
ch 12 : Now that we're one let's go to Disneyland


`Six months and 12 day pure bliss that i could never even capable of imagining before or after my ascension to divinity..

...If more after the beginning of my new life i would imagine some slow life progression while taking things easy..very easy but instead here I'm living a fantasy life together whit a fantasy like family...

~`The first 10 days were overwhelming i mean i basically got dragged into marriage to eight perfect brides in body ,soul and personality who brought spice into my existence and a few days later..

I'm the sole mate and eternal half of the entire Elves Race plus their Matriarch godes of the Alfheim realm...

~`I got my first blood on my hands from goblins and other monstrosities which were unpleasant at first but necessary; and later i wiped out an entire Frankenstein like of reality so unnatural so rong that it came so naturally to me whitdout eny regrets or consciousness troubles which would plague me for eternity because I'm a softie...

~`After our family picnic which took place under the comfort of our past home tree for the last six months just like in my zen dreams but strangely incomplete hmm...different.

...I got caught in the memories of this last six months thinking about the new everything from my life.Who was like a genuine life rollercoaster one event after other ..what a insane half year..i wonder what's next.

~`The moment my girls wake up from their complete metamorphosis: passing from almost immortal Elves dependable on their mother at first and later on me > to Divinity's our entire realm trembled announcing their presence.

...When i was about to address too them; our connection kicked in and we synchronised after a few minutes of memories exchange finalising out eternal bond..which was mind blowing no secrets all was uncovered felt naked before their eyes to see but strangely it didn't bother me at al at contrary it felt so right because it seems not only Claire chose wisely but me to..

... Subconsciously they took their elvish old form similar to their old bodys from their astral form ..

...but the size was out of charts they were titans so: i adapted to their current sizes and got now 24 interstellar supernova class brides missiles incoming; which i happily received into my open arms all of them at once.....

....Many minutes later after endless moments of pure affection under the form of kisses and hugs we calmed down a lil and i begin to congratulate them expressing my sincerest joy for being chosen by them eternally and i noticed all my pudor was gone once united no more holding up enymore..they were no longer the usual lil ones but brides..

...And right after that the crazy rollercoaster of uncontrolled power display since they had new strength speed and size which ended a few hours later whit decent control and new size adjustment rdy to meet the others inside our realm since for now they can't go out because they can't control the power gained from our union..

...After the Dupont fam and our new elder god friend got back to Alfheim i got attacked and let face it i enjoyed every second of it...

...for the next six months we got a new daily routine: preaty much everything revolved around sex I'm not ashamed to admit it since we were one now it ment a perpetual state of arousal and need to show our affection..

...But thankfully their primordial urge of reproduction for the sake of Elves Race was no longer the reason to have intimate relationships so kids are very welcomed later when time is right not because of some wird compulsion to procreate..PS i love children and i want to have many of mini vers if my wife's in the future but at the right time and for the right reasons. ...For now we will enjoy our life .

...We did visit very often our extended family in law and kept doing my guard duty very consciously..

...And the rest was work and fun : -My first planet creation was a great success but it needed some upgrading since i used Naruto world as a model initially which was nothing like Alfheim ..

...So we adjourned it by massive implementation of Alfheim flora and fauna; and the animals insects aquatic life and on made it finally look like a heaven (Alfheim is a copy of earth but at different lv better in every aspect)..

...We rebuilt our home since Alexander claimed Alfheim .We were welcomed to stay obvious but : newly weds in a perpetual heat and honeymoon hmm we needed our crib and we got very creative making new home's yap more than one for every season hehe.

...Our main home was just like the old one the difference is we used Claire old avatar tree whit some upgrades which she wanted planted on our realm right on the island we started out final union.for sentimental reasons...

...And the rest was sex and Rock and roll from the moment we wake up : training so the girls could be able to fully control their new body's and power..

...And i got goosebumps since they got acquainted and adapted fast whit their divinity condition; especially since most of them are normally the typical klutz who enjoy simple things and life and have no interest in growing powerful because of their nature of enjoying life and all the lil things would make them happy..but got very motivated..

