
Empress of the World

Book is COMPLETE and FREE. From a young age, Aurora wanted to be different than her domineering mother, Empress Zephyra. When Aurora unexpectedly inherits the throne, she is left behind with two words: be better. And she tries. But just as things seem to have settled, Empress Aurora of Valiant receives a vision: the entire world will be destroyed. Along with her friend Devrim, Aurora makes the bold decision to travel to the Fates in the land of magic to find the answers she seeks. To be better, the new Empress must place her own life on the line to stop the coming doom.

NobleQueenBee · Fantasy
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702 Chs

A Son’s Deception

Cafer was impatient to reach the palace and traveled mostly underground to reach his destination. With his ground-crimping magic, he was able to arrive at the palace in less than a week, but he was utterly exhausted and drained of his power. He decided to find an inn for the night and regroup.

The gnome laid down in the fluffy bed and felt much of the angst leave his body. The other gnomes made fun of Cafer for his love of soft linen, but he had experienced perfection, and nothing else could compare. The others of his kind made their beds among the rocks. It was less than ideal.

Cafer pulled the mirror from his belt and checked to see if it was glowing. It was just as well that it was not. The prince and he had already made arrangements to meet the following evening. For now he would rest; tomorrow he would find the entrance to the Storehouse.


"You have been under a lot of stress. Have dinner with me tonight," the grey-eyed man coaxed his wife. He gathered her into his embrace as they rounded a corner. Junayd and Nurlan knew well enough not to follow them too closely. They stayed within earshot, but out of sight. Having found a quiet spot, the Emperor pulled the woman toward the wall and spoke softly. "It will be just the two of us. I will even cook for you."

Aurora arched her brow. "You? Cook?"

"Okay, fine. I will tell the cook what to make for you." Devrim put his forehead against his love's.

The woman giggled as her husband stroked her arm with his fingers. "That tickles!"

"Think of it. Beef and steaming vegetables, a selection of delicious fruit, and we can even have that dessert with the cherries you like on top." Even though he was talking about food, his voice was alluring.

"Fine, fine. I'll have dinner with you tonight." The Empress did not need any more convincing. She would have agreed immediately, but was thoroughly enjoying her husband's attention. Devrim smiled before he pressed his lips to hers. They may have been married for nearly a decade, but there was no less passion than when they were first wed. "Why is it you always use food to entice me to do things?" The Empress asked when she finally took a breath.

Devrim chuckled, "I have to lead with my best move."

Aurora was offended, "That is not your best move!"

"Oh, if you say so," Devrim was amused by her response. "Now that you have agreed, I will have to release you to your duties. I took the liberty of clearing some time this afternoon so that you can get ready for our romantic evening." The Emperor pulled away but not before stealing one last kiss.

Outwardly Aurora gave a demure smile and nod, but inwardly she screamed, "I can't wait!"


"Mother, that dress looks fantastic on you!" Mairwen doted on her mother. The twins had both managed to be excused from their tutors in order to attend their mother. Anna, Bella, and Candela were doing most of the work making the Empress look gorgeous, but the children helped here and there.

Aurora looked in the mirror with pleasure. Wearing the golden gown with red accents, the Empress was looking particularly beautiful.

"I look quite sufficient," she responded modestly.

"Her Majesty is far more than sufficient," Anna argued.

"His Majesty is lucky indeed," Bella chimed in.

"Emperor Devrim will be fortunate if he can keep his wits when he sees you," Candela added.

Aurora took the praise in stride. They probably would have flattered her even if she were in a potato sack. But she accepted their compliments graciously. "Thank you."

From the edge of the excitement, the prince watched carefully and waited for the perfect moment. It seemed now was the proper time. "I almost forgot. Father sent a gift with me for tonight." He produced a small box in brightly colored paper.

"How romantic!" Mairwen crooned. She was at the perfect age to appreciate such gestures.

"It is not my birthday or our anniversary." Aurora was surprised. "If I did not know better, I would be worried that my husband might be feeling guilty for something…"

Mairwen caught her meaning. "You know father has eyes for only you. Just look at how he watches you when you enter a room."

The Empress blushed. "I was only joking, but I do wonder what brought on all this."

