
Empyrean Xuandi

Wang Fan, who has the secret book of Empyrean Xuandi, the origin of martial arts, is an ordinary student of the Golden Academy. In order to avenge his brother, he put on the silver tiger king mask, and since then there is another silver tiger king who threatens the world.

aotianwuheng · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The first person in martial arts, the silver tiger king

"Actually, I don't like him either. Relying on his family background and his cultivation, he always bullies people!" A female student whispered to another female student.


Song Chuanxing on the stage immediately became anxious when he heard it. Looking at his numb right hand, he clenched his fist lightly. He stood up and said, "I don't care who you are? You have successfully angered me, and you will bear my anger!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Chuanxing immediately became angry, and a burst of energy spurted upwards from a young age. Those who didn't know it thought he was going to use Master Turtle's Qigong!

After condensing his breath for a while, Song Chuanxing unfolded his movements, his hands condensed into claws, and hit the Silver Tiger King. The Silver Tiger King was motionless in the face of Song Chuanxing's attack. Use the movement method to come to the silver tiger king's left side, and the right hand gathers strength to attack the silver tiger king.

Seeing this, the Silver Tiger King used his birth method and appeared behind Song Chuanxing in an instant. Song Chuanxing punched down and threw himself in the air. The Silver Tiger King who appeared behind him said in a deep voice, "You are too slow!"

Immediately, a side leg kicked Song Chuanxing's neck. Song Chuanxing was knocked to the ground by the King of the Silver Tiger, and he slid on the ground for a meter. It hurt to look at it!

"Ah, a scream!"

"Meteor Walk!"

The vice president on the second floor of the martial arts arena was startled by the footwork of the Silver Tiger King.

"Meteor step? The vice president read it right!" asked the elder standing to the right of the vice president.

"That's in the library of our academy. The most difficult thing to cultivate in the body and martial arts is a stunt that is much more powerful than the electric light and flint!"

The vice president said softly: "It should be a meteor step. When I saw the silver tiger king turning around, there was a faint ray of light, like starlight, which fits the characteristics of a meteor step."

The person beside the vice dean looked at the Silver Tiger King and said, "Look at his hands, look at his skin, he is indeed a student, very young, and able to cultivate a meteor step, which is rare in our Golden Academy!"

The vice president said solemnly, "This Silver Tiger King is very talented!"

"I am going to kill you!"

Song Chuanxing, who was lying on the ground, stood up, clenched his fist in his right hand, gathered his strength, and jumped up, wanting to fight the Silver Tiger King desperately!

The Silver Tiger King calmly raised his right foot and kicked Song Chuanxing's stomach. This kick also kicked Song Chuanxing out and lay down under the ring.

At this moment, a person walked up to Song Chuanxing and shouted, "Second brother!"

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and put it on Song Chuanxing's neck, and after taking a breath, he said softly, "Second brother, hold on, it will be alright, wait for the eldest brother to come and avenge you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Chuanxing's eldest brother jumped up, stepped onto the ring, and said to the Silver Tiger King, "I don't care why you did this to my second brother, even if my second brother did something wrong, he couldn't do it. Someone is pointing fingers at him, if you dare to hurt him, then you must be ready to bear my wrath!"

The Silver Tiger King said softly: "In the martial arts competition, the winner and loser are determined by destiny. It's not your turn yet!"

"My Feilian Song is the rule, you die for me!"

Song Fei waved his sickle hand, and a blade-shaped energy flew out towards the Silver Tiger King.

"Thunder finger?"

"One finger Lei Ting Xian is also excellent in the academy's fingering and martial arts. Song Feilian has obviously acquired its essence. Just this finger is worthy of his title of first place in the last martial arts competition, not bad!"

In the face of the flying sword energy, the Silver Tiger King dodged in a flash, and then rushed forward with a meteor step!

The vice president sighed after seeing it: "Meteor step, he actually mastered the essence, and has already played it to such a degree that one step is like a shooting star, faster than thunder and lightning, this is the only way to be fast!"

The Silver Tiger King used the meteor step to quickly come to Song Feilian. Seeing this, Song Feilian jumped up and drank the finger with his left hand: "Purgatory finger!"

A stream of energy flew out from Song Fei Lian's fingers in a straight line and hit the Silver Tiger King on the ground. Meteor trot was as fast as thunder, and after dodging, he appeared behind Song Feilian and said, "Teach Song Chuanxing a lesson to teach him to be a man. You are domineering, but you never provoke me. I will let you do three tricks, give you face, and then To be provocative, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Seeing this, Song Feilian stepped back, distanced himself from King Silver Tiger, turned into a cyan sickle, and flew towards King Silver Tiger, King Silver Tiger looked up at Fei Lian, and said loudly, "To the point of being overbearing enough to regard human life as a must, Song Feilian, You really should be taught a lesson."

As soon as the words fell, King Silver Tiger clenched his fist in his right hand, condensed his strength, punched out, and a ball of light flew out from King Silver Tiger's fist and attacked Song Fei in a row.

With a tight move, Song Feilian was beaten back to his original shape, fell from a high altitude on the ring and rolled for a while, fell off the ring, and fell side by side with Song Chuanxing!

These two brothers are trash, they were beaten and lay on the ground neatly!

The Silver Tiger King slowly landed on the ring, and said to Song Feilian, "Song Feilian, let me give you a piece of advice, keep a low profile."

After speaking, he used the meteor step and left the ring! The people below the arena started talking, and the person standing on the left of the vice president hurriedly asked, "Vice President, do you want to track down this Silver Tiger King..."

Before he could finish speaking, the vice president raised his hand and interrupted: "No need, my Golden Academy is the highest institution of the human race, so we should hide dragons and crouch tigers. To cultivate the strongest human race, we must give them more trust and confidence. free."

"Since he doesn't want to show his face, let him continue to be the Silver Tiger King whose identity is unknown. However, he is a student of my academy and has the strength to defeat Song Feilian."

"I announce the first person in this year's martial arts competition, the Silver Tiger King."

"Those who don't agree can challenge Song Feilian, and in the rest of the martial arts competition, others can compete for the second place!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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