...And they surprised me big time whit the rate of adjusting and absorbing everything like a sponge from:

- me ..from us ..from the huge Nexus database ..plus from their collective memories recieved from their alternative versions..which proved to be a huge boon..

...and our link made things simple; hell we can not only exchange memories but practically everything ;including experiences like fighting or abilities, elements handling and on .our link proved to be a terrifying OP CHEAT..

~``You see i probably never explained before what our union between me and my brides really means and how it worked..

...One being one body one soul but whit each one of our ego or personality intact :like one body whit many egos inside but not crazy tipe of chimera hehe ..

...Is like this: ME I'm like a big sun surrounded by 24 lil ones my brides ;who orbits around me while been connected to me...

...Even if our minds are separated not fused like the rest our bodies and souls; they are still connected but we decided how much we share :since we can control it ;in order to not get overwhelmed by each other feeling outbursts or our minds...

...I can use 256 avatars in the same time from my source or now my origin: simplified is like having instead of one pair of arms; 256 which you can perfectly use as you please..only that in this case are 256 bodys and 256 thought lines all connected to my true ego mind personality the giant sun...

...The girls can emulate their own avatar or body and they can even use my own avatars..

...My true body which now is our true body is a dimension or realm anchored like a tree into the infinite VOID..which expands naturally with the passage of time amplified by our will and our desire to grow: meaning we get stronger whit time normally but we boost our growth whit our will;like cultivators only than we cultivate Void..and also we name our body PARADISE..our paradise..

...So it means we are bound for eternity as one and the beauty of it is :we can't never get bored of each other's: since caring about them is the same as caring about me and vice versa.

.. And we are imperfect but consciously and unconsciously: always try to reach perfection together as one; me the yang and them as yin always in harmony ..

...Unique means >like no other : ME is unique means there are no longer alternatives of me past, future and beyond .

...And is the same thing for brides to: from the moment their ORIGIN or the source of each of my bride decided that us are a perfect match by judging me and finding WHORTY as consequence all my brides past future and beyond became one whole at first and together whit me one being..

...plus the thing I was worried the most: which is Memories good or bad; received from their millions of alternative versions for each of them ;are fortunately and conveniently only under the form of a abstract database; which doesn't directly influence them ;at contrary the benefit from it whitdout eny strings attached...more or less they got the good stuff as benefits whitdout the nightmares included..

...And all this Me Unique my brides Unique in one being also Unique....

~`So this was how things were going waking up whit all my brides trying to disturb my famous Zen dream if they were capable..next was spa resort spoiling after breakfast or sometimes together..training until lunch which we usually enjoyed it together whit our Dupont in laws ..and since we couldn't go on dates on earth because the girls were not rdy we would go back to training and the girls were very motivated..and later pudding lots of flavours 24 more exactly..but..

~`The mornings were something else gulp since our first union i would awake every day amazed `A brand new day in PARADISE literally , I'm telling you : waking up as i do, can only be considered achieving the absolute state of NIRVANA dao of PUDDING period..

...All i can see is : the enlightenment found in the entangled limbs of my brides all around my BUDDHA bodys lots of it ...and Ecstasy by the drooling happy faces and currently some twitching faces of :

...lolly Nol who like usually is sleeping on top of me in her lolly form.. figures..and we still are attached in the nether zone with a satisfied look on her sweet face...what a greedy mischievous minx she is...

...Delva in her cute kitten form(meaning cat ears and tail) who still purrs even now whit my member still sheltered inside of her while she's been embraced by Eve.. and again I'm nothing but impressed ; by the sisterly love they show..

...The spooned by me : Firis whose still involuntarily contracting her vaginal muscles around my member trying to milk me more even subconsciously in her sleep..and again im amazed by my warrior bride which always work so much using her behind..

...Claire is surprisingly using her lolly form just like Nol because she was corrupted by my mischievous minx ..but. Since she fallen in the line of duty last night now is resting in my arms drooling..

...Lucie is on top of my 5th body but on her back still attached in two places the same time ;while holding tight my arms on her huge rack and i bet she's smiling now even in her sleep...and i can say that she is the most demanding of all my brides..

