
Enchanter's survival in the apocalypse

Having lived in a turbulent world where men, magical creatures and beast coexists, Will, a previous store owner is reborn in the modern world where science and technology thrive. However, suddenly, "the end" is coming? As the only person who has knowledge about zombies and the magical phenomenon that spreads all over the globe, he is challenged to save his friends and family and strives to eliminate the dangers that sprung up on the way to find shelter.

Zyme_Camasin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 12: Armies of black and armies of various colors

"Samantha…" David pulls over when by chance, he catches a figure of a woman along with the pedestrians that are looking over his outdated military vehicle. He opens the door and practically leaps towards that woman's direction.

Seeing this, the people around looks at him with confusion and could only move away. The others clears the way except the woman who became too dumbfounded to move a muscle. She's wearing a pale-blue shirt and with her are the groceries she just brought from the market. With only her left as if others cleared a stage, she inevitably stands out.

With a blank face, she looks at the familiar man that came out of the military vehicle. He looks terribly similar to her husband that she waited everyday and looks forward for that day when she could finally see him right at the doorstep. She waits for him tirelessly and never ever seem to question the possibility that he wouldn't be able to return anymore.

"David…" The name that's always been shelved for a long time finally comes out. Her groceries fell on the ground as David hugs her stilled body tightly.

She always imagines reuniting with her husband and still couldn't believe that what is happening now is the reality.

"Are you real?..." Her husband's scents drifts into her. Her fingers clutch on David's clothes and she close her eyes. This is the hug that she misses so badly.

"I'm real… did you miss me?" David raise and lifts her up with the hug and kiss her on the lips.

Samantha could finally tell that this isn't just one of her fantasies. Tears wells up her eyes and falls on her face as she kiss her husband back.

"I missed you everyday! I missed you so much!..." Samantha hug her husband with all her strength as if she want to absorb him in her body. She's so happy and starts crying.

Everyone who are witnessing the touching reunion could feel the warmth and becomes happy for them. However, they also couldn't help but imagine how would it be if they reunite with their lost loved ones like this one day. Some takes pictures and records them for the social media.

Realizing that their intimacy is displaying for the public to see, David carries his wife and grab the groceries that fell on the ground. He then hurried to the car and head to their new residence.

With the bursting emotions, heat raised in their bodies and did the thing they both haven't done for a long time. As for the details, they're something only for the two to know behind that door.

"Wait, Sarah is not here isn't she?..." David finally remembers his daughter and worries that she might have heard something explicit. They did it too wildly just now.

Samantha chuckles. "No… she's at school! I wouldn't have let you do what you wanted if she was around" She looks at the sweaty countenance of her husband. He looks even more bulked up than before. "She's at school…"

They talk for a long while to catch up for the years that they haven't heard from each other.

"I still have to go to the city to complete my mission… after that, I'll have a sixty days paid leave…" David is so regretful that he's going to go away once again right after just reuniting with his wife.

"Where's Sarah's school?... I should wash up and visit her before I go to the city" David kiss Samantha on the forehead and raise his body from the bed.

"How about I help you wash up?" Samantha offers with a provocative tone. With that, they changed location and washed each other for almost two hours.

Later, David visit his daughter and tells her that he'll be with them for two months this time. The little girl that David remembers before leaving is now a bit taller. The last time they where together, Sarah was in a hospital gown after having her appendix surgically removed. Now, she looks so lovely in a neat and formal school uniform. David praise her for having grown beautiful and they hug each other. Telling how much they missed each other.

Sadly, shortly after that brief meeting, David have to leave for the time being.

Having met his family left David fall in those dreadful, yet nostalgic memories three years ago.

"If only that didn't happen back then…" David murmurs.

After surviving the zombie outbreak with his daughter in the hospital, all active military personnel was summoned and gathered to set up the base near the town.

David has just peaked his career at that time and raised his rank into the major general. He was one of the core personnel to setup the base from scratch and lead his men to eliminate any stray 'dark beast'.

Three years ago at the Merlin's residence.

The twelve years old Will and Sean sitting on the carpet discusses about splitting up the twenty-two energy gems between them.

Sean would receive eleven of them as his share if he agrees to use his ability to materialize something for Will's personal use.

"I think I can do it. Well, as long as I have the clear imagination for it. I would probably need to memorize the image and familiarize with each part of it…" Sean looks at Will with determination and agrees to the offer. He won't lose anything anyway. In fact, he could have more benefits with this with zero cost at all. Well, except some energy.

