
Chapter 28

Dionne, Kenzo, and Haze sat in Andreas' study in silence. Dionne was clearly still upset about the sight she saw and both parties could see that. Kenzo felt guilty for it and Haze felt empathy for her. They both could feel the negative energy surrounding Dionne as she sadly held onto the matching stone she shared with Andreas.

"That's a beautiful stone, is it not, Kenzo?" Haze broke the silence.

Kenzo nodded in agreement, saying, "Yes. What type of rock is it?"

Dionne looked up, meeting their gaze. "I do not know," she confessed, "But it's part of a set."

"Ah," Kenzo nods, "I see. The other half of that must be the one I saw Andreas holding earlier today." Changing the subject, he says, "Anyway, the gossip sheet has written a lot about you, Princess. You should be pleased. It is all about you and Andreas."