
55. Hanabi Momone


8 Ocktober 2019...

Tenggat waktu pasukan Orc sampai di kerajaan Mataram : 35 hari.


In the Majapahit kingdom, in a lonely place, as the Clouds continued their journey to look for NoobsDie, they ran into a mysterious man wearing a black robe.

"Clouds?" said the mysterious man who was quite surprised to meet the three of them.

"Hmm..?" Hearing the familiar voice of the mysterious man, they stopped and looked at the mysterious man whose face looked a little faint from the shadow of his robe.

"H-Hoi... I can't believe that you really exist in this world! Where have you been, boss?!" shouted Cloud76, walking toward the mysterious man who turned out to be NoobsDie.

"76, wait a minute." said CLoud88, stopping Cloud76. "NoobsDie, what exactly are you planning to do? Why did you bring us all to the world of Emross??"

NoobsDie smiled arrogantly and said, "Simple. Because I can."

"What the hell are you talking about?! If you want to live in this world, you don't need to force others to accompany you!" said Cloud95, feeling annoyed by NoobsDie's answer. "Bring us back to the real world, right now!" he added firmly.

"Hmph... I have no reason to obey you." answered NoobsDie, in an arrogant tone.




Name : Shiro

Sex : Man

Age : 17

Class : Destroyer

Title : Night Hunter

Level : 57

XP : 137.250 /233.000

Power : 115.100 CP

HP : 35.000/35.000 (+7.000)

MP : 16.500/16.500

ATK : 23.000 (+6.000)

DEF : 23.000 (+4.600)

STA : 89/150

Speed : 37 Meters/Second (+9)

Recovery :

-HP : 57/Minute

-MP : 57/Minute

-STA : 12/Hour

Skill :

-{Level 2} Darkness Aura

-{Level 2} Suppression [SS]

Ability :

-{Level 1} Poison Resistance: 10%

-{Level 1} Fear Resistance: 10%

Accessories :

-{Level 2} Topaz : +HP 20%

-{Level 2} Ruby : +Attack 20%

-{Level 2} Emerald : +Defense 20%

-{Level 2} Onyx : +Speed 20%

-{Level 2} Peridot : Damage Reduce: 10%

-{Level 2} Amethyst : Magic Resist 10%

Equipment : -[Poor] Serrated Sword (Weapon) : +1.400 AP (Dura 70)


Moments later after Niken and the others returned to their respective tents, Shiro was seen sitting in front of his tent and studying some changes in his status.

Over the past few weeks, Shiro has received 4 new titles namely Beginner, Experienced, Fearless and Ghost Buster. Beginner and Experienced are titles that players get when their characters reach level 30 and 50. While Fearless and Ghost Buster are titles that players can get when defeating more than 100 and 1,000 Undead type monsters.

In general, titles on the player status display will automatically change to new titles that are stronger than they had before. But they can also replace it with what they want.

While checking his storage room, Shiro tried to calculate the amount of money he currently had. He then decided to raise the level of the Fear Resistance skill which he said was very important to be able to fight a strong Undead.


Fear Resistance

-Level : 1

-Ability : Increases your chance to resist Fear effects by 10%.

Level 2 Upgrade Requirements :

-Kill 100 Undead

-1.000 Gold

[Upgrade] [Cancel]


Shiro opened the skill display and without thinking, Shiro immediately raised the level of that passive skill.


*Congratulations! You have raised your skill level!*



Fear Resistance

-Level : 2

-Ability : Increases your chance to resist Fear effects by 20%.

Level 3 Upgrade Requirements :

-Kill 500 Undead

-2.500 Gold

[Upgrade] [Cancel]


To increase the Fear Resistance skill is very difficult. Even now, none of the players have the maximum level of this passive skill.

Aside from the fact that the number of Undead type monsters used to be very limited, the higher the level of the skill, the cost and the requirements to raise the level become quite expensive. So that makes the players prefer to focus on increasing their active skills that are more useful in general combat, rather than Fear Resistance, a passive skills that are only useful for fighting Undead type monsters.

Although with the help of the SweetSugar alliance Shiro was able to defeat some powerful monsters, the number of monsters he had killed was far less than since joining their party. Therefore, when night falls and the girls are sleeping, he often goes hunting alone to raise his level.

A few moments later after feeling everything was ready, Shiro began to go hunting, following the Rajul Mustanie who had already gone hunting. But not far away he walked through the darkness of the forest, Dara's faint voice called out to him.

"Shiro-kun... Where are you??"

Dara, whose real name is Hanabi Momone is a very beautiful girl. Compared to the other girls from the SweetSugar alliance, Dara is one of the girls who is most concerned about Shiro. When night fell and Shiro had to keep his distance from the girls, Dara often came to Shiro's tent just to give him something to eat. Even though, the two of them rarely talked to each other, that was because Dara was the same shy type of girl like Shiro who wasn't brave enough to talk to girls.

"Dara? What are you doing here?" It was not usual for Dara to visit him past 9 pm, so Shiro was quite surprised to see Dara who was following him go hunting.

"Mhmm.. I saw you leaving your tent, so I followed you. Hehehe... What are you doing here?"

"I want to go hunting. You should go back to the tent and rest."

"Ehh...? B-But... Actually I'm afraid to go back alone hehe.."

Seeing Dara's face that looked so cute when she was smiling, Shiro felt a little nervous. He felt bad about leaving Dara alone, especially in a dark forest like this. In the end, Shiro canceled his intention to go hunting and drove Dara back to the tent.

However, just a few steps they walked back to the campsite, suddenly they felt a terrible aura that made their hair stand on end.

"Undead, huh?!" said Shiro softly.

They are on standby for a surprise attack from the Undead who is hiding around them. However, after a long time they observed the surrounding area, they did not find the figure of the Undead.

Until a few moments later, they heard a sound of footsteps accompanied by the sound of collapsing trees. Instantly, they looked towards the source of the sound coming from and saw an unusual figure walking out from behind the bushes.

"W-What is that?!" said Shiro in surprise

Next Chapter : 56. Big Breed Undead

On my YT channel (MR. Worldwide), i have uploaded a new video titled "Vanuatu, a stranded paradise that once practiced cannibalism." check it out and please help subscribe?! :) and also my game channel (shiromsfa) :D

Shiro_MSFAcreators' thoughts