
END: 2012

"END: 2012" is a compelling drama set in the year 2012 during a supposed global apocalypse prediction. Edward, a businessman, finds himself in Seoul, Korea, with his wife, Sarah, and their 7-year-old son, Alex. As news of the impending apocalypse spreads, the city is engulfed in chaos and uncertainty. Edward tries to keep his family safe and composed amidst the tense atmosphere, but the weight of the situation weighs heavily on him. As rumors and fear intensify, he decides to address the situation with his family, reassuring them that there is no scientific evidence supporting the prophecy. However, Sarah suggests cutting the business trip short and returning home, while Edward's work commitments leave him torn between his family's safety and career. As the days pass, the hysteria around the supposed end of the world escalates, and Edward's anxiety increases. Amidst the chaos, he witnesses inspiring acts of kindness and camaraderie, as people come together to support each other during these uncertain times. In an attempt to bring some normalcy to their lives, the family explores the city and tries to distract themselves from the gloomy news. However, Alex's anxiety grows, and he seeks reassurance from his father, leading to emotional moments between them. As the situation unfolds, Edward's determination to protect his family strengthens, and he realizes the importance of cherishing every moment together. He navigates the complexities of balancing work responsibilities and family safety, making difficult decisions for their well-being. Throughout the journey, the family learns the true meaning of resilience and love, finding strength in their unity. As they face their fears together, they discover that even in the darkest times, hope and human connections can overcome the most daunting challenges.

B_l_a_n_k_2167 · Horror
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4 Chs


The sun continued to soar in the sky, casting its haunting red glow, the constant earthquakes made it clear that the world was still in the grip of a catastrophic event. Edward and his family knew that they needed to find a safe shelter to protect themselves from the ongoing seismic activity.

With their hearts heavy with fear and uncertainty, they set out on foot, searching for any signs of a safe haven. The city's infrastructure had been severely damaged, making navigation difficult. Roads were cracked, and buildings lay in ruins, creating obstacles at every turn.

They encountered others along the way, all seeking refuge and safety. Together, they formed an impromptu community, sharing information and resources as they navigated the perilous landscape. They held on to the hope that there was a place they could find where the tremors were less severe.

Edward, Sarah, and Alex scattered around, the world around them remained a chaotic landscape of destruction and uncertainty. They trekked through the battered remnants of cities, villages, and countryside, all the while searching for a place where the tremors were less severe.

Their journey was filled with both heartache and moments of hope. They encountered people from all walks of life - individuals who had lost everything, families searching for their loved ones, and communities coming together to survive.

In their search for shelter, they faced many challenges. The aftershocks continued to shake the ground beneath their feet, making every step treacherous. Supplies were scarce, and they had to rely on their resilience and resourcefulness to endure.

As they moved from one place to another, they formed bonds with the people they encountered. They shared stories of loss and survival, finding solace in the understanding that they were not alone in their struggles.

Among those they met were local leaders and volunteers who were organizing relief efforts and providing aid to those in need. They offered assistance wherever they could, lending a helping hand and contributing to the collective effort to rebuild.

Through their travels, they discovered small pockets of stability where the tremors were less frequent and less severe. These hidden havens offered temporary respite from the relentless earthquakes. Edward, Sarah, and Alex knew that they had to keep moving, searching for a more permanent solution, but these moments of calm provided much-needed relief and hope.

As they continued their journey, they also encountered other survivors who had banded together to form tight-knit communities. These groups had found ways to cope with the devastation, sharing resources and knowledge to survive in this new world.

In these communities, Edward, Sarah, and Alex found a sense of belonging. They shared their skills and experiences, and in return, they were welcomed with open arms. The bond between the survivors grew stronger, each offering support and comfort to the other during their darkest times.

With each step forward, they kept the memory of their former life alive in their hearts. They held on to the hope of finding a place where they could begin anew - where they could rebuild and create a future despite the uncertainty that surrounded them.

