
End After Journey

A peasant, poorer than all one day found a jewel. It wasn’t just any jewel but a jewel that made him into a vampire. Look at the story of a lowly peasant rising above monarchs in his journey to conquer the world!

CustomSoul · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Conscription

Lilorinoc, a city bustling with activity! Thousands of people roamed around the market square looking for goods, or just happened to be wandering adventurers. It was one of the biggest cities in the Empire not to mention it was also the Capital of The Great Istorian Empire! This was only one of the many reasons people flocked to the capital! There were hundreds of kingdoms in the world, yet only a selection of them ever became Empires, destroying fellow kingdoms and devouring the land for theirs! They are so strong some even becoming some of the world superpowers. The Istorian Empire was one of that select few, and had one of the most organized and most elite military of all!

Many people came every year from everywhere across the Empire reaching crazy heights of 50,000 citizens wanting to conscript in the army, all with different goals in mind! One came for glory, another for merits. Several came to sustain their families, while others came to impress girls. Many people with different goals in mind came together to become a known figure or have a chance at fame, but few ever did. This year, the military conscription was beginning, and many people had come days, even months in advance just for a chance to join! Their was one such man, in his early twenties, and was here to get a spot in the world famed military! He didn't come just for a spot in the *IIA, but to join the best of the best regiments, from the famed Selryon Guard which guarded the royal family and other known associates, to the famed Imperial Intelligence, the elite of the empire responsible for the most advanced, and most impossible missions only to complete without fail. But, like him, there were always other people out there that also had the same desires, so what set him apart from the rest? Simple, his passion to strive forward, and most of all his passion to… kill? This man's name was William Magnolis, and he was here to shake up this empire, and become number 1! Here is the story of the most successful man, who went from peasant to monarch!

William was a simple minded man, who was strong willed. He had a sharp jawline, with dashing jet black hair, to the most dazzling green eyes, that seemed to pierce through your soul. He was lean, with a overall skinny build. Although he may look like your average person, he was no where near that. His mana pool was so big, it felt like a ocean in the small body of William.

William was here in the capital for his conscription, and nothing else. He didn't want any trouble, and would sleep on the streets then sleep in a noisy crowded inn. The time right now was around the afternoon, soon approaching the evening. He made his way towards one the busiest stands in the plaza, the IIA conscription stand. A long line sprouting from the stand stood, reaching all the way to the edge of the market. If he wanted to enter the back of the line and wait his turn, William would have to walk all the way to the ended of the plaza which was really big. He didn't wanna walk all the way back, so he resorted to what children called "budging". He looked around the front of the line, for someone dumb enough to fall for his tricks, and not recognize him afterwards. Then he saw the perfect target. A clueless noble boy kept on straying from the line only to return, a few seconds later. He most likely had told someone to hold his spot, and for some reason never stood still.

William rolled his eyes and thought, 'Typical Nobles'. They all always thought they could buy their way into things, and sadly they were mostly right. He then walked forward trying his best to fit in the crowd, by puffing out his chest, holding his head high, and acting completely upbeat. He had learned from someone that the best way to lie was to completely believe the lie yourself. He then strolled toward the line, and tapped on the man in front of the noble. The noble had wandered off somewhere, and would probably return soon so he had to make this quick.

"Hello, fine sir" he said to the man. The guy had an overall average and was slightly handsome, but Magnolis and he were mostly the same size with the same proportions. The man turned around and said:

"What do you want?" he said gruffly.

"Oh, I was wondering if I could get in line behind you? I'll pay you handsomely" said William.

"No, I refuse, '' he said blatantly before turning around. William rolled his eyes, and decided to just get in right behind him anyway. It's not like the guy could really do anything. While the guy right behind him was distracted he slipped right in, making himself at home, and while not alerting the man in front of him. Soon the noble returned, and without noticing William attempted to get back in line. William was furious. Who did the noble think he was trying to get in front of him while he had clearly left the line. William grabbed the noble by the back of his shirt and threw him out the line.

The noble was sent flying to the pavement smashing into the ground. William was suprised by how light the noble had been, but the man that was infront of William quickly rushed toward the noble only to see him passed out and unconscious with a line of blood running down his forehead.

"VICTOOOOOOOR!" yelled the man at the top of his lungs. He then turned towards William with bloodlust eyes.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT. COME HERE YOU SON OF A B*TCH!" the man said gently putting Victor's body down, and rushing towards William. A sword magically appeared in his hand and soon he was right infront of William. He then jumped in the air with a sword, and attempted to slice his body in half. As the man neared him, William sensed a presence of thick flow of some kind of substance. William, who was in the middle of putting up a defensive posture, stopped in his tracks, for he had just seen something that would scare any normal person away senseless. William however, was not normal by any means. His body was shaking with fear while his mind was clear, and calm. Out of seemingly nowhere, the man's body then froze midair and his limbs slowly contorted in the most painful angles until he was standing as straight as a statue with his arms directly at his sides. He tried to move in every which way, but all his limbs were frozen, and the only thing moving were his eyes. Even his mouth was closed shut, not allowing a single sound to escape from his lips. He looked around wildly, only to notice no one infront of him doing anything but staring in fear. Even William was on the floor shaking with fear, and couldn't do something like that. Then he heard a voice:

"This is Knight, Davidson speaking. You have been cuffed for attacking a fellow civilian while in line. You are currently being detained until further notice" the Knight said at a moderate volume. His head then swiveled in the direction of William.

"William Magnolis, step forward." William went cold with fear. What did a Knight want from him? He was just a simple, nobody. He however did not want to get in trouble for disobeying orders so he quickly stood up, and hid his emotions behind a poker face. The Knight seemingly looked at him approvingly before saying,

"William, you were attacked by this fellow over here correct?" said the Knight in a calm tone. Victor however, due to his outside appearance looked calm, but his insides were in turmoil. He still answered the question, but to not get in trouble he had to act like he was scared. Quickly before anyone noticed his expression he contorted his face, making it seem like he was scared, and… started bawling like a baby.

"H-h-he attacked m-me with a s-sword I think was infused with m-m-mana. I think he tried to kill m-me" he said with a fake stuttered voice before bawling like a baby. The Knight however surprised him by not taking his side:

"If you're going to whine and complain like a baby, and immediately get scared like that, you have no place in the Imperial Istorian Army. You might as well go home, and continue doing what you were doing with your life previously" the Knight said with a cold distant voice. William was shocked, and was surprised beyond measure. He never in a million years thought that the Knight would criticize him, instead of helping him. He then fixed his tone, and voice, re-fixing his expression to a poker face.

"I think I know enough of what happened now. Victor, and you young man will not be allowed to conscript in the military this year. Please gather your things and leave the stand. As for you William, don't lie next time. You have been warned." said the Knight. He un-cuffed the guy, and motioned for him to leave, but not before snapping his hand for an attendant to escort them away. He then turned away but not before saying,

"William, report to IIA headquarters tomorrow morning. The rest of you, shows over and so is the conscription. If you wish to attend the physical evaluation, report to IIA headquarters tomorrow at high noon with all your belongings. Please be on time, as failure to show up on time will result in immediate fail of the IIA entrance exam. We don't want that now do we?"

The crowd that once stood still immediately dispersed while some ran away, while others simply walked. William was shocked! How had he got in the IIA? What was to be of him? Most of all, why did the Knight want him to come before everyone else? There was simply to many unanswered questions, and so little time. In a daze, Victor walked off towards home to collect his things. Tomorrow he would have his Entrance Exam! His journey now begins!


IIA: Imperial Istorian Army