"Okay… Good…" Will opens his Point Link and sends something to Sean's.

The bracelet vibrates on Sean's wrist and a red dot signifying a notification appears.

Sean opens it and sees a set of images of blueprints of a certain technology.

"This… satellites? I thought you could readily access every satellite with Brain2.0. I heard Rick constantly complaining about you hacking or something" Sean asks in wonder.

"Well, it's better to have my own satellite. I'm not comfortable with the possibility that I might leave footprints and someone takes notice of it. I still don't know if it's certain but the possibility of my Brain2.0 being hacked isn't exactly zero. Everyone could unlock their abilities now, we can't cross out someone unlocking something similar to mine…"

"I understand. I'll try my best…"

"Thanks… for now I should observe you try absorbing the energy gems so I could help when something happen" Will hands an energy gem to Sean with eyes of anticipation.

Sean hesitantly feeds the energy gem to Black, not sure if it would work.

With his ability, Will observes the reaction of the two solidified forms of energy.

"Both their energies are too compressed. Try imagining you pet strengthening and absorbing the gem… Remember to make your imagination precise"

Sean imagines Black having an increase of strength and firepower, his wingspan expand while his scales and body tougher, and his claws and fangs sharper.

Will witness the energy inside the dragon expand and creates available space for new energies to be absorbed. Black munch on the energy gem and it grows in mass and size with the exact volume of that gem.

"It worked…"

Sean sees that it has worked too. He feels so happy and wants to celebrate but then, Will hands him another energy gem.

"Right now? Again?..." Sean feels skeptical.

"Aren't you looking forward to your pet grow as strong as possible?"

"I am… but, well…" Sean remembers a saying that says "Obtaining something too easily might hide unexpected bad luck that comes after"

Sean does it again a few times. Black grows in strength each time.

"Three more are left… for some reason, I feel tired…" Sean heaves an exhausted sigh.

"Well, it uses up considerable concentration after all…" Says Will and hands the next energy gem.

Sean feeds it to Black once again. Somehow, the small dragon looks chubby and seems to be stuffed. His eyes looks drowsy and he even release a deep, long barf.

After eating the eighth energy crystal, something bad happened. Will could see it clearly and fortunately acted fast. He grab the blanket that covered Tom earlier and wrap it around the small dragon. Will enchants it immediately, creating lines of light with complex patterns rapidly wrap the ball of cloth with Black inside.

With a puff, the ball of blanket expands as if a balloon have been filled up with air at once. Then, it depletes along with smoke and the scent of burning plastic.

"Black!" Sean exclaims and then unwrap the ball of blanket.

"Wait, you might get your hands burnt!" Will shoves Sean and do it himself. His hands are glowing with the same lines of complex patterns.

Black's figure finally appeared after the last burnt fabric was unraveled. It shakes its head and sneezed a heave of smoke.

"… About two energy crystals defused along with that explosion. It couldn't be salvaged anymore. It returned to the atmosphere…" Will says with regret.

Sean and Black looks at his nonchalant expression as if it wasn't his fault at all.

"Wow! Black turned fat, and then slim again!" the six years old Tom amusedly exclaims while watching down at them from the sofa.

Sean couldn't say anything. He just regrets that those energy gems had been wasted and felt terrified of the fact that he almost lost his first summon. He look up at Will's face and figures immediately that he's documenting data from his experiment just now.

Sean heaves a resigned sigh. It's not like he's the one who originally obtained those energy gems anyway.

Will sees Sean's look and then say "Don't worry, I will compensate you for the wasted energy gems…" as nonchalantly as always.

For the next three days, Sean spent most of his time familiarizing himself with the satellite blueprints. He's too reluctant to materialize it immediately considering that he saw the result himself if he happen to fail in solidifying his image of it.

Sean knocks on Will's room. Right after it opens he utters "I think I'm ready…"

Will's face brighten with excitement and then immediately beckon Sean inside his room.

Sean looks around Will's room and realizes that it is as prim and proper as the owner. Seeing the neatly placed furniture and items as if they were carefully measured to fit the exact geometry as they should be, Sean realizes that Will must have an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Will places his blanket on the carpet spreading the usual scent he usually emits in the air. Sean smells a waft of this air and finds it pleasant. The Merlin family's detergent is always something that brings Sean a pleasant feeling. However, Will's particular scent is within this air. Realizing that he's acting a bit of a pervert, Sean feels a bit shy, making his fair, white face gleam a faint pinkish glow.

