
Chapter 11

In the south where the weather matched the prince's awful mood, Andreas sat waiting impatiently for the response to his letter. What was taking the princess so long? She said she'd write to him frequently. That doesn't seem to be the case.

Kenzo entered the prince's chambers with a letter in his hand. He wore a grin on his face, waving the letter around.

"I come bearing gifts," he says, catching Andreas' undivided attention.

Andreas' face lit up upon the sight of the letter.

Finally. I never thought I'd receive a reply, he thought, taking the letter from Kenzo's hand. To his dismay, it didn't have Dionne's seal. The seal it bore was that of the kingdom of Yuksporite.

He looked at Kenzo, asking, "You didn't contact Rini, did you?"

If Kenzo had contacted her, he believes that it would blow up in his face. Not to mention the wrath Dionne will reign over them. May God have mercy.

Kenzo smiled devilishly.

"My brother," he says, "You asked me to help you find a bride. I'm just doing my part. You, however, have done nothing but sat there waiting for Dionne's letter."

He couldn't believe his best mate. What happened? It's as though he switched personalities with Dionne after his visit. Dionne used to be the one running after him; now it's the other way around. Was the world ending?

He sighed, saying, "Rini sent a reply, unlike Dionne. Read it. Perhaps she's a worthy bride."

Groaning, Andreas opened the letter and read. It was scented with lavender—Rini's signature scent.

Dear Lord Kenzo and Prince Andreas,

It's a surprise to hear from you after all this time. I appreciate your letter. I am doing quite well in our realm. I am coming of age soon as I'm sure you know. My party will be held this October. You can consider this your official invitation to the ball.

I also want to express my thanks for your invitation. My answer is this. Of course, I would be delighted to visit Nifontovite. I shall come in three days' time.

I would like to take this opportunity, to ask how you're doing. I heard you two have become quite warriors and incredibly influential. I do look forward to hearing your stories once I come.

Yours sincerely,

Princess Rini

Andreas handed the letter over to Kenzo. He didn't write the letter and he's certainly not going to give her a reply. This was all Kenzo's doing.

"Do as you please with her," he says, "I'm telling you that Dionne will have our heads should she find out."

Kenzo scratched his head in disbelief. He still can not grasp the fact that Dionne has this effect on his best friend. He's more than certain that he needs to snap his friend out of it. If this is love, it sure looks unhealthy.

"Look," he says, "I know you said that it's all just beneficial—this thing you have going on with Dionne—but it seems to me that you are in love. I feel the need to get you to your senses."

Andreas glared at his friend. How could he think that? How many times should he explain the situation to him?

"I am not in love with Dionne," he denies angrily, "Can you imagine me in love with her? Do you even remember how I used to treat that girl? She's nothing to me." His words would cut deep into her if she had heard him, and this bothered him slightly. A feeling of guilt crept inside him, but she shook it off.

Kenzo sighed exhaustedly. Who was he kidding? He could see right through him and it was so obvious.

"The Andreas I knew would put his kingdom first," he says, "If you say you don't care, then marrying Dionne wouldn't be a problem. Marrying her is the solution, in fact. Now if you still oppose, then you should make finding a bride more serious. That's the only way you can save your kingdom from the war your parents told you about. Rini is your best shot at this."

Kenzo's words were like a slap in the face. He's right. He somehow changed after visiting the land of Gahnospinel. This is like a wake-up call. And since Dionne didn't give him a response, he needs to find himself a bride. He will home his deal with her still, of course. But that deal will only last until he decides to propose to the right person.

"Fine," he tells his friend, "You're right. I'll take this more seriously."

"Good," Kenzo says, patting Andreas' shoulder. "It's about time."

Andreas took the pen and a fresh sheet of paper.

Princess Rini,

I look forward to your visit here in Nifontovite.


Prince Andreas

Kenzo looked over feeling embarrassed for his friend. That was a pretty short letter. What did he expect? Andreas never had the talent for writing letters and communicating.

Is he serious about this letter? he thought, scratching his head.

"What are you looking at me like that?" Andreas asked curiously. His friend looked like he saw a ghost or something. He then glanced back at the letter in realization.

