
Enchanted Attractions -Love Beyond Measure

Enchanted attractions – love beyond measure is a romantic fiction, a love story that has been set back in 2011, focused and narrated by a 25 year old guy called Joseph Radebe. This story embarks in the capital city of Kwa-Zulu Natal. Joseph has embarked on a journey of love; he has fallen in love with a girl called Lindiwe who’s younger than him with only a few years. J.R (Joseph Radebe) loves this girl so much as much that he is unable to confide his true feelings to her, J.R being an artist always enchants beautiful paintings of his crush. Being unable to confide his true feelings to Lindy (Lindiwe) he gets a push from his best friend known as Trevor. J.R finally gets the chance to spend more time being close to Lindy and getting to know her better. To J.R’s surprise Lindy was dating a club D.J and also a member of gang. Vusi (club D.J) loves Lindy so much but he is a womanizer, that of course he had unraveled his true self to J.R whom he belittled so much for having the fear of approaching woman. One fruitful night when J.R’s family was invited for dinner at Vusi’s resident J.R had the privileged to witness Lindy’s heart being tattered apart but that did not stop him from running after her. He finally got the chance at love with Lindy but Vusi brought everything up trying to separate their union. Sadly Vusi succeeded on separating the two love birds when he ran J.R over with a car on Lindy’s presence. Life took a huge turn on both Lindy and J.R when she couldn’t witness J.R’s family switch off the machines. Lindiwe emigrated in France on a small town called Grasse. She later decided to return back home in South Africa, in her mind she only knew that J.R was dead; to her surprise the love of her life was indeed alive. It did not take a while for them to pick up the pieces and continue from where they’ve left off, setting their love back on fire. The story continues to unfold.

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34 Chs

Chapter three

Chapter 3



"What are you doing with my diary?" she asked.

"I was holding it, and thinking of returning it you."

"Oh I hope you haven't read a single word from it."

"No! Relax; I didn't do a single thing to it!"

"Ok it's cool,"

A phone call went straight to her phone, it was his mystery boyfriend. For the past few days I have spent with this girl, this call was a first phone call I have seen or heard.

What kind of a guy who's in a relationship with someone and never calls them. How do you build that bond?

"My love!" she answered. "Am good… yeah I miss you… of course I would love to see you, it's been a while since I've last seen you!.. Yeah it's ok… I'll see you… tonight is fine!.. You want us to meet where? Even your place, is fine… ok I love and miss you… bye".

"Oh so, V.J decided to call and miss you today?"

"Joe! Please,"

"Why do you say 'please' dear?"

"We are talking about my boyfriend here, the man I love so dearly." she said.

"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't know!"

"I guess we have to cancel our painting class today!" She hinted.

"Yeah it's cool not a problem at all, Just go and be with your man."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm positive!" I did not want to course any hindrances on letting her see her man, I had to delude her as if everything is fine and I'm ok with it.

"Ok thanks,"

She hugged and kissed me on the cheek. And she went straight to Mercy. Trevor saw me from a distance. He saw that I was upset.

"Mon… are you alright?" he asked!

"Yeah I'm ok!"

"No you not ok, you seem a bit confused and lost!"

"I just don't get it Mon, whenever am close into grabbing something, it just disappears or something comes up…"

"Mon… calm down!"

"… I just don't get it why?"

"Mon you are not making any sense."

"I love her, but she doesn't notice it…"

He breathed heavily the look on his face you could tell that if I do not calm down he'll punch me.

"… I think I should go and buy lots and lots of ice cream, don't you want some? …"

"Jesus Man!" he grabbed me with both of his hands and pushed me against my car!

"You will listen to me!" he commanded "You need to be patient! Patient is the mother of all successful people, do you hear me?"

"I hear you Man!"

"You will one day tell her that you love her, but! But be patient your time is coming! … and yeah we can go for that ice cream!"

"I don't think I want to have an Ice cream after all man."

"It's ok… so what are you planning to do now?"