Will pat the space of the blanket near him and beckon Sean to sit "Come on. I enchanted the blanket in advanced… all my stuffs and the room itself is enchanted too"

"Okay…" Sean sits and initiate his ability.

His effort in his image practice literally materializes with pure energy with his ability.

It is a success, and it looks exactly like the satellites on those blueprint and images. However, just like the initial stage of his summons, it's actually too small compared to the actual satellites.

"I'm sorry, I didn't consider the size… I'm too used to those small images" Says Sean and looks at Will as if asking if this is okay.

"It's functional. Now, all I need is to enchant it to cut it off your link and make it mine…" Will replies. His eyes are gleaming with expectations for the future.

Will grabs an energy gem and starts doing something with it. The tiny satellite absorbed the energy crystal and now Will has it all under his control.

With another one, he integrated an AI with it that he specifically created for this moment and enchant the satellite itself with various effects and abilities that he thought up before.

It's taking a considerable amount of time and Sean is there to witness it. He couldn't really understand what Will is doing but he know that it's something really amazing. Looking up at Will's face, he seem to be giving it with all concentration and energy as beads of sweats starts forming on his forehead.

Sean remembers the look of the doctors during a surgical procedure and he instinctively grabs a cloth nearby and wipe it on Will's face. For the surgical matter's case, the doctor's sweat that could fall into an open wound could cause bad consequences. Sean don't know if this also applies to what Will is doing now.

Will grab a few more energy gems and defuse it for the satellite to absorb. Although it only took twenty minutes, Sean felt like the tension has been going for eternity. He couldn't imagine what kind of consequence if Will's concentration somehow diverge and that thing that happened to him and Black before might happen again with Will this time.

Will was there to control the situation immediately but now, their roles alternated as Will is the one doing this while Sean's job would be the one to control the situation if this energy happens to blow up.

Finally, Will opens his eyes. All the energy gems has been used up. Will needs to put it a considerable amount of energy as this satellite need to be stationed in space on the earth's orbit. Unlike normal satellites that could absorb solar power, this one needs pure energy from the ability user. Also, Will isn't certain if the natural energy in earth could even reach in space.

"It's done…" Without any rest, Will walks out of the room holding the small satellite to head to the courtyard. Will informs Tom that they would finally send the satellite to the skies. He told Tom before and has been looking forward to this day. He immediately logs out of the VR world and comes along with Will to the courtyard.

Sean also went along with them. Rick happens to hear about it as well as Will's parents and they all gathered in one place. Unfortunately, Jess lives further from them and couldn't come. She was left alone in the VR world to watch the footage of them doing it.

"With this satellite, the Point Link could reach us anywhere in the world…" Will murmurs.

Everyone looks at Will and thinks that his plans are as that of a genius as always.

The satellite floats and flies on its own without any propellers or jet installed with it. Will opens his Point Link bracelet and enlarge the footage of what the satellite should be seeing on the ground as it raise higher and higher.

"Wow, our house is so small… those small dots are us right?" Tom says with amazement.

Soon, Will shift the footage to the horizon and they all witness the curvature of the planet earth as the satellite raise higher, passing through the atmosphere. The ring of light at the edge of the earth's curvature as the sunlight gleams at it looks absolutely magnificent.

But then, the footage shifts back down again and they all witness the big difference of the earth's geographic features after the big changes caused by the apocalypse.

The 'new' world after the apocalypse. There are still many hot lavas gleaming on the surface of the earth, wrapping it like a mesh version of a spider's web. It no longer resembles the ones that they saw in the globes and satellite images before.

Some continents have been swallowed up by the seas, and they could still see its faint color and shapes.

"It looks like a whole new world…" Rick murmurs.

"It looks so devastated. The government probably sealed off the satellite images from being seen by the public. That's why, we haven't felt the exact gravity of the situation…" Clair looks at the image with tearful eyes. There where a lot of people living in those locations before. The majority of them died and she couldn't imagine the pain of the citizens who survived just to suffer and go through with the devastating aftermath of the disaster.

"It looks like our continent is the only one that remained the same…" Liam murmurs while checking out the shape of the continent they're in.

After a while, they finally ended the takeoff session with lingering complicated feelings. They should feel thankful after living through the world's huge change.

Will have a particular 'real' purpose why he needed the satellite. That's because his drones couldn't simply gets closer to the 'dark mountain'. Will could feel that something terrible is hiding in there but he wouldn't be able to prepare the appropriate countermeasure if he couldn't get his hands on any of its information.

