
Empire vs modern USA

A fantasy empire has invaded the modern USA with Lt.Matthew Richardson leading his squad to avenge his deceased father's death at the hands of the Empire

Jack_Bone · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 6

Lord Lohelaude was shocked and dreaded by the shatter of the most potent magical shield all color drained from his complexion he encouraged of group of valorable riders as they charged toward their death a 155mm struck them.

Seeing their city lord's death Levie ran for their life three months passed military built an encampment and established a base around the line.

Matthew, Private Hector, and a group of Marines were sent to investigate the surrounding area for information.

Both of your guys were sent to investigate this city this is to establish order by the higher up for a peaceful relationship and find out about their culture do you understand lieutenant?

Yes, I understand I will.

Good, both of your boys mount a vehicle move out.

Lt. Matthew introduced himself to a group of his marines underneath him.

Well, can you introduce yourself?

I Private Hector was born and raised in New York City my brother died in the invasion of Manhatten Square.

Private James Powell

Private Jason Erickson

Private Jackson Anderson

Private Edward Johnson

Private William Taylor

Private Jim Brooks

All seven of them are Lt Richardson's platoon they drove in grassland air clear of all pollution all roads border a tall tress.

A small settlement with a giant wooden wall protecting it from monsters.

Motte and Baily castle fortifications a large stone monastery.

Private Brook goes to check on villagers we need information on the empire.

Brook went to knock on the gate no response he reported back to Lt Matthew Richardson about an empty response from villagers.

A gate opens for a man wearing a golden color tunic length to knee along the ankle cloak with a brooch holding a green cloak the blue trousers bound by brown leg wraps and a leather strap around the waist holding a leather purse.

Holding a long wooden staff and wearing a small bag hat with Krakow shoes walking to Humvee Lt Richardson tries to communicate but with a massive language barrier can't understand each other.

Elysian man held his hand chanting small spells with only two sentences able to speak fluent English much to the chagrin of Lt Matthew.

I am Geraeus of Sorrow Tide I am but humble service of the clergy of lord of the sun.

My name is Lt Richardson my platoon was sent by our Sergeant to peacefully gather information about this land by any chance can we exchange information?

Very well we can chat about this in my to my private quarter.

Humvee drove through the gate they were awed by the scene of a stone hut with straw for the roof small groups of serfs were staring in astonishment at the iron wagon without horses pulling it.

The second-row gate opens up the house framework which is made of a line of timber that fills the space of woven twig wattle.

It seems that Villein is staring at your magical contractions he said with a tone of disdainful.

Villien, what are those?

Small folk without land serve them house lord or clergy.

How influential are the clergy here?

The clergy held much stronger sway over their crown, they had the power to crown the emperor their could excommunicate the king and emperor even the nobility feared them.

Who was the emperor of the Elysian Empire?

Vanthras Tornassus the third in his name is emperor of the Elysian Empire.

Vanthras is his name, Lt. Matthew clutches his hand tightly with a hint of anger in his tone of voice.

Lt.Richardson looks out at the scene in front of him a massive wooden gate opens a farmland a stone monastery crafted by the finest stone mason.

A nun walks out with a black habit with a scapula and a cloth tie around the waist.

Geraeus talks to a nun in their strange language she later introduces herself as Vorghia.

The bishop wants to talk to the strange men.

Who bishop and lord of this land?

The bishop is the lord of this land.

His name is Helius the bishop of Sorrow Tide.