
Empress of the World

Book is COMPLETE and FREE. From a young age, Aurora wanted to be different than her domineering mother, Empress Zephyra. When Aurora unexpectedly inherits the throne, she is left behind with two words: be better. And she tries. But just as things seem to have settled, Empress Aurora of Valiant receives a vision: the entire world will be destroyed. Along with her friend Devrim, Aurora makes the bold decision to travel to the Fates in the land of magic to find the answers she seeks. To be better, the new Empress must place her own life on the line to stop the coming doom.

NobleQueenBee · Fantasy
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702 Chs

The First Reunion

The camp was abuzz as a scout returned after spotting the approaching magical army. Devrim put on the best clothes that he brought to welcome the esteemed guests. Or so he told everyone. Really, he wanted to impress his beautiful wife.

Some soldiers were scrambling to get the final shine on their armor while others were cleaning up the camp to make it look as regal as possible. One recruit was getting scolded by his superior for leaving his undergarments out on the line like unholy flags.

From outside the camp's headquarters, orders were being barked. "General Nurlan, have everyone who is available assemble at the north end of the camp," Devrim directed the General.

"Yes, Sire!"

"Captain Caleb, make sure my quarters are ready to receive the Empress. She is likely to be exhausted." Devrim watched the Captain smile broadly.

"At once, Your Majesty!"

"What about me, Your Majesty?" Junayd asked. He was slightly offended that others had been given tasks before him.

The Emperor ignored his question for a moment as he passed out the rest of the chores. Finally only he and Junayd were left while everyone else moved like bees around a hive.

Devrim ran his hands through his short locks and looked nervously at Junayd. "I do need your help with something, Junayd, but there is no easy way to ask…"

"Anything, Your Majesty." The general could not guess what the ruler had in mind.

Devrim cleared his throat. "It's just…I mean ladies always seem to like you. And the few times I have seen you not in uniform, you seem to have a good sense of style…and, you see…Up until we left the palace, I have always had someone to dress me or at least set out my clothes for me."

"One of the joys of being in charge is not having to select your own wardrobe, Your Majesty." Junayd confirmed.

"But I have no one to do that here, at least no one that has any sense of royal standards. So, Junayd, do I, uh, look alright? I mean, do you think Aurora will like what she sees?" Devrim did a slight turn to show off his tunic that he had received as a parting gift from Orhan's wife.

Junayd sized up his master. The general walked around the leader, making grunts and nods as he adjusted parts of the other man's outfit. Finally, he licked his finger and curled a single lock from the grey-eyed man's head around it before draping it down the middle of Devrim's forehead. Stepping back, Junayd surveyed his handiwork.

"Well?" Devrim asked impatiently.

Holding up his thumb sideways like he was regarding a painting, Junayd nodded with satisfaction. "I usually do not comment on the appearance of other men—it is just not in my nature—but I will say you are quite possibly the most handsome man I have ever seen." He added more seriously, "but even if you weren't, Her Majesty only has eyes for you. You could be in a burlap sack and she would still think you were perfection."

"Thank you, Junayd. I feel the same about her." Devrim's confidence returned.

"Father, you look marvelous!" Mairwen ran up with Renat not far behind. "I especially love what you have done with your hair," the girl beamed.

"That was my idea!" Junayd puffed out his chest with pride.

Devrim's ears burned at the compliment. "Thank you Mairwen. I was just..." He caught sight of Renat, who was smiling like a fool. The Emperor stiffened. "Scientist, make sure Lady Bukuri and Faris know about the arrival of the elven army. I know they are also anxious to greet them."

Renat bowed. "Glory to the Empress!" he said, bringing the smile back to Devrim's face.

"Indeed," the grey-eyed man responded as the boy disappeared from view. To Junayd he added, "Would you check on the magical army's progress?"

Junayd saluted, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Devrim returned his attention to his doting daughter. His face softened as a tinge of worry crept onto his face. "Do I really look alright?"

"Like a vision of all that is right with the world," Mairwen answered without hesitation. "So it is true? The army is almost here?"

"That is what the scout said," the Emperor shrugged.

The princess grew eve more excited. "Is mother with them?"

"I am not sure. She had that slight delay, but I am hoping that she has caught up with the main army. I have not gotten a message from her stating whether or not she made it." The Emperor rubbed the back of his neck.

"You are nervous!" Mairwen observed. She giggled at how adorable her father looked.

"Of course I am! I just want everything to be perfect," he admitted. His mind had played out this reunion at least a thousand times. Now it was finally here.

"Sire!" Junayd came running like his backside was on fire. "I can see the army on the horizon. They are nearly here."

