
Enchanted By The Devil

Death surely knows and respects no man. Scarlett Davis lost her parents to a planned fire accident. Left with no will to live, she took her life. But death did not want her. And so, she sought out an alternative. "Very well, then. I shall get my revenge." With her will changed, she swore to avenge her parent's death. And that was where their paths met. A deal with the handsome devil. Arsenio Stone, a ruthless CEO and ruler of the underworld. A devil in the guise of human flesh whose sole purpose was to find the key source to unravelling his full powers. Then he met her and all the pieces began to fall into place. Will she be able to avenge her parents? Would he get his key? And what happens when Scarlett falls in love with this unearthly being on her rough path of revenge? How would these two overcome the obstacles that may come their way?

Winnie_D_Pooh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

A Souvenir



Time flew by till the early of the morning. It was 2:00am when Kayden woke up. He let out a long needy yawn as his body protested to go back to sleep.

His stretched hand dropped dropped lazily on the empty spot of the soft carpet they laid on.

'What's this? Why is this place so cold? I thought something was here,' He questioned within himself.

It took a few moments before realisation dawned on him. His sister that was beside him was not there anymore. The sleep that was forcing its way in, instantly flew out the window.

Kayden instantly sprang up and turned his head from side to side. Seeing as Scarlett was not in the living room, he stood up deciding to check the other rooms.

"The rooms. Yes, she must be in one of the rooms," he rushed to check the rooms

Kayden checked every room and their bathrooms just in case he would find his sister there but to no avail. He even went outside to check if she was sitting on the stairs like she does in their old home.

She wasn't there either. And that was when he realized that his black Rolls Royce was missing. Completely out of sight from anywhere.

"F*ck," he cursed. "Don't tell me she..."

He could not bring himself to say the remaining words and he wished against it. So without much thoughts, he dashed back into the house.

He took his wallet, phone and keys to the apartment before running out. Thank goodness he had a tracker on his phone.

He quickly checked for her phone's location on his as he waited for any taxi to at least pass by.

Luckily, he saw one. He flagged it down and instantly jumped in. "Take me to Old Rogger's lane, now. Please hurry up," Kayden shouted.


In a far area that looked isolated, stood a huge mansion in dark grey and black. The air around the mansion was the type that spoke of off limits.

It was beautiful indeed and it looked like a castle. But one would not dare venture toward it.

In one of the rooms, outside the corridor stood two tall men with their well-proportioned body figures clothed in black.

With their backs facing the entrance door and their gazes on the open space before them, they conversed.

"So, as soon as you woke up after the ritual, you suddenly disappeared, only for you to be back with a human girl?" The brown haired man on the left questioned.

"What I do, where I go and who I bring to my abode is none of your business," the taller, dark haired man replied.

"Sigh... You are still the same even after a decade of sleep," the brown haired man said with a resigned sigh.

"Anyway, what happen to your hair? Last I remember it was not black. Did you also visit a salon?"

The dark-haired man sent the brown-haired man a deadly glare with those fairy red eyes of his. "Do you expect me to go out in such a nasty hair colour?" he asked back.

"Just because you don't like it does not mean it is nasty. Blonde is beautiful and it went well with the blue eyes you've reverted to your red ones."

"That appearance does not matter anymore. I've made changes that would enable me fit perfectly into this world."

"What was I even expecting? It's no wonder you left immediately. You went about uttering the humans' memory, forcing your existence into theirs. But I don't understand one thing," the brown haired man turned fully to him.

"Why did you bring a human back with you? Is she a souvenir you brought back from your tour?" He asked with his head slightly tilted to the side.

The dark haired man remained silent for a while before he turned to set his gaze inside the room- basically on the girl laying on the bed.

"She was drowning."

"Is that why you brought her home, Arsenio?"

"The reason is still unknown. I just had a strange pull toward her and the urge to bring her with me was irresistible."

The brown haired man became even more confused at the response he got. He was not satisfied so he followed the dark haired man into the room.

"You always have an answer to my question, Arsenio. And what is this about the strange pull? Can't you explain be–"

"Tsk. You are becoming a nuisance, Ryker. I have no use of your presence. Be gone."

As those words left his mouth along with a snap of his fingers, the brown haired man instantly disappeared from the room.

Left with the silence, the dark haired man, Asernio sighed. He walked further into the room and stopped a few inches away from the bed.

His red eyes stared down at the figure sleeping soundly with interest.

'My first day awake after a decade and I'm troubled with this human. That aside, I wonder what strange powers she possesses to pull me to her.'

While his eyes and thoughts worked together in studying the figure in the bed, the sleeping girl stirred awake. Her souless eyes gazed up at the ceiling above.

She gave him the opportunity to behold the beauty of her eyes. Arsenio had to admit, it was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.

'This human creature's eyes could be mistaken as the rarest and finest emerald gemstone,' he thought.

As his thoughts carried on, the low questioning voice of the girl broke his train of yours.

"Where am I?"

Arsenio blinked before straightening up his back that was slightly bent while he studied her. His eyes that held interest a few seconds back was now devoid of any emotion.

"You are finally awake."

Scarlet frowned at the deep masculine voice. Instantly her head whipped to the side only to be met with his pair of red orbs.

"You... Who are you?"