
Enchanting Love

“Big brother June is alive she was found wounded in the forest”, said Noah Hembron. All the memories of her childhood were lost. She was leading a new life along with her father in a new city. June Hembron was a beutiful woman with perfect figure. She was perfect in all aspects. With such an epitome beauty she was not alllowed to date anyone, because, her love was fated to someone. ...... Liam was the most eligible batchelor of country H. As soon as he took over Davis Corporation, he met his childhood sweetheart, whom he thought was long dead. Speaking about her with his grandma he said, ”Even now I can roll on mud to make her laugh”. She was his first and only love ... Her dear ones had cheated her and made her separate from her family. People who she believed were the one who killed her mother and destroyed her family. ... Years after he meets her to express his love, but she agreed to marry him to only full fill her mother's last wish. ... But time made her fall in love with him. Living a long and blissful life. Overcoming all the mishaps they celebrated their 'Enchanting Love'

Hyori01 · Teen
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88 Chs

62 Where is she?

Even after they visited so many places, but were unsuccesfull in bringing June's memory back

In the evening as the girls were preparing the dinner the boys were busy talking.


Running his hands thorough his hair Liam sighed, "This didn't work out. This was our last hope to bring her memories back but now what?"

Patting his shoulders Chris said, "It's okay man give her some time may be she might remember things if we stay a bit longer"

Liam nodded his head and said, "Hmm we let's do that?"


After a few days

Stretching his arms when Liam realized that there was no one beside him he frowned and checked the washroom. When he did not find anyone there too he thought may be June has went to meet Edith. After taking a quick shower when he noticed that June was not yet back he went to out to check another villa.

Upon hearing the door bell Edith who was preparing breakfast opened the door.

Looking at him she said, "Liam come inside and have breakfast yeah and also call June"

Liam frowned and asked, "what do you mean, is she not here?"

Edith shook her head and said, "No, she is not"

Just then Chris came down and asked, "What happened?"

Turning around Edith said, "We cannot find June"

Chris frowned and said, "What? Did you check the villa thoroughly?"

Liam nodded his head and said, "I'll check outside"

Edith said, "I'll go with you"

Chris followed them and said, "I'll check the CCTV footage"

After searching for some time Liam reached a message from Chris, upon seeing that he reached the security office.

Rushing towards Chris, Liam and Edith asked, "What happened? Did you find anything?"

Chris sighed and said, "There is a video of sister-in law leaving the resort and nothing more"

"But there is something strange about it, we cannot find any of her status after that"

Edith frowned and said, "As far as I know June only knew that she was found in country M and believes that she'll get her memory back only from here"

Liam frowned while widened his eyes in shock and asked, "How much does sister-in law know?"

"Only this much but she knew that Liam brought her here on a purpose but she didn't want to name it out"

Running his fingers through his face Liam sighed, "Let's go outside and check"

Chris and Edith nodded their heads and followed them.

Holding Edith's hand Chris said, "Babe when you knew June knew about these things why didn't you tell us?"

Edith sighed and lowered her head, "June had asked me not to tell you guys but I never thought she would disappear like this"

She then hugged him and cried, "Please bring her back safely"

Chris hugged her back and consoled her, "Don't worry we'll find her"

It was already afternoon and Liam had gone crazy when he still didn't find June. He had looked all the nearby places and also had sent the guards to check everywhere but still didn't find a clue.

It was already evening and Liam's appearance told how bad his condition was. His messy hair and crushed clothes mad him look more crazier. Even after looking for so long something hit Liam hard he rushed towards Edith and asked, "Are you sure that June knew about the place where she was found"

When Edith nodded her head Chris snapped his hands and said, "Why don't we go to that spot"

All the three of them rushed towards their car and headed towards North