
Enchantress Girl Broken Heart Healers

Cattle went to the hotel celebrating for an occasion which was unusually offered by her father. Her bright eyes were astonished why Asuncion, her father had left on their table, without any noise. Her mind aptly whiffed at the guy who had trudged the floor. Indeed, the macho man is holding her t-shirt in the private room. She quickly rejected it but the rich man pellucidly uttered his voice," just follow me because your father had done to receive my money,” the enchanting girl was shocked to hear it. Myra, Cattle’s mother unusually asked herself why her husband bought three cars for the family, though she felt thrilled staring at it, why her mind felt doubt about it. These cars were the gift for his wife who positively expected their progress in their business. In fact, it had already failed due to his many debts, anyway he ultimately paid the lender, but he still felt scared if ever his wife would know of his bad actions. He quickly drove his car to the office, to transfer his money to the bank. Unexpectedly, his car crashed into the national highway. His daughter knew it when the boss had driven the car; to return this prepossessing girl, since Cattle were not getting ready for their romantic night. His daughter felt scared looking at his father who had been bathed in blood. Instead, Asuncion might build another business, replacing the failed one, his family used their money in the bank, what they had expected would be their profit for their business. The boss got disappointed because his expected Cattle would no longer go back to him. He decided to get the 1 trillion dollars from his business partner, even if he knew the current situation in him yet he did not understand that. Myrah was shocked why the boss occupied their enterprise,” please return my money, otherwise I will forever operate your business,” the boss said. Cattle met the boss, but she did give an opportunity to talk with him,” why are you here? don’t let me solve your problem.” In the hospital, the doctor did not accept their patient. So, they have transferred Asuncion to Bryce hospital. Dr. Bryce is stressful to entertain the millions of patients who were waiting for his miracle. He has found out an enchanting girl who brought her complicated father. Bryce is seldom to allure a woman but he is abnormally attracted to glance at her. Cattle wore a lovely t-shirt,” will you allow me to court you?” That moment, Cattle rejected his love; hence, doctor Bryce got dejected to hear it. But he still gave a miracle recovery to Asuncion. Then, he resigned his profession as a doctor. Cattle departed her family, to seek other jobs, in order to sustain her family. She had successfully applied as a manager. In the company, she aptly found Kent who never left her, especially when she slipped back her problem. This guy would be willing to give the world for her! After a week, she finally accepted Kent's heart. At night, her spirit was flying above the mesosphere, while Dr. Bryce took an experiment at the terrace on how he will heal his heart. Surprisingly, someone calls his name. When he moved forward, there was an enchantress butterfly who touched his painful heart,” I am cattle, do you still remember me?” A sweet response," can you please heal my pain, Cattle?" Dr. asked her. Her image still butterflies around the people exclusively for him. Her heart eventually showed unmeasurable love for him. But Kent kept on destroying her world!

Ariel_Novelist · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 4 Bryce courts the purple butterfly

Cattle remains silent alongside the cool guy, her mind remembers about the reaction of Kent. Her feet would like to move backward, to touch him sweetly, however the awesome doctor looks at her image which would fall down, if she would not respond him.

Her skin looks shining when it would be displayed alongside the black man. Her mind considers it as fantastic dream, but the sun reminds her inner heart to flawlessly wonderful.

Kent keeps looking at the portrait of his work mate, he evaluates himself which belongs to lower class, he puts it under the table, instead of raising it," how to own her spirit, I dream to be vampire or invisible man, to kidnap her sometime." Alongside him, there's yellow butterfly touch his breast," don't down yourself, your dream woman is still single like you." He laughs in the front of him, and then he tries to holds such wet feather.

(I like him, but he did not admire me, what if I'll accept his previous dream. It's awesome to have him, especially it's summer season. I want to come back alongside his heart. However, he has recently gone in the terrace.)

His mind is still remembering the yellow butterfly, he tries guessing the gender, since his heart admires such potential. So far, it's his first time to meet such unique butter in entire life. He's currently hoping such an image might be converted into cattle's portrait.