The search for shelter was not just a physical journey but also a journey of the spirit. They had to overcome fear and despair, drawing on their love for one another and their indomitable spirit to persevere.

Through their travels, they witnessed both the worst and the best of humanity. They saw the devastation brought on by the catastrophe, but they also witnessed acts of kindness and compassion that reaffirmed their belief in the resilience of the human spirit.

As they moved from one place to another, the landscape of their journey reflected the world they now inhabited - a world forever changed by the catastrophic events. But amidst the ruins and devastation, Edward, Sarah, and Alex continued to hold on to the hope that somewhere out there, a place of safety and solace awaited them.

And so, they pressed forward, united in their pursuit of shelter and a new beginning. Their journey was far from over, but with each passing day, they grew stronger - not just in body but in spirit. They knew that as long as they remained together, as a family, they would find the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead, guided by the beacon of hope that had led them this far.

The search continued and the situation began to get worse. As the supplies with them were getting lower day by day and humanity was hanging on a tightrope. Edward and his family stumbled upon a group of rogue-like people who were snatching supplies and belongings from an elderly couple. A young child was trying to resist those rogue-like people while protecting those elderly people.

Edward, Sarah, and Alex were horrified to witness the ruthless actions of the rogue-like group. They couldn't stand by and watch the innocent elderly couple being victimized, especially with a brave child trying to protect them.

Without a second thought, Edward stepped forward, his voice firm with determination, and said, "Stop right there! Leave them alone!"

The rogue-like people turned their attention to Edward's family, sizing them up. They seemed to be considering their next move, trying to assess if Edward and his family were a threat.

"We don't want any trouble," Sarah said, her voice calm but resolute. "We're just looking for shelter and trying to survive like everyone else."

One of the rogue-like individuals sneered and replied, "Survival ain't a luxury anymore, folks. It's every man for himself out here."

Edward knew that reasoning with these individuals might be challenging, but he couldn't stand by while they terrorized others. He took a step closer, shielding Alex and Sarah, but making it clear he wouldn't back down.

Just as tension escalated, the brave child who had tried to protect the elderly couple stepped forward. Tears welled up in the child's eyes, but there was unwavering courage in their voice as they said, "Please, leave them alone. We're all struggling to survive. There's no need for this violence."

For a moment, the atmosphere hung in uncertainty. The rogue-like group seemed taken aback by the child's bravery and compassion. An internal struggle played out on their faces as they weighed their actions.

Finally, one of the members reluctantly nodded, saying, "Fine, take what you want, but remember, we're all just trying to survive."

The group disbanded, and the elderly couple and the young child were left unharmed. Edward, Sarah, and Alex breathed a sigh of relief. They had stood up to cruelty, but the encounter left them shaken.

Edward went close to those elderly couples and that young child. Edward's heart went out to the elderly couple and the brave young child who had shown such courage in the face of adversity. Despite the uncertainty of their own situation, he knew that they couldn't leave these vulnerable individuals behind.

"Are you alright?" Edward asked, concern evident in his voice.

The elderly couple nodded, grateful for Edward's intervention. The young child looked up at him with tearful eyes and said, "Thank you for helping us. We don't have anywhere to go."

Edward looked at Sarah and Alex, and they nodded in agreement. They couldn't turn their backs on these people in need. "You don't have to worry. We're on a search for shelter ourselves, but we'll do our best to find a safe place for all of us."

With newfound hope, the group set out together, their combined strength making the journey feel a little less daunting. They shared stories along the way, finding comfort in the fact that they were not alone in their struggles.

Days turned into weeks as they searched for a place that could provide some semblance of safety. The tremors still continued, but they had learned to brace themselves and find strength in one another's presence.

Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, as they relied on each other for support and encouragement. They took turns carrying the elderly couple's belongings and ensured the young child was cared for and protected.

The world around them remained a shattered landscape, but they held on to hope, knowing that unity and compassion were their greatest weapons against the darkness.

