
Enchanted Realm : Lust vs Reality

[ Its a 13+ story for young teenagers to enjoy moments like R-Rated stories] "Enchanted Realm : Lust V/S Reality" is a captivating story of Max, an ordinary and somewhat lonely teenager in the real world who suddenly finds himself thrust into an extraordinary, enchanted realm. Max's life takes an unexpected turn when Luna, a stunning girl from the Enchanted Realm, appears and reveals that Max is the missing prince, Alen. Chosen to take Alen's place, Max embarks on a journey of self-discovery, adventure, and love. As Max steps into his new role as Alen, he encounters a world of beauty and magic, becoming a prince adored by his people. However, adapting to his royal duties isn't without its challenges, including mastering the use of magic and navigating the intricacies of royal etiquette. Max's bond with Luna deepens as they prepare for their future together as husband and wife. Their relationship adds a layer of romance and intrigue to the story, as Max grapples with his feelings for Luna and his responsibilities in both worlds. "Enchanted Realm : Lust V/S Reality" is a tale of personal growth, friendship, and the magical journey of a young man who finds his place in a world he never knew existed. Max's story is one of hope and transformation, reminding us that sometimes, the most extraordinary adventures can begin with the most ordinary of beginnings.

Firey_shadows · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Lust Points [PG]

Luna told Alen that in the Enchanted Realm, the prince needs to learn magic to protect his country from bad people and become a good leader after the current king. There are three types of magic in the Enchanted Realm: 1- Basic magic, which includes things like making things float and teleporting. 2- Power magic, where you use magic to become stronger and fight against villians. 3- Elemental magic, which is the hardest to learn and only 20 people in the whole realm know it. It lets you control elements like fire, water, wind, and rain etc.

"Ok ok. I will learn it afterwards" Alen confronted

"The more you learn magic, The more you get Lust points" Luna expressed 

"L-Lust!! What are those?" Alen asked

"Its the points the more you get to spend time with girls and fulfill your men desires" Luna replied

"WHAT!...I want learn magic now. Then, I'll become the best magic user" Alen expressed " And i will get to more spend with girls, Hehe" He murmured. 

"So, when my training starting?" Alen asked

"About in two days" Luna answered 

Alen was tired and decided to sleep. He told luna to wake him up when there is night. Then he have to go to the real world. He went in the dreams of gorgeous beauties and spending time with them. 

He waked up and looked through the window. It was night in the Enchanted Realm.

"Lord , you waked up!" Luna sweet heard into Alen ears

"Yes, Its time to go back to Earth, Open the portal". He commanded Luna 

"Sure, I will take you to come back 8pm as yesterday" Luna replied in her sweet voice

She opened the portal. Max(Alen) before going inside the portal , leaned forward towards luna and gave her a deep kiss. This time they both opened there mouth , there saliva got mixed up. Max's tongue invaded Luna's mouth.  A bridge of saliva formed from their lips as they broke the kiss. Luna cheeks became red and started breathing deeply. Max too blushed out and again something poked out between his legs. 

"Nah, Not this again" He mumbled. 

He suddenly went inside the portal before luna noticed it. 

He Looked at the time and he was late for school, he washed it face confirming  no marks left of their kiss was only his face. 

He rushed to the school, forgetting to change his clothes. 

Students in his school started bullying coz the clothes were funny to them but he ignored them. Some girls first time started to like something about Max ever. At recess time , a bully came up to him and starting fighting because he was jealous how girls liked him. The bully pushed him and Max fell over girl nearby eating her lunch. Max hand eventually reached to one of the girl melons. Max blushed out. She didn't notice his hands but his clothes, she instantly liked them. She faced the bully and protected him from the bully. On the other hand, max was lying blushed out, lost in girl thoughts. Again something poked out of his legs as he continue to think. All the people starred at Max and burst into laughter. Even the girl get embarrassed and went out from that place. Max stood up feeling very embarrassed  and also headed out of the place. 

The next period at school was the sports period. The sports teacher asked them for a 100 meter race. The teacher made 4 groups of boys and 4 groups of girls.  Max was in fourth group of boys. He came last at a race, as he was not good at sports. He was also wearing the clothes which were uncomfortable for running.  It was now girls turn, Max was standing at end of the running track. The first group of girls started the race. Max sight completely turned towards the girls running. The girls were very slow as compared to the boys. As, girl came near the end and close to max. Max noticed that the running girls melons were going up and down, up and down and up and down. Max blushed out. But, as soon as he started noticing them the race ended. The race of second groups girls was about to start. This time, Max was full focused on the girls chest. As the race started, Max noticed that their melons this time going literally out of control. They were very loosely packed. East, west, north and south, They were moving in every direction possible as the girls were running. After a few seconds of Max's enjoyment. The race ended and third group of girl were ready to start. 

As, the race was about to start, Max was interrupted by one of his classmate. "Hey let's go and play basketball?" he said. "Nah man, I not in the mood of basketball" Max replied. "What about Football?" , "Nope", "Then volley ball?", "Noo", "Hmm....Baseball?", Max frustration grew as he screamed at him, "GET YOUR BALLS OUT, I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYTHING". Max just wanted to sit and see the girls running. "Geez" His classmate went away. As he tuned towards girls, The third group's race was all ready over. " Sh!t , He didn't let me enjoy the Race" .

4th group was about to start to race. Max was all hyped up. Girl started running and Max started enjoying. Max got an idea. He stood at the end of the race track. His arms wide open. As, the race ended , the winner girl got crashed into max. The girl cutely mourned. Her melons broke straight upon Max. The both fell down. Her melons squeezed upon max as she laid on him. She stood up and rested in dog position.  Max laid down was looking in her eyes. Suddenly, something snapped. Max saw himself where he was standing earlier. Turns out, He was just Day dreaming. 

To be continued...


Next chapter. Next week, Same day-- 8am(IST) 

I know this chapter was fun. Next chapter will be fun as well. But note this, Chapters like this are going to be one in 10 chapters. If u want more, u just have to spam in the comment and Vote you powerstone. 

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