
Encounter: The Rising of Luna

Eratonium, the most precious and powerful stone of the whole realm finally chooses its owner, a young eighteen-year-old werewolf girl who doesn't know anything about it and the evil world revolving around her. She has to find her rightful mate on her own and crack the mystery of her pack's destruction and her parent's disappearance. This is the story of her journey from being the weakest to the strongest Luna, her journey of falling, betrayals finding her rightful mate, and being able to protect the werewolf world. Disclaimer: This is a werewolf story but also has a lot of magic involved in it. As this is fantasy story, I would request readers not to search for facts. It's solely the imagination of my mind. Please don't forget to vote with your power stones cause it's an Eratonium for me and comment on the story. That's a motivation. Have a nice reading. Thank you!!!

Rosechrys1 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Wash me?

Chapter 5 

Kimberly's POV: 

"How did Alpha know about this?"Beta Simon growls. He turns his gaze to Archie like he has doubts about what exactly might have happened. 

"Don't look at me like that. I did that for the benefit of the pack and you. And how could you risk your own life for her? Who the hell is she that you were trying to sacrifice yourself for her?" he roars. 

I can vividly see that he hates the fact that Beta Simon was going to risk his life for me and I am clear that he hates me too. To be honest, I too cannot understand why he risked so much for me. 

"Archie! Why did you even do that? What if she was innocent? You all guys would have killed an innocent person," he walks to him and grabs his collar in a fury. This all is happening right in front of my eyes and I cannot do anything at all. 

"What if she is not innocent and she kills all the members of our pack? Don't you remember her?" he shouts and jerks Simon's hand from his collar and walks away from there. 

Beta Simon turns to me and traces his feet towards me. 

"Archie was never like that. He is a good boy and he behaves well normally," he smiles. I can tell from his smile that it's a forced one. 

"He hates me. You are not a problem but I am," I speak in a low voice. 

He doesn't speak a word. 

"So, what have you thought? I am sure that you aren't going to do any harm to the pack but why were you like that in the midst of the forest?" he asks me. 

"I…I…," I want to speak. I want to tell him everything that had happened to me, my pack, about the stone. I think I can trust him but…

I just cannot tell him. The moment I want to tell him, the huge flames of fire come in front of my eyes, and the sounds of the members of my back burning in there. Their painful moans and bleats make me want to cry when I remember all that. 

My hands start to shake and my eyes get teary. It's more like a trauma to me now. 

"I… I don't want to talk about it," I say much like a whisper and turn around to take a nap. He doesn't say any words to me. Instead, he closes the curtains. After closing the curtains, he stands in front of me. He doesn't still speak anything. Instead, his face shows the expression that he will let things go until I am comfortable enough talking about it. 

"A lot of people don't know about this place. It's only me, Alpha, and Archie who know about this place. Alpha won't do anything to you for the next seven days. He is a man of words. So, you can just rest well here. I am going out. You don't have to worry about the food and other stuff. I will send someone to get you the stuff you need," he says.

I quickly turn away to see him when he says that. 

"Who… Who is going to come?" I ask. 

"You don't have to worry about that. You can trust that person," he adds. 

"Should I switch off the light or leave it on?" he asks. 

"Let it be on, please," I murmur. 

He departs closing the door and leaving me alone there. I have no idea what should I do next. Where should I go? And whom should I seek help from? Life has been so much challenging in the last few days. 

I push the duvet that was thrown a few moments ago away from my hands and look at the bruises and the blood on my skin. 

He shouldn't have put me directly on the bed. The parts of my body are still not clean. I have dirt, blood and so much sweat in me. I want to wash my body before anything. 

"Kim, clean yourself before you get in the dining hall or I am not going to give you any food huh," my mother used to shout like this. She always made sure that I cleaned myself before I presented myself in the dining hall. She would buy me pretty dresses, beautiful ornaments, headbands, and hairbands for me. She always touched me and adored me saying how much she always wanted to have a daughter like me. 

I grizzle as I remember my parents. The thick drops of tears fall down my eyes and land on my hands making the bruises pain more. 

If only I could walk, I would have run away from here. I don't want to put anyone's life in danger because of me. I don't know when I am shifting. I guess it would have been better if I had shifted. At least, I would have been strong because of my wolf. 

I lay myself on the bed and try to take a nap but instead, only the tears fall down my eyes. How long is this going to happen? 