"I don't know, but what I know is that I'm not going to class!"

He was out of words; he didn't even know what to say I drove off and left him standing at the student's parking lot.

I drove around town for a couple of hours. Mom taught us that we should never be late for dinner, whatever situation or mood you would have by that moment when you get inside her gate make sure your shoulders are level, and raise your face.

I tried to calm myself, but I couldn't. I got inside and they were all dressed up.

"Evening everyone,"

"Where have you been?" asked dad. "I've tried to call you but your phone was off! What's the problem?"

"I'm sorry I…"

"Mom taught us that we should always enter this house with a smile!"

"I know just that… I didn't have quite a good day."

"Ok then we'll cheer you up!" said mom

"Where are we going?"

"We are going out for dinner son!" said pops.

"Go on now son, go and put on something nice" she rubbed my cheek and said. "Believe me son you won't forget this night!"

I went upstairs and put on something that I felt comfortable on.

"Ok I'm ready… let's get going!"

We went out on with my dad's SUV. I didn't know where we were heading. Father stopped at this Big house sort of Minnie mansion, I saw a car, I knew I've recognized it somewhere it looked familiar, it was parked outside the same house we were parked at.

"Dad who's house is this? I thought we were going to have dinner."

"Oh! Sorry son… come my dear! ... This is the Meyers residents; remember they promised to invite us?"

"Oh! Yeah I remember!"

"I think I know this car!" said Moos.

"Yeah I think I've seen it somewhere too."

"Hey… I now remember where I've seen it!" he exclaimed.

"Hey you two get over here, we have to enter this house all together." said mom.

"Yeah I remember!" said Musa.

"Yeah … but where?"

"It's Lindy's car!" he said.

"Come on what would Lindy's car be doing here?"

It rang a bell on my mind, a wake-up call! I then remembered that, she said she'll be somewhere else. But I didn't want to agree, did not want to accept that she might be dating Vusi. Maybe Mrs. Meyers is also her Aunt, I shouldn't jump into conclusions or maybe Mr. Meyers is some sort of her relative somewhere somehow on her mother's side too. I did not want to accept reality.

"What are you thinking about J.R?" asked Moos.

"I'm ok, just that I've got a lot on my mind."

Father knocked at the door, Mr. Meyers opened the door and gladly welcomed us with a smile, they are a friendly family, their house is warm with love, the love they have is not different from our family.

Noises came from the background, it was like war a man's voice was trying to calm down the noise, the bitterness, Mr. and Mrs. Meyers weren't aware of the situation that was happening in their house, they were surprised, glassed crashed smashing on the walls we all got scared.

"Is everything alright sir?" I asked.

"Yes… yes please come this way."

"I suspect something…" Pops whispered.

As we were heading to the dining room, more strange noises came from upstairs, BANG!!! A door sound, someone was climbing down the stairs, the footsteps had stopped and all I heard was.

"Don't you ever call me, ever again you hear me?" I knew that I've recognized the voice from somewhere; we all looked at each other, Shadow, Mr. Meyer's daughter came towards us and begged for help, she couldn't harbor what was happening at his brother's room.

"Papa I think you should help Brother Vusi!"

His father rushed upstairs to calm the situation. But from what I could sense and hear, he alone couldn't calm the situation it was heavier than he thought.

"I'm sorry Radebe's that you had to come and experience this kind of situation in our house." Mrs. Meyers apologized.

"It's ok" I replied. "It is definitely a night to remember… right mom?"

"J.R please, not now!" mom spoke gently.

"Am not starting anything mom, I'm just repeating your exact words!"

"J.R?" exclaimed pops "Not now ok!"

"Mr. Radebe! Mr. Radebe" cried out Mr. Meyers "can you please help me sir."

"I'm coming." pops replied.

The situation became more and more difficult, Vusi was bleeding, and I added two and two together and i knew for sure that, that fight was all about him and his multiple girlfriends.

"I think I'm going to enjoy myself here Moos."

