
Enchanted fighters Operation Take Over Pilot Episode

Enchanted fighters Operation Take Over Pilot episode



      Oh Yeah teens are keep screaming

And fan Girling today for their fav. Baseball players   Ahhh here they are oh woah here comes the leader another one strike for their leader manley against their rival group( from other city) great job manley woah the girls from their fan base are keep screaming and cheering for them ayee good strike luka

indeed luka was fast  like a dragon,adie,elle,

malix,was sitting to the waiting field while manley,max,mikoluka and jigo was on the baseball court..


The whole colucium was  fulfilled with many fan girling teen-agers fan girla of the sensational baseball group called HIGHLIGHT FIGHTERS they were a group which consisted in 9 members I'll introduce you now the members of their group here comes the leader he is non otherthan manley

Manley, the leader of their group, has the ability to do many things, he has the strongest power called super hunter, that's why he is nicknamed super hunter because of his unique ability...

manleys weapons was swords and cards

Luka, on the other hand, has the power of a dragon spinner, he is known for being alert to things, that's why he is sometimes called a spinner, so with his dragon spinner technique, he can defeat you quickly.

He's weapons

Spears and bow


Alli he has the ability to see even distant things, he also has the ability to sense where he can quickly sense if someone is following him secretly even you are a distance far.

hes weapon


Malix, on the other hand, has the ability to create fire that can hurt you, but he also has the power of healing, but even so, he is one of their most dangerous members because when he gets angry quickly, his fire power can be used against one person

Hes weapons issticks

Here is elle

Elle using hes beautiful voice to sing an enchanting song, he can beat you with her voice, he can do many things, he is also fast in memorizing things, he also has the ability to be hypro energetic

Hes weapon are books and his enchanting voice


Adie, on the other hand, has the power If it is called super strength and speed, he is strong and can lift heavy things, he can also run fast because of his ability to create super speed

Hes weapon


Jiego The one who has the power of wind and water, he can remove the wind from his opponent, he can also move the water and increase the wave, he can also do many things

HEs weapon stick and needle


Miko has a sharp mind and is also smart. She is good when it comes to systematic things, especially in devices. She can also hypnotize people.

He's weapon fan And forks

the last one is max he can imitate any creature he has a power called high up and he also has a strong power called flying kick power that can break an object or creature when he gets too angry also has the power of speed, he is also fast like Adie and Luka

As the group was consisted to 9 members each members has also their own powers  manleys power was. Hunter effect,spinning speed healing fire strength memorizing voice power and air power luka was spinning and speed power,malix healing and fire power,adie has a power of super strength and speed power as luka,elle has power of memorizing or analyzing and voice power,jigo has air and water power miko has power of hypnosis and max has a power imitation highup speed and flying kick power..

All of them are rare popular in their city although this powerful boys has their own power sometimes they still making some things normally these boys looked like they are common ordinary but they are not..

While they are still in court Rua's family one of their family was sitting on the mino chair supporting them to their fight a minute pass by and the group got their another win all girls from the mini collucium is barely happy and celebrating...

Mean while in the palace their Queen,Queen mia was on a discuss for a new resolution for the other peoples in their place and furthermore she keep in talks about harvesting flowers to make perfumes and more plus making metals.. Transporting it into another empires and cities..

To be continued

Hello dear readers it's me the author of enchanted fighters operation take over I hope you all could enjoy the novel Enchanted fighters operation take over even if I wasn't good in writing novels and can I know what are your some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Candifictions90creators' thoughts