Will firmly lines his plans and actions to the saying "Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated" as his principle.

In his room, Will checks the situation in the dark mountain through his link with the Brain2.0 with the satellite. He's doing this secretly since he can't let his family know that he's been sniffing around the situation of the military base nearby. Also, the government strictly prohibited the civilians to have anything to do with the mysterious mountain as it was confirmed that the zombie outbreak originated there.

However, Will has been dealing with the flying beast that loiter outside the mountain. The majority of them are beast bats who seem to want to scan the perimeter and gather intelligence. After observing their behavioral pattern, Will realized that these bats seem to be taking orders from something more powerful. That thing must be hiding within the mountain. Considering that its minions are bats, Will highly suspects that their mastermind is within a cave or something.

The AI of the satellite scans the whole mountain for the highly concentrated dark energy. As expected, it lead to a cave hidden within the mountain.

The satellite from space open up a chamber from its body and exposes the scope built within. The scope aims at a certain location and the lines with complex patterns wrapping it gleams. The lenses within refocus a few times before it finally stopped. Few enchantments activates along with it. X-ray, infrared, and will's perception ability magnified into and even larger scale of effect. It penetrates directly right through the earth and cave's interior, and into that source of powerful dark energy.

Will watching that thing hiding within the cave shook and was left terrified. Will has his suspicions but this finally confirms it.

"The primordial vampire…" Will murmurs. Blood drains from his face looking as if he saw a ghost. Sadly it isn't simply a ghost.

The primordial vampire. This creature was an infamous mythical being told as a fairytale from Will's previous world. The beginning of the number one feared creature in the human world. Many theorized that this thing is from the demon kind but the demon kind themselves deny this claims.

The vampire is their own class of race and is considered as threat to all other races. They blend among them using charms and illusions. They are highly sly and cunning and waits for the perfect timing to catch their prey and suck all their blood dry from their body. They could turn other races as their kind using mysterious blood arts and very hard to defeat. They are immortal beings often compares to the undead. The only thing that disassociate the vampire from the undead class is their retained intelligence.

These creatures could live for eternity unless they're killed. However, as they're purely based on miasma and dark energy, they are weak against holy and light elements just like the undead.

All vampire originated from one being and that is the primordial vampire. In other words, the feared vampire nobles and their variants are nothing more but lowly subordinates.

However, the primordial vampire is different. The first vampire that ever existed in the world don't have any weaknesses. It can live for eternity and couldn't be killed even after its body is pulverized.

A famous tale that has been told for thousands of years about this creature is that heroes from all races teamed up to somehow beat it and split it's body apart, far from each other so that they could never be together again. They were buried in sealed secret locations and never saw the light once again.

That's the only thing that could defeat a creature such as a primordial vampire. It is still highly feared that its body parts might somehow reunite and awaken the colossal threat to the world once again.

"The first vampire in 'this' world couldn't be anything other than… The primordial vampire…" Despite having said those words himself, will's back shivers and his fine hairs stands in goosebumps.

That's exactly what Will is witnessing that is in the making in that cave right now. It still haven't been born yet, maybe he could still defeat it while it still haven't been released to the world. Once this creature awakens, more vampire will be born! The human race itself could become extinct, transformed into loyal subordinate of this thing.

"I couldn't let that happen!"

Will is struck with a realization. The reason why their continent seemingly remained unchanged unlike the others. That's because the largest threat is still building up here, only awaiting for the moment it will finally be released in the world and engulf it with blood and pure darkness.

Using the new satellite, Will gathers all the information that he can from that cave. With this, three AI simultaneously starts various simulations and calculates the estimated time it awakens.

Will prepared for two weeks to finally gather more than three hundred drones by whatever means he can. He steadily gathered more and more energy gems from the surrounding magical beast an the dark creatures, clearing the town from any of it.

This caused for the townspeople and the military nearby turn lax and unprepared. They never thought that what is happening now is just the calm before the storm.

Will don't plan to tell anyone this matter, he gathered all the weapons that he could and determined to slay it and cleanse the world from this threat.

This decision will be Will's most regretted one that will cause him nightmares every single night in the future.

Will stands at his house's roof. His eyes sharp as he glare at the dark mountain up ahead.

Three AI and one brain stationed three hundred and eighty six drones at their designated spots according to plan.

Will heaves a sigh and peer at his family and friends playing in the VR world. Good thing they have this to distract them from looking out for him.

"Initiate phase one!" Will orders the AI with his overbearing tone.