"What? How can you say that? How are you going to enjoy yourself in this condition?" he said. Mrs. Meyers was unstable, she walked around the house you could see that she is not in a good state, she wasn't happy at all, she was so embarrassed, their son was embarrassing them in front of their colleagues. Finally one of the girls stepped out of the room, heavy steps climbing down the stairs, I couldn't believe my eyes I thought that maybe I was dreaming or perhaps my eyes were deceiving me, to my surprise they weren't deceiving me, I wasn't dreaming, my dream girl, my future queen, my dream wife was in the midst of the situation, I froze as she has frozen, she was shocked to see me there, I was stunned. The women I'm in love with so dearly is caught among the SEVEN DEADLY SINS. I sighed and said.

"Lindy!" tears dripped out from her eyes, she was already crying but this time they were flowing through her cheeks she didn't even bother to wipe them out, they flowed down like the endless streams, she tried to wipe them but they kept on running, flowing through her neck, I felt pity for her, she didn't make a sound, the pain in her eyes, her eyes were filled with sorrow. I didn't know what to say nor do, I just went to her and hugged her, telling her its ok, and it'll come to pass. The other girl came out of the room in so much anger and spoke out of anger.

"It's either you choose from this witch and I." I didn't get it why she spoke out of range, she was half dressed, she only wore a Minnie skirt and bra, the rest of her things, she held them. According to my opinion Lindy is the one who should have uttered those words; after all she was the one in the room with Vusi. Vusi came out of the room holding a cloth on his fore-head, the cloth was blood stained I wondered who could have broken a glass on his head amongst these two beautiful women.

"Mandy! Please wait, please don't leave." he said "I love you," little did he not know that Lindiwe was still inside the house.

"Baby you know I love you, you rule my heart!" he continued.

I liked what this girl did, she out done herself, she turned and leaned next to the wall, this idiot thought that Lindy was long gone.

"So how about your side chick, your mistress?" she probed. "What about her? So you don't love her anymore?"

"Oh Lindiwe, I'm so sorry" he tried going down on his knees "Please try to understand."

It was quite a scene; you probably get to see this only on movies, seeing it live, was really enormous. According to my understanding, Vusi and Lindy agreed on a certain time, and Vusi had forgotten about her date with Lindy. Oops that was awful, terribly painful, I never want to find myself on this kind of situation I want to be with the same girl no matter what.

"Yeah I do understand…" she said.

"…You do?" he asked out of suspense.

"…I understand the fact that you obviously love her more than I, and she rules your heart."

"Baby… it's not like that!"

"So how is it? Please briefly explain to me." probed Mandy. I enjoyed how the minds of this ladies worked, it's like they were playing Ping-Pong.

"Ladies please!" he was dizzy he couldn't stand properly. I wiggled my head.

When I came into this house, I could feel the warmth of this house, the love and comfort but then after all every house hold has its bad days, not everything can run smoothly. His dizziness was caused by the bleeding, the blood flow was heavy.

"I've always suspected that you were cheating on me, I have always had this feeling that something was going on." said Lindy. "You hardly replied to my texts or even return my calls… when you called me to meet here; I had that hope that maybe you wanted to introduce me to your parents…"

"Lindy I'm sorry…" he apologized.

"Let her say her peace." Mandy spoke.

"… I guess I was wrong, this has given me a lesson that I'll never forget in the future, Not to count your chicks before they hatch…" her voice was quivering, she was in so much despair.

"Now your parents have met me, have met me under unpleasant circumstances… I wish the best for you both!"

"Whoa! Girl, I'm not getting back with this idiot, this jerk!" Mandy expressed.

It can be so painful for a mother to bore a child, and what the child can bring is only sorrow not joy in their lives, these women suffer hard labor pains, go through worse situations when giving birth, breastfeeding us, giving us all that tender care, but we only thank them by bringing grief in their lives, peace is hardly noticed in their lives for it only comes for a short period and sorrows tend to stay much longer. The sorrows in her eyes, made me not to hurt my mom or my father, I did not want to see them undergo this hard experience.