...Misery which now i call her Misy from now on because there's no misery about her : like always; trying to suffocate me with her breasts on my face ,and her inverted reddish nipples are still pointing outside her H size breasts ,but we are not attached downstairs enymore since she fainted last time after a hard fought battle...I'm so proud of her..

...my cute shy Elda still holds me whit her arms and legs around me on top of her..still connected mumbling sometimes "kiss..more kisses".while rubbing her cute face on my chest..

...and here comes the younger generation : making proud their elders and Matriarch ;all in the dream world; all on top of one of me most of them still connected and still twitching..

...only Melis is on her stomach embraced by me ..not connected but her beautiful white asscheeks are now red.. because : let just say she wanted to experience Nol and Claire fetish by having their ass spanked..and i have no idea how their minds work...

~`At the beginning in my first 10 days; i hade to deal whit 8 hungry horny non longer asexual beings; but after we completed our family: the ALF alliance still ruled by the most wise but totally perverted lolly-obachan Nol got 15 freshly new recruits or brides which under the lead of the elder council tried to bully me whit more enthusiasm..

~`Last night the ALF-alliance tried to find out their new divine body's limits: by following Nol and Claire lead; in directly comparing it whit my own limits by :

...achieving a new feat of turning me into pudding this time.. which was very close to happened ;when i got attacked by 24 brides in the same time...

...and i think that we did exhausted abaut everything found in "Nol ARCHIVE OF ARTEFACTS BOOKS FROM THE HUMAN WORLD special knowledge": or simply and ironically Hentai magas...

...and I'm glad we were not on Alfheim since even me ;who I'm not very vocal or noisy when I'm having happy time whit my brides; i was screaming out so loud ..that; i would feel to embarrassed next day to face my nephews and in law...


~`Today is a very special day because the girls are finally rdy to go out of our realm since they mastered their new power and finally can walk among other whitdout creating earthquakes and tsunamis on their path..

...And after a fun celebration on Alfheim were we all made our first visit together after six months we did continued the celebrations back home bathing in our extravagant pond similar to the one on Alfheim while making dating plans for tomorrow on earth..

... finally..the long awaited romantic dates i promised six months ago and i see im not the only one excited about it..

~`Everybody is excited about it especially Nol, Lucie and Claire who : apart from the obvious fun of having a romantic date together ; also to acquire more research material from HUMANITY WISDOM..aka you know what forget about it.

...that made me laugh inside my head.. since; they don't need any kind of inspiration sources or material for that, since they only need to smile at me and we are good to go..sometimes i wonder if they truly know their worth...

...i mean : seriously..whit those bodies and personalities. HELL.. !. even when they do something completely unErotic they are still capable of arouse me even whit simple lil things...and that goes for every one of them...

...i hade to interrup our fun in the water..since food was ready and waiting for us ..plus : things begin to be a lil heated inside the pond and i was afraid water might evaporate :))

...they finished in record time all the food which could feed an entire small village breaking all world Guinness records and dragged me inside bedroom to face my destiny: and by heaven..if DESTINY was 24 hot and naked beautiful brides whose looks promised nothing more than bullying on por lil me.!. im glad i have to face this tribulations every day for the rest of my life and for eternity ..

...No matter what..for now.. my limit is 4 avatars body whit means i can take care of 4 to 8 of them on the same time since more will be over stimulating me and i will start to ejaculate just like in those hentai buckets of seed ,plus using time trick was not possible enymore whitdout their permission, since technically we are one being and they know it.. and by their looks it seems they wanted to give me a hard time by bully me big time tonight..

...But also because "we are one" and our senses are connected also means: if i have sex whit one> i actually have sex whit all of them the same time soo..and i can cheat by blocking the pleasure they experience on me plus even as Divinity's they still remain very sensitive so...

...While i was thinking about my lil predicament and ways to cheat my way out of this..

... i was surprisingly approached first by my cute and innocent Melis who shyly began to kiss me while taking me to bed were we start to redo our first time..under the wach of the rest of my brides who were dragging many of me for happy time..

