
Chapter 9

Andreas arrived at Nifontovite in a span of three days—much faster than expected. It takes five days to get to his kingdom on average. Unlike Gahnospinel which was much brighter and more colorful, Nifontovite has darker colors and the weather was usually cold. He was met by his grandmother at the entrance of their palace.

"Grandmother," he says, kissing her cheek. "How have you been?"

"Well, my child," she replied, pulling her grandchild into a much-awaited hug. "I have missed you! Tell me, why did you extend your stay at Gahnospinel?"

"Well," he explained, "Princess Dionne fell ill. I thought I should see her get better as we were friends back in the academy."

"Dionne?" asked the Dowager Queen. "Little Dionne you often wrote to me about? The mischievous princess who often beat you and your classmates?" This was exciting news. The last time she saw the child, she was still twelve.

"Did mother not tell you that she's the heiress of Gahnospinel?" asked Andreas, "I received quite a warm welcome so you needn't worry. I think we'll have peace with them."

"Good job, prince," his grandmother praised. "Now, we must go to your parents' office. We have pressing matters to speak of now that you'll soon be nine and ten years old."

He gulped.

It couldn't be what I think it is, can it? They made it sound so urgent that I come home, he thought. He followed his grandmother to the office where his parents were waiting quite impatiently.

"Mother, Father," he greeted.

"Andreas," his father says, "It's about time you've come home. Did the princess like our present for her eighteenth birthday?"

"Yes," Andreas replied, "But we might opt for a grander present. Her parents aren't as impressed as she was. Why did you summon me so abruptly?"

The king and queen looked at each other and back at him. This wasn't looking good at all.

"Son," the king began, "We may go to war. People from other kingdoms want to invade us. They don't fear our might like they used to."

The queen placed her hand over her husband's. "And we need you to do your duty as our son," she continued, "You need to choose a bride that's wealthy and can provide aid for us should we go to war. We have selected a few candidates for you to choose from."

"No," he said, taking a step back. This is the first time he said "no" to them so this was quite a shock for everyone.

"I don't want to get married yet," he says, "Not now. I'm only eighteen."

"I was married when I was sixteen," said his father, "And your mother was only eleven at the time. Trust me, marriage is not that bad."

"We fell in love and eventually had you," said his mother, "We've done our parts when we were your age. Now it's your turn, son."

He couldn't believe his ears. All his life, he did as he was told. He did everything he could to be the perfect prince. Now they want him to marry a stranger against his will? This is preposterous!

"No!" he argued, "I did everything you ask of me. Is that not enough?"

"Son," the queen tried.

He steps back further, refusing to hear any of it. "I am going to my chamber to cool off," he says, "And just so you know, Princess Dionne and I are already courting." With that said, he stormed off. He didn't plan to tell his parents about their courtship that way. The whole thing just blew up in his face.

He needed to think. His Kingdom is in danger. Of course, he needs to commit to his duties first. But what about the war that might break out with the Gahnospinels? There's got to be a way around this. If he doesn't commit to his agreement with Dionne, she'll be in a lot of trouble and he'd be a bad friend; if he doesn't fulfill his duty as the heir to the throne, his kingdom may fall. It's a this or that situation and that frustrates him.

He pulled out a fresh sheet of paper and a pen. He has to write to her and let her know about the mess he's in.

Princess Dionne,

I appreciate the letter you sent me on my way back. You asked me to tell you how my family reacted. Well, it's kind of a problem now. My kingdom may soon be involved in a war and my parents ask me to find myself a suitable bride. I then blurted out that you and I are courting and stormed off.

My parents said they had a list ready for me. It was a nightmare. I haven't seen it yet, and I don't want to.

This matter is serious and I want to confide in you as a friend. You're also an heir to a throne; you'll understand me. I have a duty to fulfill as the prince. If I don't find myself a bride, my kingdom may fall. If I exit the agreement we have, I'd be a bad friend for abandoning you. This is the burden I'm dealing with right now and I want to hear what you have to say as my friend.

How are you doing? Are you still in confinement? Let me know. I'll send you letters frequently and update you on these matters. Please get well soon. It may take a while for me to visit you again.


Prince Andreas

He handed the letter to his servant, instructing him to send it urgently to Gahnospinel. It had to be done with discretion.

To no surprise, the pager announced the arrival of his grandmother, the Dowager Queen Fera. She entered his chambers with an enormous smile on her face.

"I knew it," she says rather cheerily, "The moment you arrived, your eyes were lit up. Are you two in love?"

He blushed, avoiding his grandmother's gaze.

She grabbed his chin, making him face her. "You are!" she says, "I am so excited to hear your story! Come now and tell grandma everything."

He pulled the collar on his shirt. This is getting more uncomfortable than ever. How does he tell the "story" to his grandmother? He didn't like lying to her. But what other choice does he have?

"Well," he began, "The moment I arrived, I saw her waiting for me at the entrance. She's gotten taller, but not that much. I still towered over her. She also grew her hair longer and her face developed to be more ladylike. Her red eyes looked like they were glowing most of the time. She also carries herself in a way that made her stand out from every other lady our age."

"So she's beautiful," fear says, grinning, "I heard she's the fairest in the world. Judging by the look on your face, that rumor is true."

"She matured," he says, "But the old child still lives within her. I don't know what else to say. She's enchanting. Not just by her beauty, but by her personality and character."

"Does she still fight?" she asked curiously.

Andreas scratched his head, blushing once again.