"Oh," he says, laughing sheepishly, "Is it not good?"

Are you kidding me? Kenzo thought in disbelief. His friend is absolutely clueless. He'll never be able to woo a woman at this point. Truth be told, he never understood the girls who fawned over him in the academy.

"Andreas," he says, "No offense, but you suck at this. You're supposed to be romancing her through your words."

Andreas blushed in embarrassment. Was he really this terrible? Back in the old days, he didn't even have to try. He was the one being chased after; not this alternate reality he's in right now.

Kenzo's the expert at this. Maybe he should continue writing letters to me, he thought.

"Since you are the better one," he says, "perhaps you can continue writing in my stead?"

Kenzo laughed hysterically. What other choice does he have other than to agree? Besides being his best friend and only hope, he has a duty to fulfill as the subject of the future king.

He nodded, saying, "Sure, Andreas. I'll help you out."

Andreas breathes out a sigh of relief. This whole thing was harder than he thought it would be.

But why was it easy with Dionne? Was it because none of it was real? he asked himself.

"I appreciate it," he tells his friend. He then wonders what could Dionne possibly be doing at this moment.

Meanwhile, at the Princess' Palace at the heart of Epiphanteur, Princess Dionne and Princess Haze walked about the gardens together. Seeing them together was a treat for nobles and foreign visitors. The sister-like friends were like goddesses on earth.

"Tell me," Dionne says, "You met Prince Azaria earlier today, yes? I want to know your opinion of him."

Haze smiled. This smile seems genuine and not sarcastic. T'was a good sign. Haze must be pleased.

"Well," she says, "He looks handsome like a god. He's tall and he looks smart. Not to mention he's a prince and wealthy. His realm is known for its technologies and military might. I say go for it."

Dionne smiled. Why does this seem familiar? That's right. Haze gave her approval once before and it was a flop.

"Are you sure about it this time, Haze?" she asked, cracking her knuckles.

Haze took a step back, laughing sheepishly.

"The last time," she laughs, "I didn't think you'd actually like him! And that was years ago! Get over it, Dionne." She continued laughing as Dionne shifted her gaze elsewhere.

Haze then continued, "Say, does Duke Vicente still bother you?"

Dinner felt sick in her stomach. Whenever the thought of him came up, she felt like throwing up.

"He's won my father's favor, Haze," she tells her, "He also wouldn't stop trying to get my attention. I'm beginning to despise him, truthfully."

Haze laughed hysterically, meeting the gaze of the devil himself.

"To your displeasure, Vicente is right in front of us," she whispers.

Dionne met his gaze and she immediately felt the change in her mood. From being cheery she now felt lazy and ready to retire to her chambers.

Being the proper lady that she is, she curtsies to him and greets, "Duke Vicente. What are you doing in my palace yet again?"

Haze proceeds to say, "She doesn't want you here. Can't you take a hint?"

Duke Vicente laughed at Haze's statement. He always found her personality quite amusing. They have quite friendly relations given that they're distant cousins.

"You never change, Princess Haze," he says, kissing her hand. "And what brings you here?"

"My friend, the princess, asked you that same question first," she says, "I think it only appropriates that you answer her first."

He sighed in defeat.

"I came to meet with the king regarding matters of the realm," he says, "Since I was already in the palace, I decided to drop by and pay a visit to Princess Dionne."

"Ah," Haze says, "You've said your " hello." You can leave now, Duke Vicente. Also, I'm here because I'm helping her find a husband."

Vicente rolled his eyes, shaking his head. He wouldn't stay any longer. He knew that when there's Haze, there's no getting to Dionne. To him, she's like Dionne's human shield.

There's not much I can do at this point, he thought, Until next time then, Princess Dionne.

He scratched his head, smiling awkwardly.

"Since Haze will surely not allow us to have a moment," he says, "I shall take my leave, your grace. I look forward to our next meeting." With that said, he took a bow and left.

Haze felt something in her stomach. A gut feeling she couldn't explain. She saw something in Vicente's eyes that bothered her. A darkness she never saw in him before.

"He's plotting something big, Dionne," she tells her friend, "I can feel it."

Dionne asks, "And you think I don't see it?"

