
Empire of Crescent Dragons- The Winter of the Blessed

Married off to a nobleman she had never met, Alana's dreams of freedom becomes reality when her husband mysteriously dies without her ever having laid eyes on him. Sent to his ancestral home, a sprawling mansion shrouded under the snow of the cold frozen Lands, Alana assumes her role as the Lady of the house, yearning for freedom from the judgmental eyes of her former town. Determined to live life without the confines of societal expectations and release her true self, she embraces the opportunity to start anew. As Alana begins her new life with a new found purpose, living for herself. Managing a Wintergarten, she begings her new life, with her soulbound dragon. Just as Alana finds solace in her newfound independence, her assumed-to-be-deceased husband, Ashur, shockingly reappears. Amidst the conflicts that, his arrival ushered that threatens to consume them all, Alana must navigate her conflicting emotions and the all her feelings for independence, and learn what is meant to love and to be loved. As Alana and Ashur's s paths intertwine, a dangerous game of desire, secrets, and hidden agendas emerges. With unexpected alliances and unimaginable obstacles, both must confront their darkest fears to uncover the truth that lay buried within themselves. Can Alana break free from the judgments that have plagued her since her youth and find her true self? Will she sacrifice her heart for duty, or will love triumph over the shadows that haunt them?

Dtrish · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 43 - Returning home

"How do I leave town without being spotted by the knights."

The woman looked him the eyes and blushed. " I can lead you out "

"You can just show me where to go." Her breathing was heavy.

" Take me with you Ashoo."

Ashur got frustrated again. 'That damn name again.' He didn't correct her.

"Show me the way now." He rudly demanded but she was awed by him that she didn't care.

"Came, follow me." They entered inside a house and left to the other side on the back door, she lead him through alleys and small entrances.

"I am Bella by the way." She was blushing, while looking at Ashur.

Ashur was still indifferent, watching to see if any knight was around.

"We have to go left so we can find the lake that will lead you out of the town. " Bella lead the way, down the lake.

'You probably still hesitant to my opinions but, there's a familiar presence of one those who were on the cave that day if might interest you...' Ignis turned Ashur's face to opposite direction they were going.

'I don't have time now to check I have to go back to the caves.'

'The caves ?? Why??? There's nothing good in that damn place.'


"Sir Gideon, we haven't find anyone yet, should we keep looking?"

" I did you search every place in this town?"

" We are still searching... But the guy we are looking right would he be here instead of going home, if he is alive?"

"He is alive I know it, no bodies were found in the cave, not even from the warriors, and the last report is that the people from his town are dying due hunger. So hasn't gone there. "

"But even the description doesn't match."

" Have you ever heard about desguises, that's not that hard and those guys are great in maintaining themselves hidden."

Gideon was looking desperate, he had told the king that Ashur and the other warriors were dead, now that the news had spread everywhere, the king asked for proof.

He had ran back to the caves but found nothing not even bodies, or sign of graves.

There was only one stone grave found at that place when they removed all the stones and dug up they hadn't found any body there either.

So he was desperately looking for everyone.


"If you follow the river up you will find yourself into next town."

Bella paused before speaking again, her eyes looked sad. " If you wish to, I could go with you.... I have..."

Ashur didn't look at her he was watching the orange sky, thinking about his people. He didn't answer to her either.

Bella notice his gloomy face and quieted down, not saying anything else.

"Thank you for bringing me here. I truly appreciate, but I must go now."

Her teary eyes waited, longed for his invitation for her to come with him. But he turned away and left without saying anything else.

' You surely are a cold human, that girl really wanted to come with you, her eyes were begging for you to take her.'

'I am married....'

'whatttttt?? Since when? That's why you are such a rush to go back home? Humans a surely romantic.'

'Ignis shut!'

'Don't be rude , why don't you tell me about your wife.' Ignis sounded more excited that he wanted to give away.

'I never met her.'

'What kind of marriage is that... That you never met your lover? I don't understand humans.'

'Enough with the chitchat take us to the caves.'

Ignis took over taking them to the caves through the forest, his speed was amazing even Ashur was in a awe.

'hmm you thinking that I can be dependable, right. And you haven't seen my full power in use.' Ignis was very proud of himself.

He jumped high, and ran fast, everytime a monster randomly appeared they would be so confused that prey appeared and disappeared in a flash.

Was getting dark, Ignis jumped to the top of a tree observing how far he still was from the caves. His red eyes glowed in the dark, that he could easily see.

Up on the top of the tree he could the see the vast forest, the lights from the towns that were close by.

'wow what a view. ' Ashur had never seen such view in his life. His heart was beating so fast, of excitement.

'The caves are ahead. We should arrive there without a problem.' Ignis was already used to such view the last few days he took his time to appreaciate it, since he was caved up he couldn't see anything of this, but in the last week he made sure to take use of his new found freedom.

Let's head down, Ignis let go of the tree breathing softly as they fell down, it was exciting to Ashur to experience those things, free fall from the tree, running faster than his own brain could comprehend. New emotions started to bubble inside him.

For the first time since a long time he was actually enjoying himself.