.....me and Melis first time....170days ago..

~`welcome back my beloved brides" a smiling sephy said to his girls ;who just began to awaken from their evolving slumber ,and began to check themselves out wanting to see their new changes...

~`husband...!" was the response of the new 23 freshly divinity's and an old one now even better than before all bounded forever to their man.. while forming a small mountain of naked bodys on top of him...imagine the willpower needed for the next 15 minutes of intense show of affection who threatened to turn into a orgy ,while showing up their new assets whitdout eny shame which actually didn't diminished even a lil bit but seemed to be even more firmer than before many 6 packs on their sexy bodys...

...They began to explore their new home and paradise while trying to adjust to their new absurd power..

...And so sephy found himself in a few strange and 100 percent: ecchi/hentai border lines situations simultaneously whit 24 gorgeous women..

...Clair and Nol anticipated some hot endings under their hot pursuit and devised a small plan :

..knowing sephy way of making things and thinking..they made it so he could focus on one of them at the time.

~`So he suddenly found himself all alone whit the 8th oldest elf called Melis; who did pushed in the past some erotic buttons whitdout even knowing abaut it while : chasing butterflys and picking flowers whit her main assets who were basically 100 percent exposed..

...and guess what later when we were flying faster than supersonic speed ; i was about to stop her uncontrolled descent to the ground; by> grabbing her from behind.. but the hentai dao laws of this realm kicked in :and we ended up in a very compromising and very explicit position :whit her under me while my arms hold her tight from behind..only that one hand is under her breasts well since they are a C borderline D cup it means my arm is buried under a mountain of breasts and my second hand mysteriously ended right between her legs whit four fingers on her internal tight and one finger right between the folds of her swollen sweaty hot pussy..but wait there is more: her clothes were mostly gone, not that she was covered much too begin whit 'and our bodies are basically fused together whit my member now free from confinement right between her asscheeks..cool..but how in creation name it got out of my pants.....

...And her innocent response was: ahhh a hot moan followed by the movement of her hands reaching mine and she takes my hand under her breasts and guides it on top of her breast directly making me squeeze her breast whit her nipple pointing straight between my fingers..and my second hand is guided by her right between her swollen red pussy lips and erected clitoris...and force me on rubbing her crotch whit frevor and rivers of love juices began to come out from her excited vagina and in the same time she begin to move her hips rubbing herself on my fingers who slowly slips inside and my member which is between her asscheeks is getting now a massage..our connection kicks in big time and we can hear our thoughts our desires and feel everything each other feel which is overwhelming...

...she turns her face capturing my lips whit a lil bit of trouble and begin to shower me whit sloppy kisses (the girls who now are unique have all the essential memories of their alter versions who subconsciously helps them when needed but not the bad memories).

...After a few minutes she comes hard while trembling filling my hand whit her love juices; she twitch a few seconds but regain her bearings fast and she looks in my eyes whit determination she lifts herself enough for my member to reach her pussy and guide my glands between her folds rubbing and lubricating it while moaning constantly and then she moves her hips and descend slowly sheathing my hard rod inside of her "AHhhh !" so tight Mhhh by reflex a caught her while two more hands holding her in place..now having 2 hands on her breasts and two holding her waist and tight area..my once childish and innocent fiance turned intoxicated her breathing was getting more heretical and the movement of her hips gets faster and faster while screaming my name using her hands on mine to squeeze her breasts harder while arching her back in order to kiss me more looking as drunk. while i comply by moving faster and deeper more frenetic abandoning all troughs.."Ah… ah… ahh… agh…." and here it comes the big one just a few a later the hold the squeezing and twitching keep increasing .. "Hneeeeeeeee!"and gasping sounds while i feel her inside trying to milk me dry while spamming in my arms..

...a few min later a once again shy Melis returned but this time the puppy love eyes were more obvious and more intense giving me a sugar overdose and when i was about to take a taste again we got incoming bullies ..


..the awaited day of dates..

~`We waked up early today even if last night was very intense and steamy i still feel giddy about today that i bearly closed an eye...

