

You are already having enough nightmares and demons in your day to day life. What happens when you start getting haunted by nightmares from an ancient world or maybe, as the legends say, memories from your past life? WARNING: SENSITIVE CONTENT On her 18th birthday, Li Juan had a nightmare that changed her life forever. She saw a queen of an ancient kingdom being murdered in her dream. Even though it was just a dream, intrigued by its content, she starts searching for its meanings and interpretations. Today, Li Juan is a research scholar at the archaeology department and she is on a quest to find a lost city. While searching about the lost city, she realises that her past and present life is being intertwined with three men who claim to own her heart. "Li Juan, you belong to me," declared her Highschool crush who also happens to be her current boss. "Li Juan, we are destined to be together," proclaimed her celebrity crush. "Li Juan, both of our families, wants us to become a couple," proposed her family friend. "Wait a minute!!! Are you sure the "Li Juan" whom you all mentioning is really me?" Even Li Juan herself finds it difficult to believe their claims, " I am sorry to disappoint you all, but I have already fallen in love with my research career." "But Li Juan, I promised that I'll help you to find your Queen," A blurry image of a man from her memory reminded her. Who is that? Through her broken dreams and shattered memories, Li Juan is still searching for the one who made the promise, to find the Queen from her dreams !!! No Mature content on first 20+chapters, but later chapters are under PG-18 Disclaimer: 1. Slow-paced romance with lots of mysteries. 2. Lengthy chapters (Minimum 1.5k words/chapters) 3. There are several chapters that deal with abusive toxic relationships and bullying. 4. The cover is not mine, I will remove it if the creator demands. 5. Read my other story, "No where to run: Trapped with my Archenemy" on webnovel # FIRST 100+ chapters are currently under editing # Support me on ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/monsoonmangoes0502

Monsoon_Mangoes · Urban
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239 Chs

The Punishment (R-18)


Two days later,

Li Juan was busy preparing her dinner when she heard the doorbell.

She simmered the flame of the stove and walked towards the door.

It was Tang Wei Sheng.

Tang Wei Sheng stood at her doorstep looking devastated. His clothes and hair were dishevelled.

Added to that, there were tiny stubbles on his face and his eyes were red due to lack of sleep.

Everything about him screamed his tiredness.

"Wei Sheng Ge, you..." Li Juan looked at his tired face, "What happened to you?"

"Rough day at work," He replied with a faint smile and walked into the house.

The room smelled nice with the aroma of food.

Li Juan didn't stop him. She also needed to talk to him.

"Were you cooking dinner?"

"If you haven't eaten yet, let's have dinner together," Li Juan suggested.

"Hmm". Tang Wei Sheng sat on the sofa and leaned back his head. He was really tired due to the amount of office work as well as his grandfather's medical emergency.

Tang Fei had a mild heart attack and got hospitalized. Eventhough his condition wasn't stabilized Tang Fei was reluctant to stay at the hospital. Because of Tang Wei Sheng's scandal, Tang Corporations recently went through a lot of trouble and If they news of Tang Fei's illness got released then everything will be in Chaos. He didn't want to add more burden on his grandson, so Tang Fei decided to rest at home. Tang Wei Sheng just got back from visiting his grandfather.

Li Juan brought a cup of water for him and went back to cooking. Nobody spoke, the only sound resonated in the room was the handling of utensils.

Within fifteen minutes, everything was ready to serve. Li Juan invited Tang Wei Sheng to eat his dinner. He removed his jacket and loosened his necktie and sat opposite Li Juan.

"Thanks, sweetheart." Tang Wei Sheng thanked Li Juan and helped her to serve the food.

Li Juan adjusted her long sleeves and picked up the chopsticks.

Tang Wei Sheng noticed the tattoo of the compass on Li Juan's wrist and looked at her calm face.

"That is a nice tattoo,"

Li Juan smiled at his praise.

"Thank you,"

"I didn't know that you are interested in tattooing."

"I always wanted to have a tattoo, the tattoo artist was really amazing that it came out pretty well."

"The man who came with Li Juan that night was a tattoo artist" Tang Wei Sheng remembered Yang Xiong's words.

It was just an hour ago when Yang Xiong came up with the details about the man who was with Li Juan.

Li Juan and that man shared a close relationship which resulted in staying overnights at his apartment more than once.

Yang Xiong even shared the photos of Li Juan with him and doubted her feelings and intentions towards Tang Wei Sheng.