Alaron looked away quickly. "I am sure he just enjoys spending time with you. Now, are you going to open it?"

Aurora took the package and tore the paper. Inside the little box, a red ruby necklace was cradled gently in a satin cloth. "Oh!" Aurora said as she pulled out the jewelry.

"It is gorgeous! And it matches the stitching on your gown." Mairwen helped her mother attach the necklace. It hung beautifully within the scooped neckline of the shimmering dress.

Aurora liked her appearance in the looking glass, but her eyes fell unconsciously on the golden chain of the Fates' necklace. It no longer fit with the rest of the outfit. There was an anxiety building in Aurora. She wanted to look her best, but something nagged her not to take off the Fates' chain. Then the words of Alaron came back to her suddenly. 'It makes you look so old,' the boy had said. In a snap decision, Aurora removed the chain and handed it to Anna, "Keep this somewhere safe." Immediately a sense of calm overcame the Empress.

Anna put the chain in the pouch that was tied to her waist. "I will keep it on my person until you return." No one saw Alaron sneer at the words. He had hoped that the lady-in-waiting would put it in the jewelry box or on the nightstand, but it seemed that she knew the necklace's worth.

"All right, I am ready." Aurora announced with a girlish twirl.

"Shall I attend you at dinner?" Anna dipped her head in respect.

The Empress shook her head. "I can manage on my own. Mairwen will walk with me as we go. I can send for you if anything happens, but I do not think it shall." Mairwen hooked her arm onto her mother's elbow.

"Glory to the Empress," Anna curtsied.

"Will you join us?" The two ladies asked Alaron, but he declined.

His brow furrowed. "I seem to have dropped my favorite copper chain. I know I had it when I came in here."

"We can help you look!" Aurora offered. She started to kneel, but the prince stopped her.

"I will not allow you to ruin your gown on my account," he said gently.

There was a knock at the door. "Your Majesty, Emperor Devrim awaits your presence."

"And you need to go, Mother." Alaron added, relieved.

"I will help him," Anna promised.

The Empress and princess left the room, and Anna knelt to help the prince in his search. "There is really no need, Anna," Alaron felt bad for making the woman look in vain. He quickly took the missing chain from where it was hidden. "Here it is!"

Anna sighed in relief, "Very good, Your Highness."

"Lady Anna, what will you do this evening?" The prince tried to buy time while he devised a plan.

"I will probably go and get my babes from the nursery and have a quiet evening in unless the Empress needs me." Anna smiled at the thought of her children.

"Then I wish you well." The prince stood and pretended to trip, knocking Anna and himself back to the ground. As they struggled to right themselves, Alaron detached the pouch from Anna's waist and tossed it under his mother's bed.

The lady-in-waiting stood quickly and brushed herself off. "Are you alright, Prince Alaron? I…oh!" She noticed the missing pouch.

Alaron feigned surprise. "It is completely my fault. Let me help you look!" He ducked under the large bed. "I see it!" He pretended the pouch was farther than it was and used the time to switch the Fates' chain for his copper one. Coming out from the bed, he handed the bag to a grateful Anna.

"Thank you! I hate to think what would have happened if this were lost. If you were not the prince, I would hug you."

"You are welcome, Lady Anna." Alaron made his way out of the room with his mother's necklace hidden in his fist. With some effort, he was able to dismiss his personal guard for the evening and circle back to Aurora's suite of rooms. While Anna was already gone, Bella and Candela could still be heard milling about and preparing for the Empress's eventual return.

Alaron ducked behind a sofa as the pair entered the sitting room. "It still bothers me in the bedchamber that that one lamp along the wall never lights." Candela complained.

"The Empress said it has been that way as long as she can remember. She does not want it fixed," Bella reminded her.

Candela groaned. "Fine. I will leave it alone. Oh! Before I forget, I wanted to show you something I found the other day…" The ladies walked off toward their personal quarters as Alaron heaved a sigh of relief.

The prince hurried into the Empress's bedchamber and immediately went toward the unlit sconce hanging from the wall. Cafer had told him the secret door was on this wall. Why would his mother not want a broken lamp fixed? There was only one reason he could imagine. After a brief examination, the boy gripped the sconce firmly and heard a satisfying click. The entrance to the tunnel appeared before him.