
Enchanted Paths: Luxana's Rise to Empress

As a new writer passionate about crafting captivating narratives, I believe collaboration and feedback are vital. Please support me by reading my work and sharing valuable insights to help refine my stories and reach their full potential in the realms of fantasy, romance, adventure, royalty, magic, and drama. Together, we can inspire a new generation of readers. The genre is fantasy, romance, adventure, royalty, magic and drama. My Novel: A political marriage unites Luxana and Cillain, two strangers with hidden magical powers, setting them on a path of self-discovery, love, and the creation of an extraordinary empire. I will be posting this story on tapas.io , RoyalRoad.com , www.webnovel.com , www.wattpad.com , www.scribblehub.com

rida_suhail · History
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 - It was WINE?

"You have a visitor worth so much more than you." informs a maid.

"..." *nods head*

-In the Guest Room-

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting so long." I admitted.

"SISTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" *hugs Luxana* "Did you miss me, Sister?" Isabella pressed for answers.

Isabella, my step-sister and the Queen's biological daughter, was an epitome of mesmerizing beauty. Her luscious, pink lips evoked images of delicate roses, while her evergreen eyes sparkled like precious emeralds, enchanting all who dared to gaze into their depths. Crowning her angelic face was a flowing mane of light blonde hair, gleaming as if spun from golden sunlight itself. With each gentle sway of her head, the shimmering tresses seemed to whisper secrets of celestial allure. The soft, celestial glow of her porcelain skin danced gracefully in the light, radiating an aura of pure ethereal charm.

Her delicate features were perfectly sculpted, as if by the divine hand of an artistic master. High cheekbones graced her visage, emphasizing the elegance of her slender, swan-like neck. The gentle slope of her petite nose harmonized with the subtle curve of her Cupid's bow, while her brows arched with just the slightest hint of mystery. Her beauty was so magnetic, so utterly bewitching, that it seemed as though the heavens themselves conspired to create such an enchanting vision.Isabella's smile was a radiant jewel, casting a spell of warmth and kindness upon all who witnessed its splendor. Like the sweet song of a siren, her melodic voice captivated the hearts of noblemen throughout the kingdom, ensnaring them in a web of desire. Even the most indifferent souls were powerless to resist the charm of this exquisite, divine maiden, their hearts aflutter with the first glimpse of her angelic face.Her shy, demure nature only enhanced her allure, casting an irresistible mystique over those who watched her every move. With her delicate, graceful movements and regal bearing, it was no wonder that she left an indelible mark on the royal court, her presence forever etched into the hearts and minds of all who beheld her ethereal beauty.

But I'd hate to break to y'all; she frequently throws tantrums and demands attention since she is such a cry baby when it comes to things she doesn't get. Because of her extreme stubbornness and lack of willingness to compromise, she may be quite difficult to get along with at times. Trying to please her with every whim and mood fluctuation might get exhausting. It can be draining to deal with her continual need for approval and affirmation, particularly when she gets too worked up over trivial matters. To control her means to beg for your death. And don't even ask about pleasing her; I have no idea how the maids in charge manage it. It's the talk of the palace; every day, there'd be at least 10 servants being punished, fired, or sometimes even dead by her own hands. Oh well, of course, this information is kept top secret from the nobles; only the people inside the palace know about it.

"C'mon sis, you're always like this, so cold!" exclaimed Isabella. "You also lack the knowledge of how to respond appropriately when asked a question.."

"..." Yes at least I'm not like you, angel on the outside and devil on the inside.

"Oh, by the way sis.....Where is he"? she probed with a hint of concern in her voice. 

"..." I'd rather say it's a hint of suspicion. I titled my head to the right, indicating I don't know who she's referring to with a straight face.

"I'm referring to your lover who..." *suddenly stops*

"HUH?" I blurted. *turns around in shock*

"Oh, what're you doing here"? I questioned.

"Hehe, I told you I'd come get you last night, but...let's just say the circumstances didn't allow me to." confessed Cillain.

I looked at him, raising my eyebrow and with eyes that knew he was lying but didn't bother to say anything. I turned back to look at my sister who was frozen. Oh her hilarious face didn't wait an oust to make me smile. And as he came forward to look too, I....


*Blush* "Ugh, Ugh, wha-wha-what do you think you're doing Lux-Lux-Luxana"? he complained, stuttering.

"Demon Contractor, huh!" I exclaimed, my expression revealing my suspicion that something was amiss with him. It's as if he has managed to freeze time, leaving only the two of us unaffected. It appears that he possesses a formidable demon as his ally. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as I realized the extent of his abilities. It was clear that I was facing a deadly opponent. 

"Ha-how'd you know"? he questioned with pure astonishment.

"Your heartbeat, it's different from a normal human's." Now it's clear how he ended up finding my mother's keepsake. 