If it is someone else who have doubted Li Juan, Tang Wei Sheng would have laughed it off. But when Yang Xiong doubted her, Tang Wei Sheng got panicked. He has treated Yang Xiong as his brother and he knows that Yang Xiong always wished for his happiness.

So Tang Wei Sheng decided to meet Li Juan and wished to clear things between them.

Tang Wei Sheng finished his meal and waited for Li Juan on the sofa while scrolling on his mobile.

Li Juan cleaned the dishes and came back to the living room.

"Where is your mobile sweetheart?" Tang Wei Sheng casually asked her.

"My phone, I just put it for charging." Li Juan replied and sat opposite him.

"Hmm," It was true that she changed her number and didn't even care to tell him. Tang Wei Sheng felt an uneasiness creeping into his mind.

"I heard that you came looking for me? Sorry sweetheart, I was busy that day."

Li Juan remained silent.

"I came looking for you here. But you didn't come home that day."

"I was with my friend." Li Juan replied casually.

"Friend...hmm. Tang Wei Sheng nodded.

It seems like Li Juan doesn't want to confess the truth.

"Sweetheart, what did you decide? When are we going to apply for the marriage certificate?" Tang Wei Sheng asked her.

"Wei Sheng Ge, I don't think that I can do it. " Li Juan said with a calm voice.

After contemplating her future with Tang Wei Sheng, Li Juan decided to refuse his proposal. It wasn't because of everyone's claims about Tang Wei Sheng's relationship with Ning Jing. Li Juan wanted to give a test of time for her feelings towards Tang Wei Sheng.

Hmm, Tang Wei Sheng looked at her with cold eyes, "you are not ready for marriage right now?"

"We belong to two different worlds Wei Sheng Ge and"

"We already discussed this sweetheart," and you did accept my proposal.

"But that was three weeks ago"

"So? What would've changed in three weeks?"

"You are engaged."

"I told you it is nothing but a fake marriage."

"Still, it is a marriage."

Sweetheart, why don't you believe me? I am trying my best to solve everything.

"I am sorry, let's end this here."

Li Juan loved Tang Wei Sheng, she wanted to live with Tang Wei Sheng.

But If she agrees with Tang Wei Sheng for the hidden marriage, she will be treated as a homewrecker.

It is better to wait for Tang Wei Sheng's divorce than getting treated as a third person while he is married to Ning Jing.

Li Juan looked at Tang Wei Sheng's face, he remained silent.

"If you love someone set them free, if they come back they're yours; if they don't come back, they were never yours, to begin with."

Li Juan decided to take a risk. Li Juan waited for him all these years she can wait for six more months.

If Tang Wei Sheng comebacks to her as he promised, then Li Juan will wholeheartedly agree to his wishes.

But on the other hand, Tang Wei Sheng was on pain. Li Juan's words pierced into his heart like a dagger.

"Let's end this," he repeated the words. "Wow! how simply you put it together?"

Li Juan didn't try to refute him.

"We used to be friends and let's remain as good friends." She suggested.

"Friends!!! Did you say that we should stay as friends?" Tang Wei Sheng smirked.

"Okay, what kind of friendship you are referring? Tang Wei Sheng's eyes burned with vexation.

"Do you want me to treat you the way your " so-called friends" treats you? A friend with benefits?" He asked Li Juan in a mocking tone.

"Wei Sheng Ge!!!" Li Juan called his name in shock.

"Li Juan, I believed you, I believed that you love me."

"But never knew you are a lowly," Tang Wei Sheng refrained himself from hurting Li Juan, with his words.

"I never expected you would cheat me with another man"

Li Juan couldn't comprehend what she heard, Tang Wei Sheng, the man she loved, was accusing her of adultery.

"What do you mean?" Li Juan moved closer to him.

"Who the hell is this other man?" she always loved Tang Wei Sheng.

Li Juan's mind was in a whirlpool of thoughts.

She lived all these years without tarnishing her morals and identity. And now someone is trying to accuse her with adultery.

"Tang Wei Sheng, answer me." For the first time in her life, Li Juan raised her voice against Tang Wei Sheng.

Tang Wei Sheng's mind was fuming like a volcano waiting to erupt, but he tried his best not to lose his composure.

"Tell me, how did I become the one who cheated on you, when you were two-timing between your fiancé and me?" Li Juan didn't want to drag her doubts into this argument, but she was unable to control her mouth on the heat of the moment.

