
Enchanting The Cruel Prince

A lowly slave finds herself at odds with the merciless crown prince, their fates dangerously entwined, and meant to separate only with her inevitable death by his hand. Sold to a brothel as a child, she wore the mask of insanity to escape the brutal clutches of life that awaited her, but it only brought her to another hell. She persisted, hoping to one day find her freedom and return to the ethereal valleys where she was born. All Alyssane desired was to find her home. One night of mystery and murder thrusts her into a dangerous game-shards of her memories are missing, she is accused of a fatal crime she could not escape, and her path entangles her with the cruel prince. She knows how things would end. But deceiving fates could be impossible when the man supposed to end her life is both her captive and her savior, when he is cold and menacing yet so easily mesmerizes her with his sweet nothings. His sins are known far wide and are darker than any nightmares plaguing her mind. She knows their fates together would entangle in a brutal mess, though it doesn’t stop her heart from fluttering like a caged bird whenever he is near. And he’s always near. Stirring a heat inside no forbidden thing ever should. In a world where love is a treacherous game, and vicious schemes are whispered behind every shadow, Alyssane must use every ounce of her charm and cunning to survive, even if it means enchanting the cruel prince out for her blood. ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ The crown prince's fingers trailed down her back, a slow, deliberate path that sent a shiver, half fear half something she did not dare name, through Alyssane. His gaze held hers, intense and unwavering. “What are you hiding?” He murmured, his breath hot against her skin as she defiantly met his eyes, “Maybe I don’t you to find out.” A sly smile curled over his lips and he leaned in, his warmth flooded her heart with mixed emotions, in contrast to the coldness of his eyes with a thinly veiled threat, “Are you sure?” "What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper. His eyes locked onto hers, filled with a dark promise. “Everything.” ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ Thank you for stopping by~! Enchanting The Cruel Prince is in a beta phase that I am slowly developing by managing a few hours from my packed schedule. The updates will remain slow, but if you enjoy the story, you can add it to your library and revisit it when there are more chapters or the novel is completed. Feel free to share any thoughts you have in the comments. Happy reading!

Alancaster · Fantasy
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128 Chs

What Are You Hiding?

They finally reached a small house at the edge of the city. It too was entirely dark, as if doing that would hide them from the evil eyes of the curse.

Before Alyssane could knock on the door, an anxious woman hurriedly opened it. Her face was as teary as her son's. She rushed to the child, embracing him dearly.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice trembling with relief. "Thank you so much, I was worried sick about him."

Alyssane offered a tense smile, and Kazmun remained nonchalant.

As they walked back towards the tavern, there was a heavy silence between them. The night winds were cold and wild, once again dense with the damp scent of storms and rains that remained elusive.

With mixed feelings, Alyssane stared at the stain of crimson on her hand. Perhaps she should have listened to the doctor when he suggested rest.

"You seem quite adept at ruining yourself," Kazmun said, a frigid edge to his voice. Even the slightest signs of an unwell body meant dire things lately.

She glanced at him, "Are you concerned?"

"It's troublesome."

She tilted her head slightly, her voice steady but cautious. "Smiling can ease troubles."

Kazmun stared her down.

Alyssane gazed back expectantly

Her eyes were curious as well as cautious. Even though Kazmun seemed to be the worst among all knights, Kazmun was not as secretive as the rest of them. 

She had to be sure about the extent of his boundaries.

"Is that so?" Kazmun asked, and then, a shadow of a small smile curled over his lips, devoid of any warmth, menacing in a way she grimaced instantly.

Alyssane quickly looked away, mumbling, "Never mind," before picking up her pace.

There was a low chuckle, and for a moment there was no fear in her heart. She felt a cold shiver as soon as she became aware of that.

The old winds of the storm swirled around, growing wilder, promising tempest and storms. And her thoughts drifted back to Kazmun, lingering, not sure where to go.

But when she thought of her fate, what could happen now, she found that forgotten uneasiness once again. Was being found in a murder scene enough to convict her?

No one even asked her what happened.

She was imprisoned as if they all already knew the truth. Was it because they thought she was mad? Was it because she was from an infamous place?