Haze shook her head in response. This plot is bigger than what Dionne could possibly imagine. It's far more treacherous.

"You've always been a terrible judge of character, my friend," she says, "You see him as a good friend. And whatever kindness or good quality he's shown you, that stays burned in your mind. Should he do something despicable, you will still see the good in him as you do with others."

Haze's words are true. It's the harsh truth about her best friend and it could be her downfall.

Prince Azaria entered the scene, overhearing the conversation the princesses had before. He smiled warmly at them, greeting them with respect.

"Princess Dionne," he bows, "Princess Haze." His beautiful sapphire eyes seemed to shine brighter than usual.

"Well well well," said Dionne, "Another suitor in my palace. What brings you here, Prince Azaria?"

I swear I'll slap Dionne back to her senses if she ever messes this up, Haze thought, staring at Azaria from head to toe. He looked different from when she first saw him. Today he looked more masculine like his brother, Owen.

"You look handsome today, your grace," she says, "Wouldn't you say so, Princess Dionne?" She looked at her friend, trying to tell her it's her chance.

Dionne smiled brightly, trying to conceal the awkwardness she felt.

"Why yes," she says, "I think you look rather... different."

Azaria smiled sheepishly.

"Thank you, your grace," he says, "I thought this look might please you." He was sweating, his hands turning into balls. This is the first time he's courting a woman. Unlike Owen who charms anyone just by smiling, he has to work harder. He didn't have any idea in what he was doing at all.

What do I say? he thought.

Haze smiled, asking, "So what brings you here, Prince Azaria? Have you come for an audience with Princess Dionne?"

"Yes," he nodded, "But I can come another time. I saw that the Duke came earlier and might've soured your moods." He didn't intend to say that. If the situation wasn't bad enough, he certainly made it worse by mentioning the person they were talking about.

He was spying on us? Haze thought, folding her arms over her chest. What secrets do you hide, Prince Azaria?

"Oh," was the only thing she said.

Was he eavesdropping? Dionne asked herself. No matter. It was probably just a coincidence.

"So, you came to see me then," she says smiling, "Then shall we have tea by the gardens?"

"No!" he said, almost a yell, shocking both Dionne and Haze. The girls glanced at each other and back at him.

Why am I so bad at this? he asked himself.

Pushing back his negative thoughts, he says, "I would like to ask you out on a date. I think it would be delightful."

A date? Dionne thought, smiling. It's a great opportunity to get to know him.

Nodding, she said, "I would be delighted. You can send the details to my lady. When do you wish to go?"

"When it's convenient for you," he replied, still nervous. He could almost hear his own heart roaring like the sound of thunders.

"Then we shall meet tomorrow," Dionne said.

Azaria kissed her hand, bidding her farewell.

"I look forward to meeting you tomorrow, your grace," he says before leaving. A smile plastered itself on his face. It went better than he thought it would.

Haze had a smirk wide on her face. Prince Azaria is stepping up. His brother hadn't had the chance to ask the princess out just yet. She applauded, giving Dionne the nod of approval.

"Tomorrow will be interesting," she said.

Dionne nodded.

"I know it's all political, but is it bad that I feel somewhat excited?" she asked. It's a date with a handsome prince. Surely her feelings were understandable. Azaria of Sapphire is the prince on top of her list. Not to mention his stupidity in challenging Andreas to a duel for her; that shows how serious he was.

Haze noticed the smile dropping from Dionne's face.

"I know that look," she says, "Tell me."

"I still haven't responded to Andreas," she replied. She wondered what happened to him in Nifontovite. Was he fine, or is he being coerced into marrying just like she is?

Haze gave her an eye roll, displaying her displeasure.

"Are you kidding, Dionne?" she asked, not having any of it. "You have the Prince of Sapphire at your hands; don't throw it away for some Nifontovite prick. He's a jerk, remember?"

He changed, she said mentally. But Haze was right. She shouldn't throw this away. This is her shot at a happy life.

"He's not a jerk," she says, "But I get your point. I'm keeping my eyes on the prize. Azaria is my priority." She wanted to believe the words that came out of her mouth, but she knew the truth. But even so, she will perform her best to win Azaria's heart. He's her ticket out of her parents' clutches.