Mandy is the type of girl who doesn't care, she's a pretty girl but herself image signifies what type of life she lives, she continued dressing herself up, Moos wiggled his head, by the look of things, her facial expressed that he won't date nor marry a girl from the streets, a church girl is far more respectable than this, they respect, have morals and know their values, but am now shocked about my crush, she keeps on surprising me, is she a Christian or she's just a church girl, whose only a church goer? I guess I have to find out.

"If I don't collapse now… I'll never collapse out of hunger believe me." Musa out spoken.


"I just want to eat!" he said.

I turned around in gesture. And he spoke bravely

"What? Don't look at me like that I'm hungry!"

"Seriously now Mo... Food in this ceremonial…"

"Mr. and Mrs. Meyers I'm sorry for that we have met like this, I acted out of anger and dispute, and I didn't mean to hit your son." Lindy expressed regret.

"We understand dear," replied Mrs. Meyers. "I would have done the same thing if I were in your shoes."

What kind of advice was this elder giving to this youth? Is violence the solution to every problem or misunderstanding?

I'm in love with this girl Lindy; she's brave, mature and unique. But violence huh, huh was never a solution but to worsen things.

"I've always thought that I would make a good daughter in law, even though we have not met before…always kept my hopes up, thinking that I would be a perfect wife for your son." She wipes her tears.

Mandy did not waste any time.

"There you have it! You've found yourself a daughter in law." as she was about to leave Lindy grabbed her by the hand and held her arm.

"Please wait, don't leave now, I need you to hear what I'm about to say."

The way Mandy gazed at Lindy; she was staring at a piece of waste being jangled by germs. She let go of her arm and she said something inspiring, and more appealing to Mandy.

"Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the right path to the most wonderful things that were meant to happen to us…"

Wow, she is certainly a therapist, what she said opened my eyes, this words gave me hope, I realized that some things are meant to happen to us not to kill us but to make us stronger, everything happens for a reason. When one asks for an egg from God Almighty, Creator of the Universe, He'll never give you a scorpion nor give you the exact quite opposite of what you've asked for but will give you what you've desired all in good time. And Gods time is the perfect time; He's never too late or early but always on time.

"I understand very well that you and I weren't meant to be together… I'll pray for you, that you get a wonderful women that is best suitable for you." and she stormed out of the house, ran straight into her car.

"Lindy wait!" cried out Vusi as he tried to reach out for her, he collapsed, Mandy stood there as if she was stricken by lightning, she was out of words and finally she breathed.

"There goes a fine young women there Vusi…"

"Shift aside." said Mrs. Meyers.

As they attended Vusi, I grabbed my father's car keys and chased down Lindy, the things people do when they are angry is frightening, I had to rush to her because I care so much about her, I didn't care less about Mandy or Vusi, all of this happened, he brought it on himself, his got nobody to blame but himself.

I drove faster trying to catch her, but the traffic jam around 7(seven) pm is never exciting, I tried being on pursuit, switching lanes but I did not know which lane she was driving on, finally I stopped next to her at an intersection, I hooted on her and thank God she looked over, tears were running down her face, she opened the window.

"What are you doing? Why are you following me?" she asked sorrowfully.

"May you please stop… stop over the pavement… I need to talk to you." she was shaking; you could see that she was scared, she didn't pull over at the pavement she drove off! It was pointless chasing someone who doesn't want to talk to you, I didn't even bother to drive, I just stopped at the intersection, I was giving up, cars hooted on me I switched on the warning sign on my father's SUV just to prevent the other cars from hooting. I then drove off, just took the same lane she drove on.

Love can make you do unnecessary things, especially when it's so strong, when you love someone and they don't notice that you have something for them its completely sad. I kept on hoping that maybe one day, my day will come and I'll marry her, after all we can't fight fate.