As Edward and his newly formed family of survivors ventured through the shattered landscape, they were startled to encounter a group of Seoul Military personnel. The military had been actively engaged in rescue and relief operations, trying to provide aid to as many survivors as possible.

At first, Edward and his group approached with caution, not knowing whether the military would be a friend or foe. However, the Seoul Military personnel recognized their weariness and desperation and immediately offered assistance.

"We're here to help," said one of the soldiers, extending a hand in a gesture of peace. "We've been looking for survivors, providing aid, and trying to establish safe zones."

Edward explained their journey, how they had been searching for shelter and had encountered many challenges along the way. He introduced the elderly couple and the young child, and the soldiers welcomed them all with empathy and understanding.

The Seoul Military personnel offered them food, water, and medical attention. They informed the group about a nearby military-operated shelter that had been set up to accommodate survivors. The shelter was relatively secure, and the military had managed to establish communication with other relief teams worldwide.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Edward and his family, along with the elderly couple and the young child, decided to join the shelter. They knew that safety in numbers was crucial in these troubled times. But once they reached the shelter, their group was stopped at the gate. It was for search and investigation. According to the Military person who was in charge there, he explained how the rogue-like people caused problems inside the shelter which is why they need to go through search and investigation. The military soldier who had secured Edwards family tried to intervene but the person in charge denied it and ignored him. The person in charge looked at the group of people and noticed The elderly couple and the young child with them. He only gave them a permit to enter the shelter. However, those three wouldn't go without Edward and his family. Edward convinced them to go on and he promised them and the young child that they will be with them soon.

Edward felt torn between the promise he made to the elderly couple and the young child and his responsibility to his own family. However, he knew that the shelter offered the best chance of safety and stability for everyone. Reluctantly, he urged the elderly couple and the young child to go ahead without them. "We'll catch up with you soon," he reassured them, trying to put on a brave face. "It's important that you go inside and find safety. We'll join you as soon as we can."The elderly couple looked hesitant, but the young child, who had shown such bravery before, now displayed a sense of understanding. "Okay," the child said with a nod, holding back tears. "But promise you'll come, okay?"Edward nodded solemnly. "I promise. We'll find each other inside the shelter. You'll be safe there, and we'll be there soon."With a heavy heart, Edward watched as the elderly couple and the young child were escorted inside the shelter. He felt a mix of emotions - relief that they would be in a place of relative safety, but also worry for what lay ahead for his own family. As they waited for their turn to go through the search and investigation, Edward and his family kept their resolve. They knew that they needed to cooperate with the military personnel to ensure everyone's safety. Edward knew that it had something to do with them being a foreigner to their land. Finally, their turn came, and they were subjected to the search and questioning. The military personnel were thorough, inspecting their belongings and asking them about their journey and encounters with other survivors. As the investigation concluded, the person in charge handed them the permit to enter the shelter. Edward's heart sank, fearing that they might be separated from the elderly couple and the young child indefinitely. Before they could proceed, the military soldier who had initially secured Edward's family stepped forward, urging the person in charge to reconsider. "They're good people," he said, gesturing toward Edward's family. "They helped others along their journey, and they're not a threat."The person in charge remained firm, but he seemed to waver slightly. After a moment of tense silence, he spoke, "Fine, they can enter. But they'll be under close observation."Edward felt a mix of relief and gratitude toward the military soldier who had vouched for them. He thanked the soldier quietly as they made their way inside the shelter. Inside, they were reunited with the elderly couple and the young child. The relief and joy in their faces made everything worthwhile. They embraced each other tightly, thankful to be together again. The shelter was far from luxurious, but it offered a sense of security that had been absent during their journey. They joined the community of survivors, each person bringing their own stories and experiences.

Edward was in a new place surrounded by new faces. Each of them had different stories to tell.

Outside the shelter, the Sun that had gone through drastic change was emitting an ominous aura.

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