
Chapter 87

Pov: Bash

Location: Forest Empire

The hall in front of our cell was wider than I thought, now I could accurately say it's a hundred by hundred-meter cube, although its shape is round lacking any pointy edges.

My clothes were taken away from me, I was given a white shirt and a white trouser to wear. The shirt had short sleeves and the pants were long enough to cover my ankles.

"Spread your hands, now bring them back, jump, now spread your legs, move to the right, shake your waist, move to the left, shake your waist," a man in front of us instructed.

About twenty-seven of us were lined up in front of the cell where I live, we are forced to exercise like this every day. We were told Rezan is interested in keeping our blood top quality.

"You're the only female kept down here," I whispered to Priya to my left.

"Also, I am the only one with a core," she responded, flapping her hands like a bird as we exercised.