"How long will I have to be in the dark?" She asked after a while, "No one answers any of my questions. I am not sure if I am a prisoner or I am free."

Kazmun said nothing, so easily ignoring what haunted her mind so often. His silence cut sharp, and Alyssane felt a flare of frustration and helplessness. 

But what more could she say?

Everything could easily be explained by her supposed insanity. Naturally, no one would bother explaining anything.

'If I reveal the truth, would anyone believe it now? Will it be enough to just drop the act…?'

She was not even doing anything bizarre. But it was easier to fall from grace than mend a broken image. Just thinking about what might happen if she told the truth, made her more afraid. 

'What if everything takes a turn for the worse? What if I am thinking too much yet again?'

A cold brush of the winds brought Alyssane out of her thoughts.

She had not realized when the rain started falling in the form of a drizzle. It was a soothing sound, but the droplets were chilling.

Alyssane sneezed, suppressing her shiver. Her clothes were not meant for outside, she had endured the cold winds earlier, but now the rain made things so much harder.

She stopped walking, an idea came to her mind.

Kazmun glanced at her with narrowed eyes, cautioning her to be careful of anything she wanted to do next.

But Alyssane whispered in alarm, "I feel a fever, we must find a doctor!"

Kazmun's eyes hardened, his voice sharp and unforgiving, "Who asked you to recklessly run into a stormy night?"

"We can just go back to the tavern," she seriously replied, "But I might fall sick in the middle of some interrogation."

His expression remained dark as he unfastened his heavy black cloak and draped it over Alyssane's shoulders. She felt a flush of warmth on her cheeks, surprised, and at a loss for words.

"Let's go," Kazmun said coldly, taking her hand in a firm grasp, "No more running away."

"I would never," she murmured.

She was disappointed, Alyssane knew escaping while being around Kazmun was next to impossible. But she wished she didn't have to return to the tavern so soon. 

'It's so warm though,' she realized, pulling his cloak tighter around herself.

As they entered the dimly lit tavern, Alyssane was distracted by the emptiness of the place. She had not seen anything out of her room, but now it all felt so strange.

There were only a few knights, stationed around the place as if they were guarding something or someone. But what was the need of it when it was only the knights there?

"Why is it so empty?" Alyssane asked, her voice echoing slightly in the vacant space. 

Kazmun responded curtly, "No one else is needed."

Alyssane's curiosity grew as she looked around, "But the servants? Other tavern people?"

He ignored the question, not bothering to repeat his words. 

Her thoughts soon wandered to the ornate beauty of the place. She never knew being a knight paid well enough to afford a place this lavish. Her father was also a knight, and they starved for pennies.

The knights they passed by were even more odd. All of them dressed the same, which meant they were supposed to be of the same rank. But no one even dared to raise their eyes in front of Kazmun.

They were rigid and stiff, eyes lowered in reverence and fear. The air was heavy with unusual tension.

Alyssane questioned, trying to keep her voice steady despite the rising unease she felt. "What's the point of being in a tavern if not for the caterers and why they…?"

Her words trailed off as she felt the weight of Kazmun's gaze on her, 'Why do you suddenly feel so...threatening?'

She did not look back. Her breaths were slowing down, some things made her question her curiosity. Not a single knight wore the insignia imperial palace on their armor. It would be considered treason from them not to do so if they were indeed the royal knights.

"Never mind. I… I am sleepy." She stopped walking, "And um, I know the way from here."

Kazmun's eyes were unreadable as he responded with a subtle nod, "We have to talk in the morning."

Alyssane began to leave right away, but he stopped her as soon as she had taken a step. His voice was low and dark. "Behave this time."

Alyssane hesitated, meeting his gaze for a moment before nodding. "Of course," she replied, trying hard to keep her voice steady. "Goodnight, Kazmun."

His eyes deepened, a shadow passing over, "Goodnight."

It was a struggle to not run back to the room, and when she did reach there, Alyssane curled her trembling hand against her heart.

No one was inside, that was a relief.

But her mind refused to be calm. 

"Why were they all lying?"

Thanks for reading~

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