The drones hovering overhead and surrounding the entirety of the dark mountains emits lights from the gleaming lines wrapping their surface briefly, but then disappears from the naked eyes.

With the energies they're emitting that only Will could see, each of the drones that surrounds the dark mountain releases strings of energy that links all of them with each other. A veil of invisible barrier fell from them and pierce the ground, isolating the dark mountain from the rest of the world.

"Phase two!"

With Will's order, The satellite in space that is aiming at a specific spot all along, lights up and gather all the energy, deforming its satellite figure into a concentrated ball of light. The AI left in it keeps its aim steady and makes it move according to the earth's rotation. Even tiniest shift could miss and sabotage Will's whole plan. Next, the leftover drones flies higher to create a smaller array, then, they release strings of energy up in the sky and they attach themselves to the concentrated ball of light.

This create a union to make all the drones and the concentrated ball of light as one. A precise aim that constantly locks into the target with terrifyingly high accuracy rate despite the distance.

"Launch in Three… Two…. One…" with Will's countdown, the ball of light rotates from mach one, the speed of sound, and rapidly increases even more. And when Will released the word one, the rotation speed topped to mach eighty-seven-thousand-four-hundred-and-three. Equaling zero point one equation C of the speed of light.

"Release…" Will says in a hush voice.

The ball of light bursts down, not leaving any sound. In a split second, it enters the atmosphere and created a very sharp whistle that only animals could hear. It looks nothing but a thin line, finer than a strand of hair. It precisely directs a beeline in only under one second at the primordial vampire's head inside the embryo, below the earths and rocks surrounding the cave.

Then, nothingness.

As Will lost the satellite, he have no way to check the situation as deep as before. One drone heads directly up above the primordial vampire's location, aligned to that thin light just now.

The trees shakes all over the dark mountain, as well as the hovering drones in the air. That fine line of light burst and disintegrate anything it touches.

The cave caves in even more and resembles a deep sinkhole. Causing crumbling noises from far away where Will is standing.

Major General David Sampson in his wolf form heard the whistle just a second ago, making all his hair stand on end.

He looks up at the dark mountain and hears the rumbling noises clearly. His all fours touching the ground could feel the faint vibration underneath the earth.

David takes a long howl according to his codes that all the personnel around knows. This signifies the largest threat they have yet to witness.

From the visuals given by the drones, Will could see that all the creatures within the dark mountains awakened and their body language seem to want to flee.

One bird initiated it, and then all of them flee, stripping the whole mountain from all the dark creatures.

Will counted on this to happen from his calculations. The dark creatures of all kinds want to spread out in the world after attacking the primordial vampire who seems to somehow have links with them.

"Post-launch, phase one!"

With that, all the drones proceed to the second formation they were programmed with. They form systemized positions and connects with strings of energy with each other. All the drones surrounds the dark mountain from every angle, creating a large arch overhead.

Then, they all produce and overlaps barriers from each of them to create a large dome of strong barrier.

Will looks at the energy levels that are left in the drones. "Thirty percent….Post-launch, phase two!"

All the drones forming the dome lights up and then starts bombarding inwards the isolated space indiscriminately. Laser beams lights up the dark area and hit multiple dark beast. They cry from pain and hiss angrily, however, they're all being attacked from all directions. Dark trees and earths caves in with craters as the laser beams blasted them, tattering the whole mountains with splattering debris and bodies of the dark creatures.

The dark creatures could only try their best to evade the laser beams since they couldn't tell which direction should they attack.

All of this happens hidden from the world. Undetected by the five senses.

If a normal person looks at the dark mountain, they would only see the same burned black and eerily quiet mountain.

Except David. Although the soldiers are skeptical because they couldn't see or hear anything strange, their Major General's orders are absolute. They also trust his enhanced senses akin or might have even surpassed that if a wolf.

They stationed themselves and created a barricade using their abilities to seal the mountain from the town behind them.

Will's plans have been going smoothly all along. This was the result of all those calculations and simulations. However, an unexpected turn of events occurred. Will couldn't have expected that the dark creatures would suddenly change their behavioral pattern.

All the dark creatures inside the dome seemingly starts forming a systemized and strategic formation all at once. As if they have one mind and body. Instead of spreading out as what they initially have done, they all suddenly position themselves to form a large arrow of flesh. This large arrow concentrates all its strength onto one point of the dome of barrier.

"Oh, shit!..." Will didn't waste time. He promptly calls his parents and friends to prepare themselves to evacuate.