...And now i can finally enjoy some normal dates with my girls.."hehe" and I'm olready anticipating their reactions, while they would experience what can be only described as: an new adventure on a alien world for them while enjoying all it has to offer ..

...im olready searching for 24 location for our dates today: so many choices and" is not like we lack time do we !".

...I even asked Martha and Alexander advice about dating places, and all i got is "France" and maybe UK which amused me: and kinda made me wonder why all this French vibe araund DUPONT family ..

...i mean seriously Claire doesn't sound like some godly name to me or Alexander so i asked them about all that..

...And they were lost in memory lane whit nostalgia in their eyes while telling me baut it: originally Claire and Alexander were nameless :basically they called themselves ALF sister and ALF brother..

... but while adventuring the ancient France called Gallia they got involved directly for the first time whit the simple folks of ancient area where Beaune is in the present and spent quite a lot of time in there they even built a house the current Dupont crib on earth ...

...that period of time hold a special place inside both Claire and Alexander hearts because ;there were preaty innocent times back then before the humanity future turmoil...

...Martha is actually a French and British mix bred : her father was a French wine maker and her mother from a old British family whit a long history of dealing whit jewellery and gems they craft ...

...and surprisingly my ancient almighty brother in law met> Martha in Beaune falling in love on the spot for the first time in his existence ;you can say that Martha turned Alexander into a real man, from an asexual being to a husband and father of two almost carbon copys of himself mini Alex and Claude...

...Location chosen ,decently dressed done taking in consideration their unreal beauty, i mean: having 24 brides whit bust size from the smallest C size to an absurd G kinda grabs all the attention; plus their curvaceous forms which would even give a boner to a 90 year old man ; not even talking in consideration their angelic features and visage..man thanks creation they ca shiftshape and hide their features or use illusions ;because i really want to have a good time while doing our dates and not bich slap every Male trying to boder us or to rudely stare at my brides.."noop" not jealous well yea a lil bit but; when you are in our situation you can't be jealous since is impossible for me to luse them "bounded eternity as one remember!"..

...We all are prepared for our first trip together this time and the single dates are in the evening..

...first location is Disneyland California what better place can we visit and have fun for the first time on earth..

..our clothes are looking good and each wallet are full of cash :Martha sold many of my jewelry getting us a small fortune. yea i know i can make money out of thin air but i like to earn my keep so cheating only when the situation requires it ..

...and we are rdy for abuse our wallets ;i got us official legal identities whit Alexander help which comes whit :id documents like passports , don't forget about Visa cards and driving licences(since we had a good time driving my invented vehicles on our PARADISE)...

...we are dressed up nicely and as humanly close we can get by our transformations and illusions; since i love my girls Elvish ears and eyes plus Claire druid horns which only us can see them under the illusion.. everyone else can only see :nice looking folks having their good time as tourists ...and earth here we come..puff...


~`Woww so beautiful!" so shiny look"..so many peopleee wow ..!!" but why the air is so heavy? "the many voices of my brides...

~`So this is earth so many people are here!"

~`It did change so much from the last time I was here " Claire exclaimed while admiring the city from fare away, since we teleported at the edge of the city of Anaheim near LA in California..

...this way we can enjoy a long trip into human civilisation on our way to Disneyland..yeii never been to Disney before; i feel like a kid and by the expression on the faces of my girls i see I'm not the only one..love it...

...So a freshly new created bus comes into existence and we board inside and officially our adventure into civilisation just began...

..The trip was very long even if we cheated our way to the amusement park we still took 3 hours and half the traffic was hell but we enjoyed every minute of it...

~`look of this look of that! ".."why is this like that and on..

...While trying not to get lost inside this city and reach our destination; we admired everything in our path ;every nook and cranny of the human civilisation ;made a few stops here and there; some fast shopping and food tasting while talking about everything we so; and man did we drawn attention or what ; because: i can't say we blend it even if this place is quite multiethnic..

...And our tourist behaviour kinda made us even more visible :putting us right in the eye of everyone; hell i got stopped by the cops to nice folks they even gaved us direction to the amusement park...

...Finally bus parked and 48 of us are now in line for tickets,yap 24 of me holding the hands of my excited brides rdy to rumble..

