



"Do you dare to call my son and your prince, incompetent?"

Donovan gulped as his eyes met the domineering glare of the queen. He forgot to watch his words while his spoke.

It is a known fact in the whole of Darkria that the queen loves her son and hold him dear like a priate does to his box of gold. And how one can incur her wrath once a wrong word is uttered against him.

"I-I didn't mean that, your majesty. I only asked–"

"Silence!" The queen held up her hand, shutting him up. "Listen here, Donovan. When my son tells you all to wait, you wait. Just because you have your little spies lurking doesn't mean your prince can't do what is to be done.

Donovan fidgeted in his seat, his gaze which was previously on the queen became fixed on the cup of tea before him.

"You think I wouldn't know what you council members are doing behind our back? You all underestimate your queen."

She knew the very day the prince left to the human realm that those council members will also send people to monitor him and the progress of their plan.

Unfortunately for them and lucky for her and her son, they had no plan of deviating from what has already been decided.

Destroy the key before the half breed demon gets a hold of it.

"Apologies your majesty. We were only worried of his highness' safety." Donovan sought an easier alternative upon experience a tiny bit of the queen's anger.

"Make your self believe what you say. I am no fool," she refilled her own cup of tea and drank from it. "I know you love your head as much as you love the position and power you hold. But don't try even a little... to test me."

"Yes, your majesty. I apologize again on the other council members' behalf. Please just overlook this mistake we have made," Donovan bowed his head and pleaded.

"I'm not so lenient, Donovan. But I'm in a good mood so I will let this slide."

"Your benevolence knows no bound. Thank you, your majesty."

"The door is behind you. You are excused," the queen hissed.

Lord Donovan hurriedly exited the chamber before the queen have a chance to change her mind about his offence. After he was out of her sight, the queen called her personal maid in.

"You called, your majesty?"

"Yes. That council lord almost ruined my mood. Prepare for me to visit the king's palace immediately," she ordered.

"As you wish, my queen."


In a garden blooming with colorful daisies, stood a man dressed in black. The gentle breeze swayed his jet black hair and coat to a quiet rhythm.

His sharp red eyes were solely focused in the garden and his mind revisited the memories that was made there. Unforgettable memories of love and even pleasure.

Indelible memories tied to someone he could never forget.

With his mind reminiscing, he failed to realize the presence of the queen at the entrance. It was until she moved and the sound of her heels making contact against the floor, did he revert to reality.

"My Queen," he called as he turned halfway towards her.

"Greeting to you, My King," she curtsied.

"Hmm. What brings you here? You could have sent words and we would discuss somewhere else."

His response was one she had expected. However, she still felt hurt deep down. She always hoped he wouldn't regard this ground as a sacred place.

As much as she hated it, the hurt couldn't be masked away from her face. And the king could clearly see it.

"I just wanted to come to you since you didn't come to me. It seems you have forgotten me but not... Not her," her words came out faints as her gaze fell to the floor.

The king sighed and went to his hurt wife. As much as she said the truth about him not forgetting his lover, he did not wish to see his her like this.

"But I did make it clear that no one should come to this part of my palace."

"But I am your wife, Hades," she stepped back before his hands could make contact with her. "The person behind the reason for your words is dead. I have been with you for decades and I still am even after your affair with that human. Yet you still treat me this way."

His silence after all that pained her even more.

"Have I not earned any space in your heart? Does she still have more of your love than I do? Why must she have a place in your palace but not me?"

As she poured out her bottled up feelings a tear slid down her face and soon more followed. Zara, the queen looked away to hide her weakness.

As queen, her emotions are to be put in check. But when it comes to this, to him, her husband and king, it seemed to be a hard task.


"I just want to occupy a little more space in your heart now. Is it too much to ask?" She cut him off in a lower voice than before.

The king tenderly drew her into his arms, one hand cradling the back of her head while the other provided soothing strokes to her lower back.

"No. It's not too much to ask, my queen. Forgive me for neglecting you in the past days–"

"Weeks, Hades."

"It won't happen again. Please don't cry, my queen. It pains me when you do."

Although he loved another, he couldn't deny that Zara is the first woman he came to love. Call him crazy or selfish, he still loves her anyway.

Sensing that she had calmed down, he pulled away with her still in his arms. His red eyes gazed lovingly at her.

"It's almost time for dinner. How about fine together and I spend the night with you?"

"Not just this night. Others too. Promise?"

"Promise." He sealed that with kiss on her lips.

I'm sorry for the lack of continuous update. I'm in school now and things are a bit stressful and I'm trying to work on balancing my schedule and time. Please bear with me till it's all sorted out. Thank you.

Winnie_D_Poohcreators' thoughts