
Empyrean Chronicles

The Empyrean Humans. The Paragon Beasts. The Ancient Faes. The Primal Devils. Each were the Embodiment and Personification of the Four Origin Ordinances. Each wielded power beyond the scope of the Heavens. And each, commanded a portion of the only Founding Realm in all Existence. Now then, what happens when these four overpowered Races decide to house their Bloodlines inside one vessel? It was... a resounding failure. Discarded and thrown into a Lower Realm, it would seem as though Osric, the result of a failed experiment, with no memory of anything prior, would be swept under the tides of the Martial Verse, never to be heard again, until... Until he Awakened. *** Cover is not mine. Found it on Google.

WeaverOfNightmares · Fantasy
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42 Chs


Ancestor Kabir was extremely pissed. These idiots had dared to recruit someone in his territory without giving him any face. However, this wasn't what made him extremely pissed, no, the fact that he had no right to stop them angered him more.

The powers immediately heeded. Before the might of a Fahren Clan Ancestor, what did they amount to? Colossal waves of Spatial Qi washed over the whole Coliseum as they began teleporting back to their turf. And in moments, the Awakening Coliseum regained its perpetual silence.

To this, Osric could only raise an eyebrow. He didn't expect the Ancestor to react so vehemently. But then, he had to thank him. He had saved him all the trouble of rejecting them and risk antagonizing them.

None of these powers had teachings in line with his path. He had no idea how he was able to deduce this, and second, he hasn't even begin unfurling the layers upon layers of mystery covering his Talents. And yet, he already knew their respective paths were unsuitable for him.

Osric suddenly felt a piercing gaze trying to bore a hole into him. He looked over and realized it was Seina.

"Is there a problem?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The old man asked to return to the Clan."


Osric frowned. He looked towards the side of Seina and realized the Ancestor had long gone. Why would they want him back in the Clan? He had taken the Oath, and it had bound both him and the Fahren Clan, and yet, the Ancestor actually wanted him to return to the Clan?

Weren't they afraid of the punishments?

Osric suddenly shook his head. He didn't need to think of the reason. The reason would slowly but surely unroll itself.

"Is that all?"

Seina was silent. As the Ancestor wasn't here to help her float anymore, she was currently standing on the ground. She scanned Osric from top to down before suddenly shooting him a glare.

"I'm aware you are shameless. However, I never knew your shamelessness had advanced to such a realm that you can go naked, clearly unbothered."

When Seina's words sank into his brain, he immediately looked to examine and realized he had actually been naked all while! However, the most shocking scene didn't happen.

Normally, most would have screamed or blushed in embarrassment at being seen naked. However, Osric was far from normal. He only shrugged before turning to leave. Too little things could make him embarrassed, and being seen naked wasn't part of it.

Seina was struck speechless. She had always revered in the fact that far too little things could get her flustered. But it appeared even her so-called shamelessness pale in comparison to Osric's.

She sighed, before following after Osric. However, seeing his ripped back that flowed with unmatched vitality, a faint flush appeared on her cheeks.

If Osric had seen this, he would have been shocked into death. Seina actually blushed!

Seina suddenly halted before looking towards the skies. The golden clouds were still present and looked as though they weren't preparing to leave anytime soon.

She sighed before looking towards the departing figure of Osric, and then resuming her walk. It appeared the Divine Plane would be in a perpetual day for several months.

But, what she didn't know was that the golden clouds wouldn't vanish for years.


Osric took a deep breath as he assumed a lotus position on a cultivation platform personally bestowed to him. He inhaled the rich Qi in the atmosphere in droves before it careened back out of his mouth in meager strands.

He and Seina had parted ways immediately after they arrived in the core territory of the Fahren Clan. They both had to consolidate their cultivations.

Osric's gaze instantly grew serene as he peered into his own body. Currently, Osric couldn't call himself Human anymore. No, it was more complex than that. He was a Human, and yet he felt as though he was above Human.

The Nascent Realm was the beginning of cultivation in the Martial Verse. It denotes a stage where one begins steady steps into the cultivation world. It was akin to the stage infants begins to learn how to walk. Where one needed the guidance of a cultivation expert. Where one slip meant total collapse.

However, Osric needed no such thing. The Heavens themselves had helped him breach this Realm in one fluid step. The Nascent Realm is divided into Ten Steps, each of which is more difficult to climb than the last. At least, for those less talented.

The Steps signified a major evolution from a normal Mortal to a cultivator. As such, each of these Steps bestowed advantages that would differentiate one from a normal Human.

The advantage Osric was currently concerned about was lifespan. A normal Human could live past a hundred years if incredibly healthy. However, the Nascent cultivation realm multiplied that by 2. In other words, the average life expectancy of a Nascent Realm cultivator was 200 years!

However, the 200 years of age were just from the perspective of a normal Human. If Clans like the Fahrens, with their Divine Grade Bloodlines, come into fray, then even a Nascent Realm cultivator could live up to five hundred years.

And yet, Osric felt as though he could live ten times the life expectancy of a normal Nascent Realm cultivator. He had no doubt that were he to abandon cultivation now, he could live up to two thousand years!

This was shocking! One had to know that only Mythical Beasts like Dragons, Phoenixes, and Qilins could boast of such. Their incredibly strong life force allowed that. And yet, a Human like Osric suddenly felt he could as well.

Osric didn't know what caused this. His Body, his Bloodline or his Dantian? After all, there were no shortage of Talents which passively bestowed long lifespans.

But considering that unless he broke through to the next Realm, his Dantian would always remain useless, he ticked his Dantian out of the list. This left his Body and Bloodline.

His gaze suddenly went from his whole body to his Body. Body could be explained in several ways. First, it could be a compound word that embodied one's complete being, and it could be just the fleshly structure of a lifeform.

Currently, Osric was examining the latter. In a way, Bloodlines and Bodies were interconnected. They complemented each other in such a way that one's Body determined the amount of potential one could squeeze out of their Bloodlines.

So what if you were born with a Divine Grade Bloodline? Without the Body to perfectly complement it, you were no different from those born with lesser Talents.

The moment Osric's gaze landed on his Body, a voice seemed to ring in his ear. It was ancient, too ancient, and yet felt so warm he could have sworn he subconsciously relaxed. However, the voice itself wasn't as important as the contents the voice uttered…

Titanic Golden Body.

These were the words he heard. It was just three words and yet, when Osric heard it, the world around him suddenly changed.