
Encanto: A Simple Life

Pedro, an ordinary college student with an ordinary college life died in an accident caused by god he is reincarnated into the world of "Encanto" a tale of the extraordinary family "Madrigal". ................................................... I don't own "Encanto" and it's characters. ................................................... Hello guys "Pelouca" here first time writing a story I'm not that fluent in English so you might encounter some grammatical errors and having a hard time in word choices. Thank you very much HAPPY READING :D ................................................... Original Photo not mine credits to the owner

Pelouca_The_Panda · Anime & Comics
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Mi Amor

(A.N. Hello guys so I decided to change my writing a bit, I will use 3rd person narration so I can add some POV.)


(Isabela POV)

I can't hold on any longer, my grip starting to loose.

Please just someone save me.

"Save me!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, but alas seems that no one.

'Please...' I started to lose hope, as many things came to my mind.

From, when I was a child I started to regret.

I regret, not telling my family on how much I love them.

I regret for how I treated Mirabel my little sister.


I regret for not seeing him one last time, to apologize... and to for not telling, on what I truly felt...

I regret everything... I close my eyes as I accepted my fate.

"Isabela! No!!!" and I heard... that voice.

'Thank you for letting me hear his voice... thank you'

As my mind drifted to darkness, I saw the same familiar figure smiling as he looked at me with tenderness, he turn back and walk to the infinite darkness.


I chase after him as he kept getting further and further away.

Until I can't even see a shadow of him.


"Don't leave!" as I see the light.

I opened my eyes, and saw everyone, then two figures rushed to me and gave me a warm and tight hug.

"What happened?" I asked as I looked around everything seemed to be fine except for the house.

"Yo-you fell, but then Pedro appeared and save you" said Luisa as she wipe her tears

'So... he save me? Then why did he leave?'

"Where is he?"

"W-we don't know after saving you he walks away" answered Luisa.

"Right, Pedro also said, to tell you to go to his house after you wake up" said Antonio.

I'm gonna find him and tell him everything.

I stood up, and immediately runs to his house excited to see him.

"Wait Isaebla!"

"You just woke up, you need to rest"

I ignore everyone's call, as I run with my barefoot.

As I reached his house, memories of our childhood starts resurfacing.

I knock on the door, but the door opened.

I entered his house but then something caught my attention, I saw portraits of me on his wall and at the center is our picture when we were kids.

Beside the picture there is a letter and a key, I read the letter.

(Mi Amor Isabela,

So you read the letter huh, there are many things I want to say but better be left unsaid. So I wrote this short letter for you. If you are reading this then maybe I'm gone by now. I'm not dead!, what I mean is I'm not in the Encanto anymore, you might not believe me, but your gifts proven that there is a 'Miracle'. I now know the reason why you stop meeting me without saying goodbye, though it broke my heart, but now I understand, you're the hope of the Familia Madrigal, so I already forgiven you. Of course how can I forget my gift, I left the key to gift you this house, I change it a bit so it would be perfect for your family, though I know that you stay on your room but make use of it as you fit, and by the way, at the room on the right side, there is a ring, inside it are the gifts for your family and soon to be family, HEHEH pretty shocked right of course I only give the best. Anyways this is Goodbye we might not see each other again, but maybe if fate allows, Te amo Mi Amor.)

After reading the letter, tears unknowingly starts streaming down as I looked at the key.

'No, this is not how it suppose to end... the story isn't over...'

'I don't want all of this I just want you' as my world seems collapsing but the...

"Isabela, let's go quick" I heard Dolores, as I looked at the door I found her riding a jaguar and Antonio at the front.

"What?" as I'm not in the mood to follow her.

"I heard Pedro he's in that place"

"What? he already left" I said as I didn't believe it.

"No, he is still there under the tree, singing"

After hearing Dolores I can't contain my happiness as I ran to the jaguar and sat behind Dolores.

"Let's go!"

"Hold on tight" as the jaguar runs fast.


(A.N. Insert Dos Oruguitas chorus, and try to read as slow as possible. It works for me.)

A figure can be seen leaning under the tree playing a guitar with his eyes closed.

