
Enchanting The Cruel Prince

A lowly slave finds herself at odds with the merciless crown prince, their fates dangerously entwined, and meant to separate only with her inevitable death by his hand. Sold to a brothel as a child, she wore the mask of insanity to escape the brutal clutches of life that awaited her, but it only brought her to another hell. She persisted, hoping to one day find her freedom and return to the ethereal valleys where she was born. All Alyssane desired was to find her home. One night of mystery and murder thrusts her into a dangerous game-shards of her memories are missing, she is accused of a fatal crime she could not escape, and her path entangles her with the cruel prince. She knows how things would end. But deceiving fates could be impossible when the man supposed to end her life is both her captive and her savior, when he is cold and menacing yet so easily mesmerizes her with his sweet nothings. His sins are known far wide and are darker than any nightmares plaguing her mind. She knows their fates together would entangle in a brutal mess, though it doesn’t stop her heart from fluttering like a caged bird whenever he is near. And he’s always near. Stirring a heat inside no forbidden thing ever should. In a world where love is a treacherous game, and vicious schemes are whispered behind every shadow, Alyssane must use every ounce of her charm and cunning to survive, even if it means enchanting the cruel prince out for her blood. ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ The crown prince's fingers trailed down her back, a slow, deliberate path that sent a shiver, half fear half something she did not dare name, through Alyssane. His gaze held hers, intense and unwavering. “What are you hiding?” He murmured, his breath hot against her skin as she defiantly met his eyes, “Maybe I don’t you to find out.” A sly smile curled over his lips and he leaned in, his warmth flooded her heart with mixed emotions, in contrast to the coldness of his eyes with a thinly veiled threat, “Are you sure?” "What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper. His eyes locked onto hers, filled with a dark promise. “Everything.”

Alancaster · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

No One But You

Alyssane turned around.

The shadow had disappeared. There was only a tree outside her window, with some of its leaves gently falling with the winds.

'Who could that be?'

She was certain someone had been there, 'It must be a burglar…'

Deciding something like this should be alerted to the knights, Alyssane stepped down from the bed, draped an over-gown, and after a moment's hesitation, she walked out of her room. 

But the corridor was empty.

'It's constantly guarded every other time,' Alyssane wondered, leaving her room with cautious steps, 'Where did they all go?'

There was only one more room down the corridor, its door slightly ajar and so she walked over to it hoping to find someone. Alyssane paused in front of the room and slowly peered inside.

Kazmun was sound asleep on a desk, surrounded by scrolls and papers.

'He looks so… peaceful…' Alyssane felt an uneasiness pierce her heart.

In the soft morning light, Kazmun seemed to be something out of ancient lores―unreal and enchanting. The somewhat longer stands of hair now carelessly framed his face, adding a touch of softness to his intensely mesmerizing appearance.

Alyssane could not move her gaze, her throat felt dry all of a sudden, 'He is keeping me here as a prisoner,' she reminded herself.

She looked away with a soft sigh, and noticed a sword lying close to Kazmun's feet. 

'How careless, he is sure to hurt himself like this…'

Slowly, silently, Alyssane stepped inside the room. She crouched down and her fingers had barely grazed the hilt when fragmented memories suddenly surged into her mind.

Sharp whispers and shadows were collapsing on each other.

A rush of dread flooded her heart.

But the voices and the visions vanished as soon as they had come, leaving her lost and confused, wondering if that was all even real… or a memory.

Her eyes flickered to Kazmun, as she closed her fingers around the hilt, 'Why does your sword feel so familiar to me? And yet… forgotten... In a strange way…'

Alyssane froze, seeing a shadow fall over hers. Instinctively, she moved and in a swift motion, the obsidian blade was pressed against the stranger's neck, her eyes wide in fear and alarm.

"Ah," there was a delighted chuckle.

It was a boy with an impish smile, who seemed about the same age as Alyssane if not younger. 

"Are you supposed to know how to wield a sword?" He slightly titled his head, 

"It just… happened," Alyssane cast a worried glance towards Kazmun and lowered the sword, she had been too frightened before and it made no sense as she thought about the reason.

"He won't be awake anytime soon," the boy said, "Lord Kazmun had evaded sleep for far too long."

Alyssane quietly watched him, not saying anything more. She had not seen this boy in the tavern before, and from the looks of it, he was no knight either.

And for some reason, he was too carefree, unfazed seeing her so close with a blade near Kazmun. How could he trust her that easily? She was not cleared of her crimes yet…

"I am Taryn," he added with a charming smile, taking a few steps back to give her space, "An old family friend of Lord Kazmun."

Alyssane carefully placed the sword back in its place, too unnerved to even make sure Kazmun was still asleep, and then she walked out of the room.

There were still no knights around.

Ignoring Taryn's step that followed her, Alyssane left the empty hallways and descended to the lower floors. No one was there either.

Shouldn't the security increase since Alyssane had attempted an escape?

She thoughtfully glanced at Taryn, 'If it's just him I can even easily run…'

But she brushed that thought aside for a moment and asked in an indifferent voice, "Where are the knights?"

Taryn waved off her concerns with a dismissive gesture. "Oh, they'll be here soon enough. But what are you doing out of your room?"

"I wanted some fresh air." She averted her gaze, looking out of the window. A few people roamed the streets now that the darkness was receding.

"You refused your medicines once again?"

Surprised, she looked at him, "How did you know?"

The medicines always reminded Alyssane of her father, the rotten herbs, and the poisons. She would rather have a slow painful death than be forced to take medicines every day.

"Oh I checked your room," Taryn shrugged, "You have such a pitiful story, why make the last of your days more painful?"

Alyssane feigned calmness and replied, "I might have more time left. Once the investigation is over, everyone will know the truth."

Taryn watched her for a moment, silent, and then murmured, "No, it has to be you."

She gave him a questioning glance, her heart sinking.

"The investigation is nearly over," Taryn leaned against the wall, eyes distant, "All relevant places have been scoured, about hundreds of people interrogated. We have found not a single person who can be fairly charged for the Chancellor's murder."

"But I was also poisoned," Alyssane said.

He tilted his head, considering her words before responding, "True, but you survived while the lord did not."

"Why would I―"

"Whether it was to avoid suspicions or something else, it doesn't look good on you." Taryn gave her an apologetic look, and there was no sincerity behind it.

He was speaking so casually of her crimes, of all the things the other knights have refused to even mention. Alyssane was not sure what to make of it, but her heart was sinking.

"That's absurd," She whispered, "I have no reason to kill him."

Taryn lightly laughed at that, and his smile was wider this time, "Why would a madwoman care for any reason?"

She curled her fingers into a fist, hating how right he was. But then she asked in a low voice, "What do you believe in?"

Taryn acted differently from everyone, she could not be sure whether he was truly concerned for her or if reveled in mocking her misery.

"Well…" he said, "I believe in helping those entangled in unfair lives."

She silently looked back at him, masking the turmoil of emotions storming inside her. Taryn didn't seem like someone she should be near, and yet, in a way, he had only helped her by not keeping her in the dark like others.

'What are you doing?'

Taryn stifled a yawn and walked towards her, "Let's say I find your situation... intriguing. And I would do anything in my power to make your remaining days less sufferable."

Alyssane couldn't shake off the feeling that despite saying so much, Taryn was hiding something, something important.

'Are you going to be another foe?

She could not bring herself to trust him. 

'But then again, I hardly trust anyone.'