this mission is worth it."

His world was now in complete chaos. There is nothing to do. Nobody was safe, and all he wanted was to increase his power.

"System, take me to Yato-"

When Keiichi was going to ask for the system, his bedroom door was opened. He looked over and saw Ayaka, her eyes a little red.

"Ayaka? Did something happen? How is Takahiro?" he asked, a little concerned.

"Well, dad is better, but I…" She couldn't finish her sentence without tears streaming down her cheeks. "Keiichi… I need… to be stronger." Ayaka clenched her fists as horrible memories plagued his mind.

If it were in a normal situation, she would train, but now it wasn't a normal situation. Two beings are trying to destroy her world, so she needs to gain power immediately.

She thought that Keiichi had some way of making her stronger. Even if it meant she had to go through Hellish pain, she was willing to do it.


'System, is there any solution for this?'

Keiichi considered teaching Ayaka magic, but it probably wouldn't work. He could try to strengthen Ayaka using the system's items, but it would be too expensive.

[The world you are going to has items that will work perfectly for this girl]

[She has flames that come from Spirit Palace, so her growth potential is reasonable]

The system answered honestly.

"Ayaka, don't worry. I'll help you." He said with a smile.


"A quest, huh…" Sakura muttered. She was still scared from the previous mission. Being on the verge of death caused a specific trauma in her.


'System, let me talk to Yato first.'

She was thinking about solving her family situation, but luckily her time in the world would be stopped.


"So what world is this?" Keiichi asked Yato. Sakura was beside him; they shook hands briefly and decided to discuss the mission.

"It's a world that has a connection to the lowest layer of the Spiritual Palace. The people of this world make contracts with spirits to increase their power." Yato replied.

"Wait, is it similar to a demon pact?!" Keiichi wasn't about to make shady deals in exchange for power.

"Demon Pact?" Sakura muttered, confused.

"It's similar but different. A demonic pact is a kind of exchange; however, a spirit contract is something more than that. It's symbolic. The spirit contract treats both parties as equals, and both need each other. It's like you make a new friend."

"Oh, I see! It's like those protagonists who get a partner to fight side by side." Sakura said with an anxious expression.

Keiichi thought it reasonable.

"However, the main quest is for you to get a spirit as your alter ego." Yato continued: "Basically, alter ego is about the personification of another fictitious identity and different from your standard personality. Some say that an alter ego would be a product of the unconscious added to wills, desires, and repressed idealizations."

"And what does that mean?" Keiichi asked, confused.

Sakura seemed to get the gist of it, but she still had doubts. How would that work in practice?

"You will have your answers if you accept this quest. It is not a mandatory quest and will have some problematic consequences." Yato made a virtual screen showing a bloody war going on.

"The Spirit Palace was at war with the Abyss long ago. The consequence of that collision was the destruction of multiple universes and infinite lives. Well, in the end, the Abyss won, and the main powers of the Spirit Palace were killed. The war was over— but... you will have the opportunity to rekindle the flames of war again." Yato said with a smile.

"What do you mean by that?!" 2x.

Sakura and Keiichi seemed to shake with fear when they saw the war happening on the virtual screen. They looked like ants watching a lion fight.

"Keiichi, that demon is part of the abyss. He's an important person in the first layer. If you kill him, I'm sure they'll hunt you to death."

Keiichi widened his eyes.

"...It doesn't matter."

He said after composing himself. "If I don't kill him, my world will cease to exist. I don't mind going to war with those demons. I don't mind dying after killing those two."

His tone was firm and decided. What's the point of running away now? From the moment that demon invaded his world, this ending was inevitable.

Sakura watched Keiichi with a bit of admiration and respect.

"But what about me? There aren't any demons in my world, so what do I have to do with it?" Sakura asked, confused.

"Because you are you. I'm sure the spirit you will get is the main issue." Yato replied while eating something that appeared out of nowhere.

"I'm not sure about that…" She mumbled. "This mission puts me at risk, and my family as well."

"Well, I knew you'd say that. How about we make a little deal?" Yato smiled. A smile that sent chills through Sakura's body.

"Deal?..." 2x

"You do the quest with the boy, and I assume the consequences your world will suffer," Yato explained as he got up.

"Are you saying you will protect my world from destruction?" Sakura asked with a hint of surprise.

"I will kill any being from the abyss who tries to do something to your family or your world—but I won't protect you from the consequences. Other than that, only threats related to the abyss. I have nothing to do with threats from within."


Sakura was thoughtful for a moment. If Yato was speaking the truth, then this mission only endangered her. Even though her life was on the line, she had a deep desire, something even she didn't understand.


"I'm in."