I don't have any plans to stay over here. My mother has assigned me a job, to find Nathaniel but I am lost. I don't know where am I. If only, I could know about this place. 

I have never heard of Blue Moon Pack. Maybe because our pack was less associated with other packs. It was a symphony of peace in our pack. I don't even know how am I going to search for Nathaniel. 


I hear a voice suddenly. I wake up from the bed and turn my head around. I wonder who could call me. 

Am I just imagining the things right now? Someone just called me exactly in the way that my mom called me. I cannot be mistaken. This is her voice for sure. 

I look around to check on her but I don't find anyone there. Was I imagining right now? 

Maybe, I remembered my parents so much that I am hearing their voices now. 

At the same time, someone knocks in the door At first, I get scared of it. I don't want Archie or Alpha to be behind that door. 

But the door opens before I can even ask who is it. My heart pounds heavily as the door opens. Please, don't let it be any of them. 

But instead of them, a girl enters the room. She is gorgeous. She has short hair cascading just below her shoulders straight and brown in color. Her face isn't so white. It's tanned like she has been sitting in the sun for a very long time. She is wearing a pair of white pajamas and a loose black T-shirt.

"You don't have to be shocked. Simon sent me for you. Don't freak out," she says as she enters the room. 

She is carrying a basket and other bags with her. She places all of them on the table a few inches away from the bed. 

"What are you called?" she asks while taking out the lunch box from the basket.

"Kimberly," I answer. 

"Kimberly? You have a nice name but a bit long. Can I just call you Kim?" she asks. 

Kim? Just like people in my pack? 

"Yes, you can," I answer. 

"Have this breakfast for now." She hands me a plate of porridge in front of me and looks at me weirdly. 

"Can you?" she asks again. 

"Well! Let me help you for this time. But you have to do it on your own the next time, get that? I hate nursing the people," she grumbles and sits on the bed, scoops a spoon of porridge, and places it in front of me, signaling me to open the mouth with her eyes. 

"You don't have to worry at all. It's not poisoned. Remember, we cannot even kill you or touch you until the next seven days. So, you don't have to doubt the food. And the next thing is, it's Simon who sent you the food and all your other necessities, not Alpha Asher," she says as she places the food into my mouth. 

So, the heartless Alpha's name is Asher. 

"Call me Ashlyn," she says. I nod my head without any expression. 

"By the way, what is wrong with Simon that he is so adamant to protect you? I have never seen him go against my brother or anything in the pack. And even with Archie. I don't get why did he even save you in the first place and risked his life for you?" 

I can find the disappointment in her voice. She…doesn't like me too. 

Well! They won't like an outsider for any reason. It's quite logical for them to hate me. I think I can understand them. 

"Do you know, you have just intruded in the years-long friendship of those people? They were unbreakable but seems like they aren't," she says as she stands up after I finish the porridge. 

"Oh! I didn't know that," I say with sadness in my voice. It is never my intention to do that. 

"By the way, you eat a lot for being a sick person." Her voice softens at this time. 

"I haven't eaten for days," I say. Yeah, I don't know how long I have been lying on that ground. But even if I count it as a day, I have been hungry for already two days. 

"What? Are you chased away? Or did you run away from somewhere? Why didn't you eat for days?" she asks. 

"Don't you think I am a danger to the pack just like others?" I ask with a low voice. 

"What could an itsy-bitsy wolf who hasn't even transitioned till now do to a strong pack like ours? And if you were capable of destroying this pack, you would have fed yourself first," she comments. Her face doesn't change into any expression. She doesn't pity me at all but she doesn't hate me too. 

She … just thinks I am nothing. 

"But are they friends? Those three?" I ask. 

"Them? Yeah. For years," she says. 

They have been friends for years and even after their strong friendship, the Alpha wanted to kill Simon instead of me, just because I am a stranger. How badly were they attacked before that he hated strangers to the extent that he can risk his own friend's life? 

"But first, I think you need a wash girl," she creases her brows. 

I need to but…

"I can't. I can't wash my body," I say. 

"Don't worry. I will help you," she adds. 

"Huh," my eyes enlarge with a shock. 

Hello, everyone! It's my first time writing here. Please, help me by reading the book and commenting. Your comments and suggestions will surely motivate me. Thank you. Have a nice day!!!

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