"Everybody! Please don't ask, logout this instant! Something is happening to the dark mountain and we need to evacuate!" Everybody who heard Will's distressed voice knows that this isn't simply a joke, they immediately starts doing as Will said.

"That thing didn't die from that attack!" Will exclaim after cutting off the communication. The only way for the dark creatures to make this move is through a higher power who can influence them indiscriminately disregarding their species.

The drones that are being attacked in hordes slides from their position, making the dome of barrier looks impregnated and is about to create a smaller dome. As the whole drones are united as one, all the other drones are being pulled and the barriers stretch like rubber.

Not long after, a bat damages a drone, breaking it of from the formation and jeopardizing the systematic position. It creates a hole from the barrier and the bat pierce through the dome of barrier.

As if a cracked dam, the pressure of the attacks from the dark creatures widens that hole even more.

The army in formation near the foot of the mountain only saw one bat flew out of nowhere. The next moment, a whole horde of them suddenly appears as if bursting from out of nowhere, heading towards their direction and the town behind.

Ultimately, the energy stored within the drones that are being attacked reached zero. A burst of water released from the cracked dam.

The dome of barrier crackles as it slowly lose power. The strings of energies that has been holding them snap and they all flings all over the place.

"Shit!" Will curses and leaps down on the courtyard and encounters his family gathered in the living room.

"Mom! Dad! We have to leave the town! A horde of dark beasts are heading this way!... Hurry! We'll just leave our stuffs for now!"

"Will?!" Claire also turns terrified seeing Will's unusual erratic tone and movements.

Will begs them to just listen with his eyes. With that, they all promptly sprint outside and looks around. Will immediately sees Rick informing every household and telling them to leave this instant. He zip and zap in zigzag pattern across the road.

Will's family also does this with whatever means. They shout around the neighborhood to inform them that a horde of monsters are coming their way.

The townspeople had just experienced that dreadful times of the zombie outbreak and fear still lingers in their hearts. Hearing those shouts, they didn't question anything and grabbed their weapons to protect themselves and flee their homes to fill in the streets.

The residing townspeople near the military base could see the military's situation. Some takes their phones to start a live stream, copying what that doctor did during the zombie outbreak who caused him great fame.

Ultimately, every single one in the town finally heard the news and readies themselves and glare at the direction of the dark mountain.

The majority of them lost their loved ones during the zombie outbreak. When they heard that the origin of the zombies was that mountain close by, they stilled themselves to plant their feet on the ground to stay in the town and protect the memories they built together with their lost loved ones. Of course some of them already fled to the far cities and towns.

But this just means that the majority that are left in this town have, to some extent, steeled themselves despite knowing that the culprit and most significant threat that caused the zombie outbreak is just nearby.

After the initial fear that they felt after hearing that 'that' time has finally arrived, they steeled themselves to the resolution they made that time whet they decided to stay.

Instead of fleeing the town to the other direction, they all gathered to the direction of the dark mountain and plan to protect their town no matter what.

These people were the survivors after that zombie outbreak and they, themselves helped clearing them out.

An angry mob gathered outside the town. Or rather, an angry mob of ability users that are several times more stronger during that time gather into an army. Wielding the abilities they mastered each day.

"If I die this time, I will finally honor my wife and reunites with her!" A man shouts with a voice that reverberates and echoes throughout the town and even reached the army fighting with all their might up ahead.

Everyone shouts simultaneously, agreeing to what the man said. For the honor of their loved ones. 

One person leaps and runs to help the army without any hesitation. Akin to the gunshot signifying the start of the race, everybody shouts their war cry and gather along with the army to protect their town from the horde of dark creatures.

Will's drone could clearly see the situation from the sky.

Black dots of varying shapes and sizes coming from the dark mountain and the townspeople wearing different colored outfits coming from the town clash at where the army are currently fighting.

"Backups? Civilians?!" a soldier exclaims.

"They're not just civilians… they're all ability users!"

"Attack! Kill these pests as many as possible!"

The army's morale spring up as if they are on drugs. Killing beasts with fierce moves one after another.

"No, what are they doing?..."Will murmurs and couldn't understand what's in these peoples heads?

"Will, what are we waiting for?! Let's hurry up and go! We have to lend our strength that we have been building up in the VR world!" Rick left these words and literally disappeared, heading towards the war.

"Will. You built the VR world in case for the times like these right?" Claire asks.

Will reluctantly nods.

The town has now become a ghost town. Only they are left behind.

With comprehensive understanding for each others intent, they wordlessly also head for the war.

End of chapter.