...And man today was such an exciting day , that we even skipped the planed evening dates; just like kids we behaved trying every ride available, exploring every part of the park got some food here and there and lots of souvenirs the girls had a good time taking me everywhere and we stopped at the end of visiting hours...

...It was a blast ;seeing the girls having the time of their life; laughing and screaming while taking a ride on the roller coaster; we even got entertained by a 5 years old lil girl who was explaining how Elves are made and how they look who ended arguing whit Luna my Dark elf wife whos more childish at her 320 years old ending the all whit Luna and the rest of my Elves wife's who bullied a 5 years old kid by ....; the look on her face was precious when she saw my girls ears popping out plus Claire cute horns and don't forget about the cool dark Elves eyes..it was so ..Mom i sow Elves back there..there.. look Elves ..just precious..

...the only downside of the day was more than 200 attempts to enter inside this realm by the outsiders.. like wtf every day the nr is actually increasing instead of decreasing ,and some idiots end up "splash" since they are send like a cannonball...

...And once returned home my still excited brides dragged me in the bedroom..and we skipped dinner ;since they wanted to reward me..and so they did..and man the reward was so intense: that I think I'm going to take them to many dates from now on..PUDDING !!"

...So from now on we got group date: like visiting a city or cool rural town and more Disney trips .Aquariums ,Lunaparc and on in the early part of the day...

... and romantic dates in the proximity of the evening...having everytime a blast together :who would end up with lots of pudding after the single couple dates later...

...And finally real dates whit each of them and since my girls this evening will be following a certain dress code because the WISDOM BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE than they acquired earlier from our shopping spree I'm forced to follow their example which I'll gladly do so..

...so here I'm waiting using 24 avatars all dressed classy a cross between a business attire but whit a casual touch each different in colour for each of my avatars: shoes comfortable custom made polished loafers best quality ..pants tight-fitting denim of very high quality ,cotton long-sleeved button-down shirt , tight vest and tailored blazer made of quality material ,and besides my earring and wedding ring no other jewelry i have my hair tied into a nice ponytail and rdy to go..

...But when my girls come out one by one.. i forget to breathe and words were stuck into all my throats..

~`so i take it you like what you see brother in law "Martha said to me while giggling..

~`...I..I.. love it sis my brides are simply.. breathtaking " i said while admiring each of my brides..

~`I'm a lucky man "i said while remembering to breathe and begin to move to each of my girls who looked astonishing and they knew it and they show it :confidence and seduction and a touch of innocence in there ..

...all of them have their hair done and looks exquisite sexy..and my shiny creations are on display looking good and i can say that all women from eny Race love jewelry..

~`that is for sure brother in law.. eny human male would kill to be in your shoes hehe !" Martha said while laughing about the look on my face..

...They brought Martha in as the big guns for help ; and i must say she did a good job in helping them choose the best dresses, shoes , accessories and combining everything for our dates..gulp man they look even more sexy dressed in all those evening dresses than in their usual olmost undressed clothes..

~`Ladies " I offered my arm to take let enjoying ourselves tonight "....

...Next day every member of the sephyross family was smiling and literally radiating and pouring happiness from every inch of their bodies only the halos were missing from the six level of heaven in picture while having breakfast whit happy faces because last evening and night was marvelous and we had the best time of our life while dating followed by romantic dinner and steamy dessert in bed and my girls was very passionate and very vocal while they were screaming my many names :hubby ,husband mate, love and they melted me into pudding this time but it was so WORTH IT..

...and so from the day we went to similar places of Disneyland and romantic dates later..we keep on doing it every day since then..

~`Everything was going so well; except from two lil things : first was the sudden increase nr of attempt to enter twins realm which gone from more than 9000 attempts in the last six months reaching at astonishing 1000 more or less attempts per day..and a sudden change or shift in the lairs of reality laws..

... sometimes the intrusions were from multiple different sources and using different ways at the same time to get in..

...Some of them were single attempt which stopped at first try ;but they were some really insistent entities who keep trying to breach in; stopping only when: i would personally send them a video call asking gently to stop..or to fuck off depending on the case ...