Alongside the road, I came across her car, I peeped over to see if she was inside but she wasn't, I got worried, the wind blew so hard, the weather had suddenly changed, and there was lightening, and soft rain drops fell on the ground and hit my head, it started to drizzle, she was not inside the car, where else could she be, I kept my eyes on the road and it was so dark and it started to rain heavily, I got sad, my eyes began to be teary, the sinews on my fore head began to show, it is so painful and disappointing, to search for something you love, or something so dearly to you and you seemingly can't find it.

I had to put more effort and make it quick in finding her, drove a little bit more faster and from a distance I saw something moving, wasn't sure what kind of creature it was and it vanished again into the dark. I was scared so terrified, I couldn't see clearly it was dark and the moving creature disappeared. I passed through where I've seen it moving, but nothing was there, my gut feeling said I shouldn't drive any more, I stopped.

It's good to listen when the Holy Spirit speaks, I then decided to reverse the car, something made me to get out of the car, I became brave and strong I was fearless, whatever situation would have come my way I would have battled it until I win. As I stepped out of the car, stood by the passenger's seat, I heard a heavy breath, a breath of someone who has been beaten hard, it sounded like someone who has been thirsty and had been locked up for days without food or water, I got closer and closer, I couldn't see clearly because of the hard rain and because of the wind that blew hard.

"Oh my God, Oh God… please come with me." she was so wet, she was trying to get up on her own, but she fell on the mud, she dirtied herself.

"Why are you so kind? Why did you follow me to this far?" she probed with that quivering voice.

"Just keep quiet and lean on me, ok."

She leaned on me, I picked her up and placed her inside of the car at the back seat, went to the back of the car just to see if I could find her something warm, i managed to get a towel and throw, wrapped it around her just to keep her warm, she was crying but I couldn't see the tears because of the rain water that flowed down from her head.

"Lindy, why were you walking alone on the dark? And worse part it's raining… anything could have happened to you… have you even checked the time?" she wiggled her head slowly.

"Do you know how long I've been searching for you... I almost gave up on finding you!" you could hear her sniffing mucus and for sure she was crying. I know the pain she's going through but I don't know how to comfort her.

"Lindy what if somebody else had found you and only God knows what would have happened to you!"

"I'm sorry" she said "I really am sorry I didn't mean to course any trouble." she wept.

"Lindy please, please don't cry… I'm sorry I didn't mean to lash at you like that… it's ok."

"It's Ok… I understand… it's ok" her voice quivering as she was shaking feeling cold, I held her hands trying to warm her up, the car heater wasn't doing much of a Job.

"Let's go somewhere, where we can get some coffee just to warm you up." I suggested.

I drove back where I drove past a feeling station, I parked the SUV aside and rushed inside the shop and ordered three cups of coffee, just when I looked aside I saw a poster advertising regular clothes for fund raising, I asked the cashier where could I get those clothes that were on promotion, she directed me.

I paid up for the coffee and the scones that I had to eat, hunger was roaring like a lion inside my stomach, it was going to be a long night, and the night has not yet began, Lindy was cold and shivering.

"Here drink this, you'll be alright."

"Thanks." she couldn't even lift her hands, the rain rained hard on her, she was wet, the towel didn't make much of a Job, I had to go back and buy those clothes, but then she'll probably get warm sooner. I sat at the back with her, I took her hands, brought them close to the cup and she looked at me.

"Careful, don't burn yourself… ok?"

"Ok… thanks… you are so kind Joseph."

"When your hands are feeling hot, just remove them and place them on your cheeks."

"Ok, Dr. Joe… I'll do just that!"

"Let's put this other cup between your legs, don't forget to sip some of that coffee."

"Yeah… you are so sweet" she gazed and smiled at me "I don't know what I've done to deserve a loving, kind and caring friend like you."

"Yeah… but you haven't done much, you just have to thank Trevor for hooking us up, don't you think?"

"Yeah… I have to, but he is not the one taking care of me right now."

"Yeah, yeah drink your coffee, it'll get cold."

"But you are also not drinking yours."