"♫Without you, I'm just a sad song♫"

"♫I'm just a sad song...♫"

After finishing the song, the figure stood up and gave a one last look at the Casa Madrigal and a smile can't help but form on his lip, as a tear trail down his face, eyes filled with reluctance.

He turn his back, as the sun rose up.

As he look at the ring on his hand, taking deep breath and was about to wave his hand...

"Wait!" as he heard a voice.

As he turn around frozen, arms wrap around and warmness filled filled his entire body.

"I don't need any of that..... I-I only need you" as a sobbing voice can be heard.

He raise his head and gaze at the sky, tears trailing down from his eyes filled with relief.

Happiness can be seen on both of their eyes.

Embracing each other as if afraid to let go of each other.

A golden butterfly flew.

As time seems... to stop.

As two figures can be seen under the tree in each others embrace, illuminated by the sunrise.

Dolores and Antonio watch at the side.

Dolores wipe her eyes happy for the two.

"My first S-class mission, accomplished" as Antonio look at the two with a smile.

Dolores and Antonio returns first as they leave the two.


"I-I thought I won't be seeing you again" said Isabela as she look at Pedro sobbing.

"I'm... sorry" Pedro embarrassingly scratch his head.

'I guess... my travel will be delayed' As Pedro looked at the ring, only to find it still completely filled.

"You! Promise me that you won't leave me ever again" said Isabela as she look at Pedro angrily.

"I-I will never leave you ever again" as Pedro gave Isabela a tight warm hug.

"*sigh I guess, the house is still mine after all"

"What 'mine'? Its ours, after our wedding I will live with you" Isabela look at Pedro with a pout.

"Fine, fine, what are you angry for" Pedro chuckled.

"I'm still angry to you, you leave me without saying anything, only leaving a letter, but I guess I've done the same..." as Isabela hung her head down.

"Didn't you read the letter I already forgiven you, no need to be sulky" Pedro laugh as he gave Isabela a peck on her forehead.

"Come on let's go I think everyone is waiting" Pedro said to Isabela as she clings to Pedro's arm.


"They're here" said Dolores as she listened.

"When I count to three"




"Felicidades!" the Familia Madrigal and the whole town congratulate the two as they saw Isabela clinging at Pedro's arm.

Pedro walked to both Dolores and Antonio.

"Thank you to both of you"

"Pedro, I completed my first S-rank mission, what is my reward?" as Antonio reached out his hand.

"Hm I can consider it as an S-rank, so here, a real forehead protector" Pedro gave Antonio a forehead protector, with a real steel plate.

Antonio takes the headband on the verge of tears.

"Don't be so overacting, you're becoming more like Camilo" Pedro flicks Antonio's forehead.

"Señor, Señora" Pedro steps forward and look at the rest of the family and nod.

"Come on don't be so formal, you will be one of us HAHAHAHAH" as Felix slapped Pedro's shoulder.

"Right don't be so formal with us" Agustin pat Pedro's shoulder.

"Fair enough, then you kids should call me big brother HAHAHAH I won't treat you badly" as Pedro points at Luisa, Mirabel, Dolores, Camilo and Antonio.

Everyone burst into laughing.

"Well now that everyone is here, let's finish the Casa Madrigal" Abuela said

"Yeah" everyone cheered as they start working.

(Insert All Of You chorus)

Casa Madrigal is being rebuild at a rapid pace, with everyone's help.

As everyone is on the finishing touches.

"I'll be right back" said Pedro to Isabela as he enters the house.


"Hm let's see, Casita! let's keep this a secret first" as Pedro winks to Casita who wave its window to show its understanding.

Pedro starts materializing a bunch of things, as he change some parts of the interior in the Casa Madrigal.

He change the the doors, stairs, hand rails and other wood materials into Treasure Wood Adam and Eve, while the beds, pillows and couch , are change into clouds, and change the windows into glass windows.

Add a few appliances such as electric stove, refrigerator, televisions and computers on each room.

Pedro marveled at the finish product though the design still the same, a touch of modernization can still be seen.

Casita wave the new glass windows with excitement.