...and the reactions were different from each of them, from honest apologies since they didn't knew our situation ;to rude comments and threats or attempts to negotiate for the intrusion..

.. which pretty much ended whit a big NO followed by: a big reminder about what happened to the HIVE realm since they mest with me and a lil muscle flexing; which shout up their yanking and their courageous faces turned pale one by one .."he's a primordial"..plz i will stop don't kill me plz!"

...and so i got finally reduced the nr of daily attempts to enter our realm or technically Alexander realm since Claire gaved him full authority while me I'm just doing guard duty...

... ...

~`And again a cute big breasted lolly which first asked permission to personally enter for an audition just like the last twelve times...

~`Heloo my name is Klyscha the primordial goddess of the Dreams and.." ehhh " again you..oh wait did i go in the rong place again!?"..

~`You are very cute Klyscha primordial goddess of the dreams but like i said last eleven time ;i can't have eny isekai on my brother in law realm " i said to her feeling almost bad for seeing her so close to crying..

~`You know what!" i said while i got close to her ..

~`It is lunch time come join us for lunch whit my family " and i picked her gently up and tele back home were everyone was present and rdy to have lunch..

...`Ahhh !" come and sit with us at the table sweety ..and our cute lolly guest was looking in all directions trying to figure out were is she now and whit who is about to have lunch..

...We had quite a funny lunch ; were we witness a primordial being acting so unbearable cute whit a sweet complexion of red cheeks for the entire duration of the meal..

...At the sudden change of scenery she froze at first and when i introduced my brides and the in laws ;she acted very shy mostly nodding her head and when my brides started to hug her she got even more awkward like a puppet whitdout strings ; especially when hearing my girls say: how cute she is.. getting herself a windows bluscreen or exe.stop.. followed by what it seems to be like the illusion of smoke coming from her ears..

...And i saved the day by talking her from the crowd making her sit on my lap and personal feeding her under the dumbfounded faces of my in laws especially Martha who was trying to probe Klysha whit her newly acquired demigod senses and kinda got scared because Klysha it is after al a primordial..

...What..i noticed she can't handle crowds since she is probably one of those social awkward or something..and at first i did gaved her own seating spot at the table and personality served her food..but she kept looking at it mumbling things..which made me take her on my lap and personality feed her..

...Ofc under the supportive look of my brides who nodded in appreciation or they were grinning ear to ear i think..and i think it was the same whit my in laws but whit their jaws especially my nephews..especially Claude which was mumbling: another cute lolly my uncle is so fortunate because he's cool..or something..

...We separated a few hours later :after lunch and..after trying to talk to the unresponsive red face primordial lolly-obachan..which was mumbling nonsense things like : "he is so tall and manly??"..smelling good??".." he said I'm cute??"...

.." they said we approve?? which made no sense..the only thing i actually got it clearly was :"can't get married enymore" and fainted still attached to me like a koala bear ...

...later she left to her place after the girls made her promise to come back she nodded and olmost end up fainting again...

~`What a confusing person..well they say powerful being's are eccentric after all so.. nevermind"..

... ... ... ... ... ...

...and my second problem is this nagging feeling but not like my spider senses warning of impeding trouble..but more like a wierd feeling : like something is about to happen sooner or later and..I'm not going to like it..

...Idk maybe because of the increasing number of isekai requests to this realm which gives me a wierd vibe but there is something else something I'm missing ..

...This realm laws are beginning to act wierd by sometime .I asked Alexander if he knows everything about it. but his answer kinda surprised me:

...Firstly his time is up or very close..no he isn't dieing but his job is over his purpose is done and his connection as admin revoked that is why he spent so much of his own power. But especially when he claimed Alfheim which became big bro and his family personal realm..officially he's a retired god now....

...And secondly his and Claire approach whit the laws is how to put it: almost nonexistent from the start..the way he and Claire dealt with the laws; was whit the help of their connection as admin so their law understanding is very poor compared to me which baffled me..

..."i really hope everything will be alright!" since i love my current situation or my new sweet life..