"I'll drink…" I sneezed "… when you are warm enough…"

"Look at you now, you catching a cold." she looked concerned.

"Don't worry about me, I'm strong, colds and flus aren't my concern right now, but you…"


"…No buts drink… and if I want coffee, I'll go and get some for myself, and as I've remembered, I have to step out of the car… I'll be right back."

"Where are you going? it's raining hard out there!"

I did not listened to her, I just stepped out of the car and ran straight to the shop where they were selling clothes, and I did not want to tell her, what I was going to do, because she wouldn't let me. I finished doing what I had to do right there and went for another coffee, it rained so hard that if I wanted to drive back home I couldn't, roads began to flood.

"This rain will kill you!" she exclaimed. "Are you trying to kill yourself?"

"Look, relax I'm fine, I don't mind at all, as long you are fine and have all the necessities its fine with me!"

"But I'm ok…"

"Who said you are?... here take this clothes and remove the wet ones."

"You got me clothes?"

"Yeah… I know it's not on top of the range… it's just something to prevent you from getting colds."

"Oh J.R... that's very kind of you… but where am I going to change,"

"Right here in the car!" she was stunned. "Oh sorry I can get out of the car if you are afraid that I might peek."

"No it's ok" with a toned voice. "Don't get out! The rain is so heavy."

"Ok I'll just cover myself with the Towel."

"J.R Please, its either you peek or don't, I really don't mind, you've done way too much for me and…"

"Please respect your body, its precious and secure."

"Yeah… you are right!"

As we were having this conversation and she undressed and put on the dry clothes, my phone rang and it was dad.

"Pops Hello!.. Pops can you hear me?"

"Was that your father?"

"Yeah… it is… but the network coverage is bad… how did you guess that, that was my father calling?"

"Its Ricardo's song 'I Love you daddy'…"

"Oh yeah… you are pretty smart… to be an artist." She punched me.

"So um… Boys 2 Men 'Song for Mama' is meant for your mom huh?"

"Yes… hold on… did my phone ring when I was out?"

"Yep it did… song for mama and I love you daddy… I guess that's missed call number four."

"Jesus! My parents are worried about me… maybe I…"

"I think that you should text them… at least you can do that rather than sit here and do nothing."

"Yes, great Idea… thanks."

"I'm done changing."

"Ok… cool…"

"Don't forget to mention that, you can't drive on this heavy rain."

"Yeah… I'm done."

"Great! So you can come and sit with me back here right?" she asked with a nice, sweet, gently and decent voice.

"Yeah… I will, after I have parked the car properly or a little bit closer to the Petrol Pump."


I moved from the front seat to the back.

"Are you warm enough now… are you alright?"

"Yeah… I think I'll be fine."

"Ok… I'm glad then… please tell me, why you were walking alone in the dark and with so much bad weather like that Lindy?" the answer she replied me with, was not something I expected. She said

"I love walking in the rain because that's the only place no one notices that I'm crying."

"Lindy, that is so sad, but also dangerous." I held both her hands "I'm here if you need to talk ok?"

She rubbed her hair backwards, she was tearful, she tried to hold the tears not to drip out of her eyes, she sniffed as her head was facing down, I touched her chin, I wanted her to look at me, I was her shoulder to cry on that night, I didn't want to see her tormenting herself like that. She raised her head and said.

"I'm glad that it came out this way…"

"…But, how can you say that? That guy has hurt you!"

"It was probably for the best… in my heart I knew for sure that he has moved on." I knew what she wrote on her diary and it was also clear that she had also moved on, I didn't want to comment but I wanted to hear what she had to say, it was going to break her, I invaded her privacy I had to pretend as if I knew nothing at all.

"But how did you know?... how did you know that he had moved on?"

"My Aunt has taught me that, once a man has stopped calling he has lost interest on you, they no longer love you."

"Wow! Does that really happen, I mean in reality?"