Li Juan!!!! Tang Wei Sheng yelled at her as a warning.

"What the hell are you saying?"

"You never loved me." Li Juan said in a low voice.

"What did you say?"

Tang Wei Sheng came closer to her and seized her arms.

"What did you say?" Tang Wei Sheng tightened his grip on Li Juan's slender arms.

"You are hurting me," Li Juan said to him and tried to pull her arms from his grip.

"What did you say, Li Juan?" Tang Wei Sheng's eyes burned like coal and his words sounded hoarse.

Li Juan gave him a frosty look which lacked endearing emotions. This wasn't the first time she has seen him like this. He was angry and tried to hurt her.

"You never loved-" Before Li Juan could complete her words Tang Wei Sheng forcefully captured her lips.

Li Juan struggled to push him away.

Like a ferocious animal, Tang Wei Sheng was devouring her lips.

"She dared to doubt your feelings for her. She tried to violate the promise, Is she your perfect half?" someone bugged Tang Wei Sheng's mind with questions.

When Tang Wei Sheng tasted blood in his mouth, he suddenly released Li Juan from his grip.

Li Juan looked at him with eyes burning with tears and anger.


Li Juan's palm fell on Tang Wei Sheng's cheek.

"Did you just slap me because I kissed you?" Tang Wei Sheng flashed her a sinister smile.

Li Juan winced, aghast at the man stood in front of her.

The devilish look on Tang Wei Sheng's eyes sent chills down Li Juan's spine.

That look, she remembers it.

"No, it can't be!!!" An Alarming tone rang on Li Juan's mind. "stay away from this monster!" her mind warned Li Juan

Tang Wei Sheng bent down and carried Li Juan and rushed towards the bedroom.

"Wei Sheng Ge put me down...put me down."

Tang Wei Sheng threw Li Juan on to the bed like some old rag. He trapped her under his body.

"You don't want to marry me?" Tang Wei Sheng asked her. His sweet and gentle persona has vanished into thin air.

The one who is in front of Li Juan was a predator hunting for its prey.

"Tell me, don't you want me to marry you?" He repeated his question.

"Let me go," Li Juan tried to stop him using her hands.

Suddenly Tang Wei Sheng grabbed her wrists and tied it to the bed using his necktie. He unbuttoned his shirt and threw it away.

"Wei Sheng Ge...no...Leave me... don't touch me..." Li Juan was scared to death.

She never imagined that Tang Wei Sheng will end up forcing him on her.

"What? Now you despise my touch?"

Tang Wei Sheng grabbed her shirt collar and tore it off.

Her honey-coloured body was visible in front of his eyes.

But what caught his attention was the Phoenix tattoo on her shoulder.

To be honest, he hated the sight of Tattoo on Li Juan's body.

"What did you do, my moon?" He touched the phoenix tattoo. "Did you allow a lowly lizard to mark you?"

"Don't touch me," Li Juan was screaming. "Leave me..."

Tang Wei Sheng glanced at Li Juan's horrified eyes.

"I already warned you, I hates when others touch what is lawfully mine and you defied me and tainted your body. You need to be punished, my moon," Tang Wei Sheng pressed his thump on the head of the phoenix tattoo.

"AHHHHHH" Li Juan shrieked in pain. The tattoo was just two days old and it hurt like hell.

Tang Wei Sheng looked at her with an evil grin and shut Li Juan's mouth by kissing her.

He was like a hungry wolf devouring his prey.

Li Juan was trying to push him away with her body, at any cost, she should stop his advances.

But Tang Wei Sheng was strong and heavy, none of Li Juan's efforts worked.

Tang Wei Sheng stopped for a moment and looked at Li Juan's face.

"You don't want to marry me, huh? Will you dare to refuse me, if I plant my scion in your womb?"

Tang Wei Sheng held her face and with his other hand, he tried to pull her pyjamas down.


Li Juan wanted to scream, but her voice got blocked inside her head.

Li Juan felt something heavy hit her head and immediately her vision got blurred.

Is this going to be the end of her?

Is she going to die now?

Li Juan gradually closed her eyes.

And everything went black around her.

Somebody, save me!!!!

1. We are NOT going to romanticize physical abuse in this story.

2. Remember the last chapters where Yang Xiong fears Tang Wei Sheng's change in behaviour, yes it is finally happening!

3. Tang-Li shippers, your ship is on the brink of sinking!!!

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