
Encounter with the Unknown (true to life stories)

This is a compilation of true to life experiences towards the unknown. Not fantasy, not fiction. All real.

tearless · Urban
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Smoldering eyes

Chapter one : Smoldering eyes

This is my true experiences to the unknown through out the years . It might not be believable to others but everything I saw, everything I experience , everything happened , I know to myself, everything is real.

One of my earliest experience happened inside my own home. Year 1999, I am an Elementary student. That time , our city frequently experienced brownout. It is not a big deal to us as we are used to it . One Friday night, after dinner , we got another brownout. My big brother get out of the house and hangout with his friends outside. My mother and father stay in the first floor while me and my younger sister gone up to the second floor armed with our fans and gas lamp.

Our second floor and stairs are made out of wood, so when anyone go upstairs, the one on the second floor can definitely feel it. Our second floor don't have any partition , it is just a long room with two beds, one for my brother near the stairs and one for the two of us sisters at the other end. When we are lying in bed, we can still see the landing of the stairs.

My little sister is kinda early sleeper that time, just 9pm and she's knockdown. While me, a bookworm, use the gas lamp to read. While reading , I can feel someone with heavy steps is walking up the stairs. I quickly shut my book and hid it, I am not allowed to read to books in gas lamp that time. I look at the stairs and saw someone.

I saw my father staring at me. I wait for him to speak and also wondering why he gone up. My father seldomly go up the second floor. After moment of staring, I ask him " bakit Tay? (Why papa?), He didn't reply,just continue staring at me. Looking at him, I notice how red his eyes is, smoldering red, but I thought that time ,maybe he done some welding at his work ( he is a mechanic).

I ask him again " Tay bakit?"( Papa, why), again ,nothing. So I stand up from the bed and take the gas lamp with me. I walk toward him near the stairs and look at him. I notice he is standing in the second to the last step of our stairs. His feet and lower body didn't reflect any light. Just a black shadow, and thin limbs. I was taken aback cause I can clearly see he is a little less taller than my father and thinner too. And he is unmoving! I feel cold in my gut,my hand clammy, I realized there is something wrong with him, then I heard my mom speak down stairs. She is asking something to my father. And I heard my father answer him. I stood woodenly after hearing that! While inside my head I keep asking "who the hell is this person infront of me?!", With cold hands and feet , I almost fly towards the bed where my sister is! Thank God I didn't drop that gas lamp and manage to put it in the table beside our bed. Even though it's hot, I take the blanket and cover myself in it. Teeths chattering, heart thudding, I hold on to that blanket with my dear life until I calm down!

I let minutes passed until I gather my wits and courage to see if that person still there. I take a peek and I regretted it immediately! He is still there! Just looking but more blurry that before! But the eyes, I can't forget that red smoldering eyes. It is terrifying. Until now when I remembering about it, I am still scared.

I manage to fall sleep with blanket on the entire night. I didn't even care how sweaty I am . I just don't want to see him again! , And my sister, she didn't even budge no matter how I nudge her.

In the morning, my mother ask why I sleep with blanket all over me last night. She know I don't use blankets while sleeping. I tell her what happened that night. She said maybe it is my uncle who died that year,. Just taking his visit. I didn't argue with her but I knew, it is not him. He is different.