"Yeah… it has already happen, I'm sure you've seen proof today… I'm glad I have been training myself, how was I going to handle this situation when it came across me…"

"Lindy please, don't torment yourself…"

"To tell you the truth, it hurt so bad, it is so painful, I thought that I could deal with it but I can't."

Tears dripped out of her eyes, and she couldn't help it but to wipe them away. It was cold I couldn't resist her, but I had to comfort her and hug her. I don't know how to console a women but it felt great as she leaned on my chest.

"He called me over just to dump me like that..."

"…Vusi is a scumbag; you deserve much better than this…"

"How could he do this? He brought a girl along so that I could see that he gets in bed with any girl he wants because I refused too …"

"My dear, don't ever sell yourself cheap for any guy, who might come and sing praises about love without putting a ring on your finger."

She pulled away from my chest, it was still cold and the heather was then off! I had to turn it on and off, because we wanted to survive the whole night.

"I'm glad you are my friend J.R."

"Me too, I'm glad that you are offloading some of the bad things from your chest!"

She then hugged me and gave me my first kiss. Our first kiss was like a lightning strike. I didn't want to take advantage of her; she seemed to make me her rebound. But then in my defense, she didn't pull away, if anything, she pulled me closer, after the warm kiss from her cold lips, it was the most amazing thing I have ever tasted. She hugged me again and whispered to my ear.

"I didn't know that guys like you still existed." I smiled and gazed upon her eyes.

"You need to have faith dear, you don't know what tomorrow may bring."

I deluded her in a way to make her believe that guys like me still existed, which is yes they are still there, you just need to be patient they are not easily spotted. I couldn't stomach the thought of her sadness that's why I said anything which was everything just to calm down her spirit. I was tucked in within her and her within me, under the small blanket 'throw'. The winds blew in every direction it was really cold and the only warmth that we managed to obtain from that point was from one another's body heat.

Being attached to her made me fell warmer and she to me. I felt intimate with her and yet she wasn't still my women. We hugged each other, tightening our grip and as it began to be colder and colder so did the kisses, her lips became a bit colder each second. I couldn't resist her. For she is my crush, my dream girl, I've always yearned to kiss her. I know on my imaginations this was not how I've always imagined our first kiss and if only she were to be mine, tonight is my night with her.

Her tongue complemented mine as tongue does to wine I did feel inside that she was feeling me too, I don't know how and why but it felt great. I pulled her back and kiss her on the fore head.

"Everything will be alright…"

She closed her eyes and opened them; she looked prettier than before and even sexier.

"It's ok to kiss, but we shouldn't do something that we won't be proud off!" I said.

"I'm sorry if I had tempted you… it wasn't my intention…"

I raised my finger and placed on her lips

"Shh… relax it's been a long day… just sleep."

She lay on my chest like a little baby feeling a mother's love. It took me some time to acknowledge that she was sleeping on my chest, and finally I gave in to sleep. It was cold and I felt her body heat warming me, my neck and my back were killing me I got up. And look up my wrist watch it was 4h00a.m.

I looked at her she was sleeping peacefully but I had to shift her slowly, I didn't want to wake

her up, and she continued sleeping, I checked the petrol gauge, it wasn't enough, ignited the

car engine, moved the car closer to the petrol pump and added some gas and we drove off

when we arrived at her place, police cars were there. I got off the car and rushed to the house

"What's going on?"

"Joe! Joe the police have found Lindy's car and she wasn't inside, I suspect something happened to her."

"Ncane calm down Lindy is fine."

"Hold on son!..." said the officer.

"You are?"

"I'm warrant officer Zulu and this is my colleague sergeant Mabuza."

"Ok! It's great to meet with you."

"I believe you have some information on Lindiwe Maseko?"

"Yes sir."

"Where is she now?"

"She's at the back seat of my father's car sleeping."

"Oh thank God!" said Ncane.

"Ncane wait! She's still sleeping she had a terrible day."

"Ok, but may I please see her?"

"Yeah, she's at the car."