"So you know about demons and their contractors"? He quizzed with a straight face. 


"Sigh. Whatever, let's go." he said.

"Where to"? I questioned tilting my head slightly.

"Anywhere, but here." he replied with disgust looking at the surroundings in my room. 

I giggled. 

"I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm busy right now, please come back tonight if possible." I said with a smile.

He gave in saying "Fine, but I want you ready by the time I'm here to get you." I nodded as he left unfreezing the time. 

"...just bombarded our father's birthday banquet!" exclaimed Isabella.

I smirked.

"You've got it all wrong my little one". I said with a convincing voice as I brushed her hair with my bare hands and smiled as I sat down beside her on the bed and bumped our heads together. "He was here after you." Isabella blushed. "Ma-me? Wha-Why me"? she asked shyly as she stuttered. 

"Didn't you see? The way he was looking at you when father was yelling at him." 

"Ah...he was...looking at me.....and not father"?

"Of course, the smile on his face was his way to soothing down his eagerness to meet you, the beloved princess of the Holy Kingdom of Domino.

"You really think so"?

"Well, here's my theory: We still don't know if the two individuals who were instantly slain were Elmirian or Dominions. If they prove to be Dominions, then it's obvious; he showed up to our father's birthday celebration without notice, eager and anxious to see the rumored one to be the flower of paradise behind the curtains because—come on—who wouldn't fall in love with you, Isabella? *Isabella Blushes* And what if those two wanted to harm, murder, or even take you captive? In order to keep you safe, he had certainly evaluated it and taken that move."

"Oh, oh, do you really think so, sister? Could he have really come for me?"

"Of course, there's none other than our lovely Isabella deserving of him, no?" I said with a soft smile.

"Hehe, of course, you're right. Why else would he come other than willing to see me!" she exclaimed happily with a beautiful smile. "Oh, but sister, I hope there's nothing between the two of you, cause if there is, it'd be a shame to the whole nation, don't you agree?" she said with a terrifying expression.

"Of-of course. I'll definitely keep that in mind." What she meant by that last wasn't about having to do anything with him, but she's warning me to stay away from the two of them, cause if I meddle her progress with him might get loose and in the worst case scenario even terminated.

"Very well then sister, I'll take my leave. I'm very very very very sorry if I disturbed you." she said with her innocent and captive look.

"Oh, of course not. Please visit me again sometime." I said with a smile escorting her to the entrance gate. "Please take care and come visit again".

"Yes, you too." she said with a very kind and soft smile melting the hearts of the servant behind me.

Haa.......thank god it's over. I was getting worried that she might suspect me even more than she is doing right now. Luckily I handled the situation well. *Smiles*

-In Luxana's room-



(A maid enters the room)

"You insolent B*tch!"

*Slap's Luxana*

"..." Aaa...she's the maid from earlier that day. The one who I slapped, before going to the Banquet.

"What? Did you think I wouldn't take my vengeance? BECAUSE OF YOU, we were beaten with sticks at least 50 times! And now look at how sore my body's gotten *show her hands*."

Ow, too bad. It doesn't seem like it'll heal anytime soon. Oh well, they deserved it.

"Just cause I spilled some wine on you, and you think you can do this to me?"

WINE? It was WINE? The liquid she spilled on me was wine and not juice? Wait....then why'd it taste like cranberry then?

"Ah, I'm so sorry *hick* I didn't know they'd hurt you soo much *cries* Ahh I feel so guilty! *wailing*"

"Ugh, st-stop crying! If anyone would hear you, I'd be in big trouble!" exclaims a maid anxiously looking around. 

*Wails even louder*"I'm so so so sorry, *bawling* Ahhhh"

"Alright fine. I forgive you!!!! Now just shut up and get up! And don't cause unnecessary fuss." Ugh, If I get entangled with this princess again, God knows what she'll do to get me dead. It's best to just stay away from her and be on good terms. I don't want to go through that harsh beating again *shivers*. 

"Tha-thank you....I'll....I'll ask the butler to arrange some ointment for you..."

"Ugh, no need. Do you want us dead or what?"

"Of-of course not!"

"Ugh, alright whatever, I'm leaving." 

"Umhh....but I had a question...".*maid turns around*"My name's Myla, if that's what you're gonna ask!"

"Umh no, I wanted to know where'd you get the wine you spilled on me from?"

"Oh, I found it in the basement a few days ago." Why'd she be asking that? Well, whatever, none of my concerns. As long as she's quiet I don't need anything else.

"Oh alright. Thank you, Myla." *Soft smile*

(Myla's struck my Luxana's smile and blushes and leaves the room.)

*Door Closes*

*Luxana plops onto her bed*

Wine...wine........wine....Why's there wine in this abandoned Castle in the first place? And to add on, it's Cranberry? Something's fishy.

To be Continued...