
Encounter Again

An unexpected coincidence brings the two people's originally staggered destinies together again. On one side is the old love who wakes up and wins back, and on the other side is the "old friend" who has been separated for many years. What decision will Zhou Ji'an make? Will people fall in love with the same person at different times in their lives? Will the person who has fallen in love once fall in love again?

Yule_Y · Urban
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16 Chs

Episode1. Encounter again 1

Zhou Ji'an had never thought that it would be so difficult to go out today.

Yesterday, on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, Qian Wenyu said to her, she remembered a very appropriate poem: Alone in a foreign land for the foreign guest, every festive season doubly homesickness.

And then she pretended to snot and tears flowed out together to sell misery to her.

She also said she was unfilial and that she could not be on her parents' knees to do filial piety during the Mid-Autumn Festival, which was such a great festival time.

Her parents could only face each other at home, miserably dry-munching on mooncakes and looking at each other with two eyes.

This one phone call took more than an hour.

Qian Wen Yu quoted classics throughout the entire phone call, and the richness of her poetry system and the fullness of her emotional expression couldn't help but make Zhou Yunan begin to suspect that back then when Qian Wen Yu's Chinese in the college entrance exam didn't reach 140 or above (with a total score of 150), the problem was with the marking teacher.

However, she also knew the purpose of this call very well. Qian felt that Zhou Ji'an wasn't in her own hometown and would inevitably feel a bit lonely at times like that, and Qian was the one who had dragged her home for the holidays before.

Since she left the country, she hasn't left her alone for the holidays either! And every holiday, Qian comes so as to play this trick, and she has long seen through her!

This year, when her family went to the graves of the Ching Ming Festival, it was Zhou Yunan who inserted incense for her ancestors!

It's also hard for her to come and sing this play for Zhou every year since she left the country!

And Qian's parents almost treat her as a second daughter to treat. Whether it is work or life, they have helped her a lot, so even if Qian does not mention letting her go to her home for the holidays, she is bound to go too.

After hanging up the phone, Qian's parents called again to say that this thing is like a nail in the coffin.

Just... how could she be so unlucky today?

Just carrying five pounds of sausage sent from her hometown, which Qian's parents love to eat out the door, she is doused with the advent of love descending from the bird on her hair, and she was disgusted by this for a long time.

She goes back home, washes her hair, and go out again.

On the way to the subway, she is splashed with water again, and she goes home again with an unhappy face and takes a shower while referring to the Eastern and Western divinatory sciences on her cell phone—the old fortune-telling calendar as well as the horoscope.

The old calendar says it is not advisable to go out, to bury, to move, to marry. In short, all things are inappropriate.

Zhou Ji'an thought: What the hell? This is not inappropriate, and that is not inappropriate, either. You do not want me to go out, but I must go out! Even if it's a flood, I'm going to kayak over there!

As soon as the astrology app is opened, a push message dinges with the first sound: from today onwards, the water sign will start a water reversal journey. May everything go well during the water reversal period.

She, who is Scorpio, thinks this logic is also against the heavens, saying the water reversal, and still wanting everything to go well. Copywriters wrote with their hands only, not their brains, right?

When she rolls her eyes, she unintentionally glances at the time in the upper left corner of the phone, and suddenly her eyelids twitch, thinking of a whole lot of things she has to do next, before she hurriedly throws the phone aside, speeding up to put on her clothes and pants, and her mouth keeps chanting that she is going to be late. She is going to be late.

Putting a large pile of things on the side of the door on the wrist, with the only still-idle foot to bring the door after, she wants to send a message to Qian's mother to say that she will set off.

She reaches for her pocket twice but doesn't find it. She looks down and realizes that there are no pockets on the dress.

She puts down her things in a panic and checks her body. Not only is her phone not there, but her keys are also not there.

Zhou Ji'an had never thought that it would be so difficult to go out today.

She squats blankly at the stairs in front of the door, brainstorming for a solution.

If she has either the money or the cell phone, she can go out. But in fact, she has neither. Both things are on the other side of the door.

To open the door, she needs a key, and the key is also on the other side of the door. In this case, she needs a lock-picking service, and unlocking this service requires a cell phone.

It is a dead loop.

When she is wandering in the dead end, her neighbor goes out at such an early time for the first time. Of course, this early time is for the neighbor himself, but for Zhou Ji'an, she should have already arrived at Qian's home by this time!

Huo Suo half-closes his eyes, dazes, and seems not to see her. He almost steps on her.

Zhou Ji'an's good morning startles him, and he slowly turns his eyes down: "Good morning."

Zhou Ji'an smiles socially at the right time and greets: "Why do you get up so early today?"

Huo Suo, who is sleepy, yawns and scratches his messy hair: "There is no food at home, I have to go out to buy."

Zhou Ji'an, whose legs and feet are numb, stands up with the help of the wall and shakes her slender calves: "Aren't you going home for the festival?" She heard Huo Suo say that he was a local.

He hesitates for a moment before slowly shaking his head and answering, "No."

If he doesn't open his eyes, Zhou Ji'an will think that he is sleepwalking.

She takes a step back and gives him the way: "Then go buy something. I won't hold up your time."