"Son may I ask you a few questions" enquired Mr. Zulu.

"Yes sir, you can ask me anything…"

As he reached for his pen and Minnie-pad, my father called he too was worried.

"… Sorry my father is calling, I have to take this."

"Ok go on."

"Pops, I'm ok, I'll be home just now, and I've just dropped of Lindy."

"It's great that you are fine… your mom hardly slept all night… please come home this very moment!"

"I will after the officer has done questioning me."


"Yes pops! An officer,"

"Don't answer anything until I get there,"

"Why pops, It's not like I'm on the wrong side of the law."

"I said don't, you understand," he commanded.

"Ok pops… I won't."

"Send me the address, where you are."

My father is a strong, hard and stubborn man. His word is always final. I did what he asked of me. Warrant Officer Zulu came towards me, he wanted to resume where he left off! This was to ask me a few questions which he didn't even get a chance to ask me a single one before my father ringed me.

"So may we carry on?"

"Am sorry sir… I've been given orders not to answer a single question nor utter a word about last night!"

"Ok… I see… is your father a lawyer son?"

I did not say a word; he played around with a few tricky questions tempting me to answer them. I wanted to but what if the Meyers did lay a charge about Lindy hitting Vusi on the head with a glass? And if I would say something, that would be a flight risk, risking with my future wife.

"Oh. I can see that you are one brave young man!"

"Of course he is, if it wasn't for him, perhaps my family would be preparing my funeral right now!" said Lindy

"Oh so he is a hero?" asked Officer Zulu.

"My son a hero huh?" admired pops.

"Not really pops… I was just looking out for a friend."

"But I had the word hero!" he said.

"Joe, thank you for saving me last night," Lindy acknowledged.

"It's ok Lindy… you would have done the same for me, that's what friends do!"

"Yes, but I owe you my life… thank you."

She came closer and closer and hugged me.

"Thanks a million times. " tears dripped out of her eyes.

"You don't have to thank me… but thank God Almighty for giving me the courage to continue searching for you in that bad weather."

"Whatever now, that may seem absurd; I will always know that Joe is always there to take care of my sister's daughter." Ncane complemented

"So who's the Officer who wanted to question you?" pops asked.

"It is I sir… I'm warrant officer Zulu."

"I think you should ask me, all the questions that were directed to Joe!"

"Ok then… what happened last night?" He continued

"May we please leave?" dad asked. He didn't even bother to answer the officer's questions.

"Yes… yes… please have my card, if you would like to pass on some relevant information.

"I'll take that… thank you." He said

We turned around facing the gate. I could not leave, without hugging her one more last time. Memories of last night's scene kept on repeating on my mind, as they were on play back, the drum beat of my heart, would beat with so much Joy and filled with love, I could feel the love running through my veins to the mind. I closed my eyes, to feel the warm heart of my love for her.

"Are you ok?" asked dad.

"Yeah… I'm ok, please wait for me… I'll be right back!"

"Oh... ok," he said.

I went back to her, as I've exchanged car keys with pops.

"Hey… here… use my car, for anything you would like to do, whenever you feel like talking I'm just a phone call away."

"Thanks… J.R… I'll do that."

She came closer and humble accepted the keys, and she gave me a warm hug. I felt like a prince, everything, I wanted I could get, no questions asked. It is true, when you wait upon the Lord, he'll give you everything just in time. My intention when going back to her was not giving her the keys but, was to hug her and tell her that everything will be fine just in time. But she turned to be the one reading my mind, and giving me the hug, Something I needed, something I desired.

I held back and went back to my father.

"Oh so you two are now best of buddies huh?"

"Yeah maybe or maybe not, maybe… even more." I smiled and winked at him.

"Maybe more?" he said. He began to be curious, suspicion took over his mind.

"Come on son… would you like to tell pops, what happened last night?"

"Nothing happened pops."

"I hope you didn't get yourself into trouble now… did you?"

"Relax pops… I did not get into trouble."

"It's ok if you say so!"