
Empress of the World

Book is COMPLETE and FREE. From a young age, Aurora wanted to be different than her domineering mother, Empress Zephyra. When Aurora unexpectedly inherits the throne, she is left behind with two words: be better. And she tries. But just as things seem to have settled, Empress Aurora of Valiant receives a vision: the entire world will be destroyed. Along with her friend Devrim, Aurora makes the bold decision to travel to the Fates in the land of magic to find the answers she seeks. To be better, the new Empress must place her own life on the line to stop the coming doom.

NobleQueenBee · Fantasy
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702 Chs

Speaking of dead…

As morning dawned, Zan adjusted himself in the sturdy high-backed chair. Unable to sleep, he had come down to the infirmary to keep watch over the gnome. When he looked over, he immediately realized something was different. The gnome's steady, even breathing that he had grown accustomed to had changed. The creature tied to the wooden table was awake.

"How did you sleep?" The Chief asked casually.

The gnome chuckled. "And here I thought maybe I could get the jump on you…I slept well, though I think it has been quite some time."

"Nearly two weeks," Zan confirmed. He stood so that Gandr could see his face.

"Where am I? How am I alive?" The gnome strained against the ropes, but they were taut.

"Those are the last two questions you will get until you answer mine. You are in the infirmary, and I saved you."

"You saved me only to torture me," Gandr despaired.

"I saved you because you needed help. I hope I made the right call." Zan tapped his finger on his thigh and tried to gauge the gnome's response.

Gandr was torn. Humans were the enemy, but the words of the guardian rang true. "I am grateful to be alive," the gnome said noncommittally.

"Who stabbed you?" Zan wanted to know.

Gandr's face darkened. "He used me, and then when I became a liability, he turned on me."

"Was it a gnome?" Zan prodded.

Gandr hesitated. "You are just like him. You will end me as soon as I am no longer useful." He balled his fists and pulled against his bonds.

"I did not go to the trouble to save and protect you—the doctor and I faked your death in case you are wondering—only to ruin all my hard work," Zan said.

"Let us say I believe you. I still will not give you his name."

Unlike what the Guardian expected, the gnome did not offer up the name of his attacker out of anger or spite. He still felt some loyalty or at least a sense of honor. If Zan was going to get the information he sought, Gandr needed to trust the guardian. Zan came to a decision. "I am going to untie you. If you try kill me, fine, but I will defend myself. The Empress is dead because I could not protect her. My death would be a just punishment."

Gandr's eyes opened wide. "The Empress is dead? Ow!" He groaned as the ropes were loosened. An angry blister at his wrist burst. Without a word, the guardian fetched a salve from a nearby table and applied it to the wound.

"I did not realize the bonds were irritating you. Forgive me." Zan sighed. His eyes shone with water. "Yes, Empress Aurora is dead. We received her bloody shoes and garment yesterday."

"No body?" The gnome raised one eyebrow. "Then she is not dead, at least not by the gnomes' hand."

"How do you know?" Zan felt a glimmer of hope.

"The gnomes flaunt the bodies of their enemy. They revel in the proof of their victory. More than that," Gandr struggled to explain. He was still experiencing the deep emotions of the humans. While they were no longer controlling him as they had, he could still still feel three separate beings mixed up in his consciousness. It had to be Devrim, Junayd and Aurora. "I can sense her," he admitted at last.

Zan nearly hugged the gnome, but thought the better of it. "Are you sure?" The stocky gnome nodded. "I have got to notify the Council. Thank you for your help." Zan was relieved as he walked to the door. "I will get the doctor to check you. Wait here."

Gandr wondered that the man would leave him alone, but realized that he had no idea where he was and had nowhere to go. If everyone believe he was dead, then he was truly alone. Yet he was not sad. He was relieved.

Zan returned with the doctor, who gave him a clean bill of health. The extended sleep had helped him heal his internal injuries. "I suppose you will be transporting me to some dark hole where no one can find me." Gandr's face was emotionless as he resigned himself to his fate.

Zan shook his head. "I have had a lot of time to think while waiting at your bedside. You have been betrayed by someone you trusted. When I was in a similar situation, left for dead with no hope, I got a second chance that changed my life. I want to extend you the same opportunity."

"But I am a criminal to your empire."

"Did you actually kill the Empress?" Zan eyed him critically.

"Well, no. I tried but could not go through with it. But I did assault her at her birthday party." It felt good to be admitting all his sins.

"That was you? Doesn't using magic on humans have consequences?" The guardian was curious.

"More than you know." Gandr said meaningfully.

"Then we will consider that debt paid. As for attempted murder, someone has committed the same crime against you. To the world, you are dead, which means you can begin anew. Do you want to?" Zan offered out his hand but the gnome did not take it. The Chief sighed, "Listen—"

"Gandr. My name is Gandr."

"Listen, Gandr. You were on the wrong side of a war. Rather than steal, kill and destroy as your kin have required, I ask you to save, protect and build up. It is not easy, but it is worthwhile." Zan concluded his speech and lowered his hand. He would have to be patient. While time was not something he could afford, he would have to wait just the same.

"I will think about it."

There was a brief knock at the door and the doctor entered quickly. "Zan, the guards are searching the palace for you. Rumor is that you are under arrest."

"For what?!" Zan began to pace the floor. No one knew that the gnome was alive except the doctor, so something else was amiss.

"I do not know," the doctor admitted, "but it is not good. Perhaps you should slip away until you can find out what it is all about."

"I will not run away. Any charge against me is false." Zan's eyes flashed silver. He was angry.

"Stay safe, both of you. I will see what this matter is about." The Guardian made his way to the more -travelled halls.

Two guards approached him. "Chief Zan, we are to here to take you into custody and bring you to the Council's meeting room," one of them said.

"Lead the way," the Guardian agreed without a fight. Upon entering the meeting room, Zan saw that the Council was already in their chairs and, more remarkably, Alaron was seated on the throne at one end of the table.

Cafer sat beside him glaring at the silver-eyed man. He stood, wearing the grey robes of a judge and spoke. "Zan, citizen of Valiant, you are hereby charged with the murder of a prisoner of the Empress and conspiracy to murder the Empress. Today you will stand trial…"