Devrim's pulse quickened. He and Mairwen ran after the general until they, too, could see the approaching army. The trio came alongside Nurlan to view the spectacular sight.

In the afternoon sun, the elven army was difficult to miss. Their shining metallic armor and glistening golden skin looked like a reflection of the sun itself. Above them, creatures both human sized and tiny flitted across the sky like birds on the horizon.

Seeing their destination in sight, some of the fairies portaled quickly to reach the human army first. Just because the fairies and elves were now allies did not mean that they did not appreciate a little healthy competition.

The first to reach the Emperor was an old fairy with long white hair that touched the ground. "I still have some speed left in me," the old fairy said, taunting the younger ones behind him. He turned to the humans and spotted the one who looked the most like the image he had seen in the Empress's mirror.

Marching up to Devrim, the fairy introduced himself. "Greetings, Your Majesty. I am Reyan, the close personal friend of Empress Aurora herself. I trust you have heard of me." Reyan raised one eyebrow in challenge.

Devrim stroked his chin as he pretended to think if he had heard that name before. "Reyan...yes, I believe I know the name. Welcome, honored guest. Please come and rest. I only wish you had brought your 'close personal friend' along with you. Is she with the main group?" The man's eyes were already trained on trying to find a human among the elves.

"I have not seen her since yesterday," Reyan admitted. He retracted his wings and moved forward to lay a comforting hand on the Emperor. "But maybe she is with the elven princess. I know how much the Empress wants to see you."

"Thank you, Reyan." Devrim shook the fairy's forearm.

Slowly the elven army and the rest of the fairies began to enter the camp. King Zoltan, Prince Ithel, and Princess Brinn led the group on flawless white unicorns.

"Greetings, Your Majesty," Zoltan offered his warm regards as he dismounted.

Devrim smiled politely, "Welcome, King Zoltan. I am pleased that you have joined us in our fight. Please make yourself at home. With your permission, General Nurlan will show you to your tent quarters so you can rest."

As the king made his retreat, Brinn and Ithel alighted and approached the Emperor. Devrim's face changed from a polite smile to one of genuine warmth. However it was Mairwen who spoke to the she-elf first.

"Brinn! I have missed you!" the human princess wrapped her arms around the elven one. They two began a fevered conversation to catch up on all they had missed.

Devrim chuckled as he offered his arm to the prince. "I guess we know where we stand. Welcome, Prince Ithel. I am most glad to see you after all this time."

"It has been too long," the prince agreed.

"You're married?!" Mairwen squealed, interrupting the men's conversation. She examined Brinn's plaited necklace. "I am so happy for you and a little jealous."

"Not too jealous, I hope!" Devrim scowled.

"No, Father. Nothing like that!" Mairwen blushed.

"Good," the Emperor nodded emphatically, causing the girls to giggle.

The next wave of arrivals brought both Alvar and Gandr into their midst. Devrim called out to them, and they neared.

"There is the man of the hour! Lord Alvar, you sly dog. You finally managed to chain her!" the Emperor joked about the chain around the she-elf's neck. Devrim gave him a congratulatory hug.

"I married her, but not a soul will ever be able to chain that one down," Alvar argued playfully. He winked at his bride.

"And don't you forget it!" Brinn crossed her arms and nodded her determination.

Gandr was also received into the group amid cheers and happy exclamations. He accepted their kindness, though his mind was clearly elsewhere.

Devrim could see his searching eyes. "I sent Renat to get Lady Bukuri and Faris. I am not sure what is keeping them."

A worm of doubt crept into the halfling's mind. Speaking through the mirror had been one thing, but perhaps meeting in person would be too much for his fragile mother. Gandr's thoughts were beginning to spiral when the crowd of soldiers behind the Emperor parted, allowing a centaur to pass between them.

On his back was a purple-eyed elf with long, flowing hair that was neatly held back by a golden clip. She was wearing an elegant violet dress that made her eyes look like two crystals of amythest. Like Devrim, the lovely elf had wanted to look her best, and this had delayed her arrival.

Bukuri slipped gracefully from Faris's back. In the months of her freedom, the luster of her golden skin had returned and her strength was ever increasing. The lady approached the Emperor and his group, but only one person had her attention. Eyes welling with tears, she reached out and touched the halfling's face. "My son," she whispered, her voice filled with hope.

"Mother," he answered without hesitation. He took her hand from his face and gathered it with the other into his large palms. His hands easily dwarfed hers, but he had no time to think on it. Falling to his knees, he kissed his mother's knuckles and pressed them to his forehead. "Mother," he repeated.

Then, with great joy, the halfling wept.