"Yes, she does," he says, "She happen to beat me once again with a sword in hand." He recalled the moment he sneaked into her chambers. She wore nothing but her nightgown and a sword in hand. She looked no doubt like a goddess in every man's fantasy.

What am I thinking? he asked himself. I can't think of her like that! She's my friend!

Andreas pushed his sinful thoughts away, shaking his head in the process.

"What's the matter?" she asked, "You look rather red. Are you worried your parents won't take this well?"

He just shrugged, slumping on his bed. He really didn't want to be going through this right now.

"Your parents are happy with the news; believe it or not," she tried to comfort him, "They're very proud that you stuck up for yourself. Your father is impressed and he greatly approves."

"Really?" he asked, his mood suddenly lighting up.

"But your mother insists that you still go over the selection just in case you change your mind," she said. She's really happy for her grandson. He never once showed any interest in girls. The only girl he ever mentioned was Dionne. It was a pleasant surprise for her when he told her about their courtship.

"Andreas," she says, "I am very glad that you told us. Whatever you choose, you know you have my support." With a light kiss on her grandson's forehead, she left.

He can't imagine ever telling his grandmother the truth. It would severely crush her.

Sighing, he looked at the list his mother prepared for him.

The first lady is Melanie of house Crimson. She attended the academy with him. She has long blonde hair and grey eyes. Her intelligence is almost as high as Dionne's and she's very ladylike. Her family is extremely wealthy. Her father is a cousin of the Queen of Opal.

The next one on the list was Princess Rini of Yuksporite. Her family is very wealthy and has multiple allies around the world. They're also rich in weaponry and ships. Rini had long brown hair and brown eyes. She's incredibly sweet, but she's also vain. She's a good catch. Andreas knew her from the academy as well.

He wouldn't consider her, however. Marrying her would be a sure war. Dionne despised her during their days in the academy. Why? Andreas used Rini as a tool to make her jealous and insecure. Dionne would strike both of them herself before they could say the words "I do."

"This is harder than I thought it would," he says, scratching his head.

Out of the blue, Lord Kenzo, his closest friend, came in unannounced.

"I heard you got back," he says, taking a seat across from his best friend. "I came as soon as I heard. What's that?"

"My parents want me to get married," he says, pouring both of them a glass of wine. He believes he needs it for this conversation.

"I met Dionne, by the way," he says, "She's not who you imagine her to be."

"Is she really a goddess now?" Kenzo asked, sipping on his wine. "So what? Did she not try to kill you when you met?"

Andreas smiled. "We're courting," he says, contemplating whether or not he'll tell him about the deal he has with her.

Kenzo spat his wine in shock. "You're what?" he questioned. He also questioned his friend's sanity. Dionne is a crazy chick and this news was beyond his wildest imagination.

Andreas, she did something to you, didn't she? She must've put something in your coffee, He thought in disbelief. He couldn't tell if he was messing with him or not. Hopefully, he is because from what he remembered, Andreas and Dionne were chaotic.

"It's an arrangement beneficial to both of us," he says, "So don't get any ideas. We're in the process of getting to know each other. You should accompany me the next time I go to Gahnospinel."

"And get killed?" he asked, "No way!" Though looking back, Dionne has nothing to hate him for. He was quite decent to her. He even offered to help her out regarding Andreas at some point.

"So why are you looking through these lists?" he asked. Noticing the familiar portrait, he said, "Rini?"

"Yeah," Andreas nods, "She's part of the selection. I don't consider her though. Dionne would wage war against us if I do. Hell, she would kill us before we make it to the altar!" He laughed at his statement like a child.

"Anyway," he continues, "Mother wants me to still look through this in case I change my mind about Dionne."

"But why her?" Kenzo asked, "I don't get it."

He can't tell Kenzo the whole story. At least not until Dionne agrees on it. Instead, he just shrugged and went with his instinct—to lie.

"We realized that we could give this a real shot now that we're older," he says. His smile looked so genuine that even he could believe it.

Kenzo tilted his head. He feels something different about Andreas. He's hiding something from him; he could sense it. Or maybe he's just being paranoid. Perhaps Andreas is simply in love for the first time in his life. He's genuinely happy for him if he is in love. Unfortunately, his brain still couldn't grasp the idea of the woman being Dionne.

"Okay," he says, smiling at his best friend. "So long as you're happy and in love."

"In love?" Andreas furrowed his brows.

"You're not?" Kenzo in turn raised his eyebrows in concern. "Why court her if you're not in love?"

"I never really thought about love," he admitted, "We started this to benefit each other—she and I. Royals never have the luxury of love. Marriage is usually a political alliance. Do you think she can love me if I loved her?"

Kenzo was red in embarrassment. He can't believe they're talking about this. he scratched his head, smiling sheepishly.

"Andreas," he says, "I think it's possible. Do you at least find yourself attracted to her?"

Andreas blushed a bright scarlet. He hates to admit it, but yes, he is physically attracted to her. He's still a man and all men have desires. If they didn't know each other and she was on the list of brides, he would select her no doubt.

"Yeah," he said coolly, trying to avoid coming off as excited. "The title she holds as the fairest in the world is nothing, truth be told. That title doesn't sum up her beauty at all."

"So you're saying she is hot?" he asked, trying to imagine what she looked like. The last time he saw her, she had medium-length hair and was very skinny. Judging by Andreas' face, she must be a goddess on earth.

"I can't get her out of my head," he confessed.

Kenzo smiled, saying, "Then don't."