
enchanted love

girl forced to marry a fat man old enough to be her father entered a flash marriage with an unknown man but the man unexpectedly dies what would be the fate of Qin yaoxiao

Balogun_Adedoyin · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter one

"can I have a glass of soju" said a man who was sitting on the restaurant's table wearing a sun glasses. He had a black fluffy hair and exuded an elegant aura probably rich

'yes sir right away ' Qin yaoxiao went to the bar to get the drink on her way man men were gawking at her beauty and she felt disgusted even though she was used to those kind of gaze 

She collected the drink from su ping the bar man and went directly to the rich guy ' here it is sir enjoy your drink' she bowed slightly

'may I know your name' the man asked

'for what sir'

'nothing I would just love to know your name'

' okay sir my name is ...'

Just as Qin yaoxiao was about to say her name Madam Friv ,the owner of the loonge yelled

' hey what are you still doing there are there no other customers to attend to?' 

' right on my way ma'am'

The man removed his sun glasses and said 

' Friv is this how you treat your customers'

'am sorry master yan I didn't know it was you ' she almost kowtowed to him

Qin yaoxiao wondered if it was the master of the popular and rich Yan family biggest in Beijing ,no it can't be him a rich man like him won't come to drink in such a shabby place like this , she quickly dispelled the thought and swiftly attended to other customers .