After all of that, Pedro head outside and walk at the entrance and stand beside Isabela, as Antonio gave Mirabel, a door knob with 'M' as Mirabel's initial on it.

Mirabel puts the knob on the door, as the door glows, but different as exquisite carving started appearing, Familia Madrigal as a whole.

Everyone turn to group hug.

As they enter the house everyone is shocked as they saw what they have never seen before.

Then everyone look at Pedro as if saying 'you have to give us an explanation'.

"*claps Right everyone this what I want to tell you, lets go to the dining room first"

Everyone sat on their seat as they feel the clouds.

"It's like I'm sitting on a cloud" said Agustin.

"Right... that's literally a cloud" Agustin laughed from Pedro's reply.

Everyone look at Pedro, seeing his serious expression they are sure that it is real.

"Are you serious" asked Camilo as Pedro only nodded.

"Before that, I would like to tell you all something, especially you Abuela it's about the candle" everyone look at Pedro seriously.

"Antonio, you know what this is right?" as I activated my Byakugan.

Everyone is shocked as they saw the change of Pedro's eyes, while Antonio look at Pedro with stars on his eyes.

"Pedro!!!, you have the same eyes as Hinata and Neji" yelled Antonio excitedly.

Everyone is confuse as they don't know who are these names.

Noticing their confusion, Antonio told them about the Naruto manga, the ninjas, and their eyes.

"As Antonio said, my eyes has an ability, but not this one" as he activates his Rinnegan.

Then Pedro starts to recount, what he saw on Antonio's ceremony and at the candle.

They are shocked, as he told them that it might be a soul.

Especially Abuela as she saw the death of her husband and the Miracle, which she conclude that its her husband Abuelo Pedro.

"S-so, what happen to the that faint blue you saw?" asked Abuela.

"The last time I saw it, it's a bit fainter but after what happen earlier, its barely visible"

"Pedro" muttered Abuela as she remembers her late husband.

"Mama are you okay" asked Julieta as everyone look at her worriedly.

"I-it might be your Abuelo Pedro" shocked as everyone believes that it might be really their Abuelo.

"Then how did you get your powers?" asked Isabela.

Everyone look at Pedro waiting for his answer.

"You all believe in Miracle right, it's the same thing as what happened to Abuela, after losing my father that's when my powers awakes, and it becomes stronger after Isabela leaves" Pedro said as Isabela's hold tightened.

'No one will believe this bullshit' thought Pedro as he comforts Isabela.

Everyone's mouth turn into 'O' shape, as they are shock yet again, to hear on how Pedro get his powers.

"Right everyone I left a ring on each of your rooms you can check it out, and also try the things that I added on the house there is an instruction at the top" as Pedro princess carry Isabela and runs outside of the house.

Everyone did not seems to notice as they are having a hard time to absorb anything.

"So that's why I can't seem to hear any sound on his house" Dolores muttered as she seems to come into realization.


After reaching the house, Pedro and Isabela entered Pedro's room.

Pedro place Isabela on the bed, as he himself lay on it facing Isabela.

"So... everything you said is true?"

"Of course why would I lie to you, though that's not all of my powers"

"You should sleep first I know you've been tired the whole day, I will wake you up when it's time for dinner" said Pedro as he embrace Isabela.

"Hm okay" as both Isabela and Pedro fell asleep.


(A.N. Yo!!!

My next upload might be on Saturday sorry about that as my 2nd semester starts and don't have much time, I need to fix my schedule so I can upload daily.

And f*ck, I was marked as absent on my first day as I didn't wake up early and failed to alarm.

Btw I'm getting disappointed about my writing lately, it start off as good then its getting worse, there are many plot hole, and for the powers it's just to random I can't even properly explain to you guys.

So maybe when it comes to powers I should just focus on a single route, just like a reader have said that its all over the place, which I agreed. Sooo yeah.

I'm not sure if I should drop this, especially if I waste your stones, which I apologize.

I hate dropping especially this is the first on this account, and I don't want to disappoint you guys, but if I continue this one you might get more and more disappointed about the story.

*sigh Thanks guys!!! :D )

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