
Chapter 47

Andreas woke up to the touch of his cat. It lay beside him, dropping a crystal. He remembered the good witch from the festival and all the prophecies he’s heard. He stared at the sleeping Dionne, thoughts filled with wonder.

Prophecy after prophecy stated that the union between them would bring peace and destruction. Lores that had been past down from generation to generation states that their lines are cursed to hate each other. But how could he hate her? He never did. In fact, he’s always loved her. She’s the only girl he ever wanted to marry.

Dionne’s eyes fluttered open, meeting his gaze. She yawned, wiping her eyes. “Why are you staring so intently?” she asked, sitting up.

“I like how peaceful you look in your sleep,” he says, making his way to the bed. He sat down, holding her hand. “Good morning, Dionne.”

“I had a dream,” she says, “It was dark. The world was aflame. An empire crumbled. People were slaughtered. Dragons flew everywhere in a rage…”