In the terrace, Dr. Bryce invites the purple butterfly entering the room, even if he did not know her background yet. But the butterfly has gone," purple baby, why do you leave me? I need to touch with you. Look at my body, it displays an allergy and then my veins did not work well. May I ask you to heal it?"

In a sweet voice," I didn't leave you, first and foremost, we didn't engage it yet. Hopefully you would accept who I am! Honestly, I belong to uneducated family, ironically my physical appearance seems rich and sweet." Her tongue wants to voice her name, but she feels fright if the doctor will push his experiment to her expensive feathers.

(How I wish to hold her? Such a presence sits on the wire, if I'll be reaching there, maybe my body will be affected the electricity. Although, my emotions look like to it, but I want to live happily with the flawlessly woman who shall love my heart in the future.)

His experiment starts to leave beside the owner, so the butterfly picks up, and she gives it to him," what's a cool hand is! So far, I was engaging an animal before, but she is the best among them."

The purple butterfly is flying above the ceiling. Her intention to come back the apartment where she's currently living. But the flawless wind returns her image in the balcony, even if she dislikes it.

(Is this my temporary mansion? But my heart can't attach him, since he is bigger than me. I look forward to end my affection for him, however my heart is being attached to the hammer?)

The world lets dawn appeared in the west, and then millions of butterflies are flying. The purple girl is trying to guess the implication of it. When they arrived beside the green flower, however it has transformed into one yellow butterfly.

"Do you know her?" Dr. Bryce asked. His eyes were attracted the color, but his lips seem sweet to touch with the purple butterfly, indeed his shadow hugs the girl secretly.

"No, I didn't acquaint them. Looking back, I'm so sorry what I had been with you since 2016 until now," she said. Her message lets the awesome doctor, to recall his experience particularly in the hospital.

"Were you my patient before? As far as I know, you were asking help from me, please allow me to verify," he said. Meanwhile, he is staring the purple butterfly, then their eyes were holding to each other.

"Sorry for being late, yes I was. Hopefully, you would love to accept my sin. Looking back, you were crying beyond the clouds," she said.

An Asia continent starts to raise up, though many people are occupying it. Alongside the continent, he's only glimpsing a cool man who comes back perfectly to his life. He keeps on his distrust, but the time won't be back again.

(I might be his angel if he would accept my offer, I can give everything, even if the star converts into a man. I'll do that for her. But the question, is she now ready accepting it?)

(I look the neighbor continent, immediately my family is waiting for my presence. hopefully, they can wait my arrival since I could use my father, of course the doctor that what my father needed.)

"Cattle, should you allow me to utter my second love for you. Hopefully, you would lovely treat as your second life," he said. His heart seems young, indeed the hands beat and heart are contradicting like the mirror and thunder. He looks over the butterfly lips, even if he's not deserving to love hers.

"If I were a man, I'll open my heart for you. With respect, I absolutely accept it, my heart had broken your diamond heart before," she said happily. Her statement is like human being.

(I did not expect to express my love for him. Surely, this would be the right time to engage with him. I am not regretful why I did not take care of his heart before. I believe that there is meant to be.)

"I'm confidently say that, your spirit and heart would be mine, whatever the typhoons may come soon. I'll let my eyes to be invisible for you," he told her.

Cattle accepts the doctor's kiss and hug, even if the thunder is looking mad at them, since the environment hits by the sunlight. So, the purple butterfly lets her sweetheart know that she'll be back her work.

(I won't let her to engage her work again. I already have 20 trillion dollars and house/lot. With her presence, my commitment and inspiration may be definitely completed.)

When Kent arrives at Billionaire company, he waits until to meet up with Cattle, even if she had rejected his heart yesterday. After a minute, he looks over the purple butterfly," excuse me sir, have you seen our manager?"

A little distance from them, the employer looks at the butterfly, he did not believe her image. So, he did not accept her unless her beauty will be her original beauty, while Kent believes her as his colleague, but he feels scared to converse with her.