
Empress Lita

In a word of magic,demons,and monsters Power High a special school was formed where the best students with unique powers are given a chance to fight along with the elite royals as they battle against the dark forces. Lita who is yet to discover her power faces bullying and rejection by her school mates but soon discovers her unique powers and is noticed by the Crown prince. Lita embarks on a quest to find out who she really is while fighting of dark demons after her.

Gift_Juice · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Lita went back to her room immediately they got back her head was hurting badly all she wanted to do was disappear everything just seemed surreal to her.

"Lita were have you being we were looking for you earlier" Emma said while standing close to Lita's bed. She and Abigail decided to become friends with Lita with those powers and her being close to the crown Prince they would be untouchable.

"You know we have always wanted to be your friend but we started on the wrong foot so what do you say best friends?"Abigail asked Lita whose eyes where closed what did those clown want from her ?, all this while they treated her badly now all of a sudden they wanted to be her friend? Funny how life is when your at the lowest no one would come close to you but when you upgrade or have something to offer people start noticing you coming close trying to get on your good side.

"I want to sleep go away"Lita said.

"Come on Lita don't be like that let's hang out why don't we go eat at the cafeteria?"

"Don't let me use my powers on both of you"Lita said as the two girls remember the way Kian was badly injured the left her alone with the hopes of trying their luck of being friends with her again.

Lita opened her eyes staring into nothing suddenly she felt pain,anger and something dark looming inside her. Lita held her chest feeling the intense pain and anger where was all this feeling coming from and why was she experiencing it? Closing her eyes Lita suddenly felt light it seemed her body had entered another realm a bright light appeared in front of Lita then she saw that woman the same woman from her previous dreams and nightmares.

The woman was holding a baby smiling lovely while caressing the baby's cheeks soon a dark shadow came upon them then a man appeared from the shadow his long black hair,red eyes, dressed in a black attire he looked stunning and mysterious, the woman saw him her eyes shined brightly smiling sweetly she said

"Your here look at our beautiful baby our very own creation"

"What should we call her?"


"That's not funny"

"Am not trying to be funny my love you know she's a mixture of light and darkness I can't wait to see what she becomes will she take after me?"

"I will name her Lita meaning Light in everything"

"The four realms already know about her its only a matter of time they will come for two of you I want you both to be safe come with me to my kingdom" Lucifer said to Empress Ling who was surprised at what Lucifer said. Lita was brought back to reality by Philip and Sammy's voice.

"Are you okay? We came inside and saw your eyes open they were white and your hair is no longer white in color it has gone back to its normal color"Sammy said to Lita who clutched her aching head.

"I am fine my head just hurts"Lita replied.

"Come let's go to the school healer so she can work her magic on you"Philip said holding Lita's hand which was cold as ice. The three were walking to the east wing where the school healer was as other students looked at them especially Lita they had so many questions to ask concerning Lita was she really an Empress who would save them or will she rain darkness upon their land?.

"I made a research and I found out only Empresses posses such powers"

"The question is is she a good or bad Empress?"

"Who are her parents I thought they are just mere farmers so how is it possible for her to be an Empress?"

"I think she's reincarnated who knows"

Lita heard everything the students had to say about her as the walked to the school healer's office. All Lita wanted was to disappear leaving everything behind her the look of fear,hate and envy she saw in some students eyes was enough to PS a massage to her she wasn't needed here.

Meanwhile Henry and his men where heading to Lake woods which was attacked so many people were killed no one survived their essence was stripped. This killings was getting out of hand they had to do something fast before everyone gets killed.

"Your highness this was done by a Wilfer demon it left traces and it's still here.

"Let's catch this it quickly" Henry replied instructing his men to stand ready while he trew a big ice ball towards the big sand pile trapping whatever was inside. Within minutes the Wilfer broke the ice ball running as fast as it could but was short with a bile from nocturnal dragon causing the Wilfer to fall on the ground bleeding trying to crawl he had to escape no matter what happens.

"There's no place for you to run to"Prince Henry said making a big ice wall over the Wilfer keeping him locked in they finally caught a middle ranking demon after several failed attempts all they ever caught was a low ranking demons or a dead middle ranking demon now they would ask questions and find out why the demons were killing people stripping them of their essence.

Philip and Lita were sitting down on the field Lita was enjoying the wind blowing freely after the healer gave her a healing herbal tea to drink she felt much better.

"So Lita can you use your powers anytime you want?" Philip asked.

"No i can't I tried to use it earlier but it didn't work I guess it was all a mistake am back to normal now see even my hair went back to normal" Lita replied closing her eyes enjoying the cold weather.

"I don't think your back to normal your powers could be dangerous even to you Lita am worried about you " Philip said looking at Lita the love he felt for her was growing stronger everyday.

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