
Enchanted Realm : Lust vs Reality

[ Its a 13+ story for young teenagers to enjoy moments like R-Rated stories] "Enchanted Realm : Lust V/S Reality" is a captivating story of Max, an ordinary and somewhat lonely teenager in the real world who suddenly finds himself thrust into an extraordinary, enchanted realm. Max's life takes an unexpected turn when Luna, a stunning girl from the Enchanted Realm, appears and reveals that Max is the missing prince, Alen. Chosen to take Alen's place, Max embarks on a journey of self-discovery, adventure, and love. As Max steps into his new role as Alen, he encounters a world of beauty and magic, becoming a prince adored by his people. However, adapting to his royal duties isn't without its challenges, including mastering the use of magic and navigating the intricacies of royal etiquette. Max's bond with Luna deepens as they prepare for their future together as husband and wife. Their relationship adds a layer of romance and intrigue to the story, as Max grapples with his feelings for Luna and his responsibilities in both worlds. "Enchanted Realm : Lust V/S Reality" is a tale of personal growth, friendship, and the magical journey of a young man who finds his place in a world he never knew existed. Max's story is one of hope and transformation, reminding us that sometimes, the most extraordinary adventures can begin with the most ordinary of beginnings.

Firey_shadows · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Found Someone

Max was 15 years old, with a less conventionally attractive appearance and not excelling in either academics or sports.

All of Max's friends had girlfriends, and they playfully teased Max because he was the only one without a special someone. Max, you see, had never experienced the magical feeling of having a crush. He couldn't help it; the girls at his school just didn't seem to be his cup of tea.

Unfortunately, Max also didn't share the same interests as his friends, which sometimes made him feel like he was in a different world. They'd chat about things he couldn't quite grasp, treating him like the group's little sibling rather than an equal.

Loneliness often crept over Max like a shadow.

One sunny day during lunch recess at school, a friend of his group decided to have some fun at Max's expense. With a mischievous grin, he said, "Max, do you even know how babies are born?  Maybe you should go back to primary school and enjoy playing with the little kids. Even elementary school kids know this stuff!"

Max felt his cheeks turn a shade of red, embarrassed by the teasing. But he decided to reply with a cheeky smile, "Oh, I definitely know! I'm just saving that secret knowledge for when I'm older." He winked, even though he didn't quite have all the answers.

While Max walking back to home, he couldn't stop replaying the teasing incident in his mind. He wondered about what it all meant and how he could fit in better with his friends.

Suddenly, a surprising twist of fate changed his day. Someone grabbed Max's hand and gently pulled him backward. As he turned, he found himself face to face with a stunning girl. She had long, flowing hair, creamy skin, and the most mesmerizing sapphire eyes he had ever seen. She seemed eager to show Max something exciting.

Max felt an instant connection, something he had never experienced before. It was his very first crush, and he was ready to follow her anywhere.

The both sat on the soft fur bed looking in each other eyes. 

"Lord, where were you? I had been searching for years, Now we have go back" The girl said her sweet and charming voice. 

"W-Wait but who are you, and we have to go back his head" Max replied in loud and deep voice. 

"Ah~", Max's voice scared the girl  as she whispered in low voice, "Lord, What happened to voice?" 

"Gosh! This puberty", Max murmured. "Sorry, if my voice scared you" 

"Well, My name is Luna and I came form the Enchanted Realm to take you back. You were the prince of our country and then suddenly went missing", The girl continued in her sweet voice.

Luna hold Max hands and took in a nearby room. A pink color heart shaped portal stood Infront of them. Luna was taking max inside the portal but max stopped her. 

"Wait I have my own personal life, I can't straight away give up my personal life and become your country's prince", A valid point given by Max.

"But what about our country, They need you!", Luna took max hand and touched it on one of her melon.

Max cheeks became red in embarrassment while feeling the pleasure of her soft and fluffy...

But Max became bold as he said," Is there a possibility that I can be in your country and at same time in real life.

"Yes", Luna said.

"Ok, What is it? " Max got excited

"When there is day in this world, there is night at Wonder World and vice versa " Luna said 

"Ok, but what about my sleep" ,Max questioned. 

"You can rest for 4-6 hours in wonder world as your training will only go for 2 hours",  Luna replied.

"But only if you will be my girlfriend" Excitement  shining in his eyes .

"Sure, I am even chosen as your future wife in the enchanted realm" Luna cheeks became red as she said.

Max blushed out and  got very excited...

"But there's afternoon right now, call me at 8pm at night. Here is my number" Max gave her number on paper

"I don't need it, I can use my magic to come at your home" Luna smiled as said


"Wonder Land is full of magic, You can also learn them and you can use it anywhere even if its other world" , Luna replied

"Nice" Max exclaimed

Max looked into Luna eyes leaned towards her while holding her one of the melon in his one hand. He gave luna a deep and passionate kiss on her red soft lips. This pleasure lasted for what 2 mins straight. 


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