
Empress Calendula’s Revenge

Calendula, a formidable archmage, found herself ensnared by the spell of love when she married Trias, the emperor of Sargal. Her unparalleled magical prowess made her an indispensable ally in Trias’ conquest, a journey that demanded the sacrifice of countless souls. But love knows no bounds, and Calendula was willing to do anything for her husband, even when it meant forsaking her own morality. Yet, the emperor she loved and served so faithfully betrayed her. Overwhelmed by fear of his empress’ immense power and influence, Trias accused Calendula of treason, a charge that carries a death sentence. In a desperate bid for survival, Calendula managed to escape the emperor’s clutches and embarked on a perilous journey into the unknown. Along the way, fate intervened in the form of a baby, abandoned and dying in the unforgiving snow. Out of pity and loneliness, she saved the innocent child and raised him as her own. Little did Calendula know, the boy she rescued would become the key to her revenge.

DaoistFPEHCu · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Man in Black and the Serpent

Perplexed by his words, suspicion crept across her face. She asked, "Who are you?"

"I apologize for the confusion. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Trias Vassen."

"What did you mean when you said that you've finally found—"

Her question was cut abruptly by a thunderous explosion reverberated from beyond the chamber walls, causing the wall behind Trias to crumble. From the breach emerged a creature, taking on the form of a large serpent. Its scales glistened a deep, ominous green color, and its eyes gleamed with malevolence. With an eerie hiss, the serpent opened its mouth, revealing formidable fangs capable of piercing iron and steel.

Trias, renowned as a sword master, was aware that confronting a serpent of that magnitude with only two people would be a daunting task.

"I'll provide an explanation, but first, we must deal with whatever that is. I can sense your mana. You're able to use magic, correct?"

With a nod, the woman affirmed.

"Good. I'll confront the creature. Can you focus on inflicting additional damage?"

"I can. Be cautious of both its fangs and tail; they carry a lethal poison. Its scales are also difficult to penetrate, so you might have to attack one spot multiple times," she cautioned him.

Trias nodded. He wondered if she had encountered a similar creature before and how she possessed this knowledge, but Trias did not have time to ponder any further because the monster before him was prepared to attack.

The creature hissed menacingly, coiling its body, ready to strike. Swiftly, Trias drew the sword from his waist and sprinted towards the beast. As Trias closed the distance, he carefully observed its movements, searching for an opening to attack. He made a swift, calculated lunge, aiming for the creature's exposed underbelly.

The serpent's tail whipped in his direction, but Trias skillfully sidestepped, narrowly avoiding its poisonous barb. With a well-timed thrust, he pierced the creature's scales and landed a deep strike, causing it to writhe in pain and rage.

Observing the battle unfolding before her eyes, the woman mused quietly to herself, Well, this is quite the sight. Shall I take my time before I step in?

Having spent her entire life inside a room, she was beyond excited to witness such a spectacle. Rather than cowering in fear, she felt exhilaration.

Trias, deeply engrossed in the dangerous duel with the serpent, continued to deliver attacks while evading its venomous lunges and parrying its strikes with his sword. In a moment of urgency, he cried out, "A bit of assistance would be appreciated! If you want entertainment, I would be more than glad to take you to a festival!"

Hearing the word "festival" made her heart pound. She had read of it in one of the books and had always wondered what it was like. She thought to herself that if anything happens to this man, she might not be able to experience it. She must take action. With determination, she yelled back, "Trias, step aside!"

Without any hesitation, Trias swiftly retreated to safety.

The woman raised her hand, conjuring a sizable sphere of fire above the serpent. With a decisive motion, thousands of fiery arrows rained down upon the creature. The chamber became filled with the serpent's anguished hisses, the echoes bouncing off the walls. In mere seconds, the once-menacing serpent was decimated.

Trias stood there in disbelief. Although he had been involved in countless battles and fought with strong allies and defeated countless enemies, he had never crossed paths with a mage of her caliber.

She approached him and inquired with a hint of a smile, "Now that our uninvited guest is no longer a threat, shall we continue our conversation?"

Hey there! I will be publishing the next chapter on the 18th. Stay tuned!

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