
Empire Evolution

Please leave a review and a comment. I always enjoy constructive criticism, or just someone saying they enjoy reading my book. It says a Male lead but it's actually a Female lead, For some reason, a Female lead has fewer tags that you can add to your story than a Male lead. The artwork is from WolfGodess15 on DeviantArt Scarlet Rose was one of the most famous serial killers ever and had a kill count in the hundreds. One of the only reasons the authorities didn't put as much effort into finding her is that she only went after criminals and warlords. "Ahh, there is nothing quite like ripping out a heart while someone is still alive. Oh... god damn it! One of these days I'll be able to say that out loud and the person will still be alive for a little bit." I sighed in frustration as a large pool of blood surrounded me. 'God I'm bored, killing people is all well and good but after a while...huuh whatever.' I was just about to order a thermal cleaning at my position when a strange light surrounded me. 'Well, this is new, was the last thought that went through my head as I passed out.

RavenGoddess · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 Trade

As I sat down on what I was starting to believe was the comfiest seat in the whole goddamn world I opened up my stat menu but instead of looking at my stats, I opened up the world chat.

"Ok… let's see how everyone else is fairing in this new world." Clicking on the forum tab as I said that.

|Notice: Please create an account to continue to the forum.|

"Seriously! Even in another world, you need to log in…huuh fine. What do I need to do to create an account?"

|Notice: Alternate name, Race, Kingdom name.|

"Do I really need to put in my race, cause I think that's going to cause…actually that might be good for me. Ok, I want my alternate name to be Frozen Rose, my race is Eternal Flame Vampire Fox, and my Kingdom is the Sapphire River Kingdom." I said out loud as the System dictated what I said.

|Notice: Please confirm that your alternate name will be Frozen Rose, you will not be able to change it in the future.|

"I confirm that all information is correct and everything else, I don't need to agree to any cookies do I?" laughing quietly to myself as I said that.

|Notice: Your account has been created, opening the forum now.|

[@ Lilly Lake: does anyone have any water, please I'm in a desert and my people and I are going to die of dehydration in days if I don't do something.]

[@ Skull Crusher: HAHAHAHAHA you losers are so going to die, my subjects are fucking dragons and I will rule this world bitches!!!]

[@ Ti Fang: I'm such a fucking moron I picked five golden treasure chests and just found out that there are higher tiers why the fuck did the system not say anything?!!!]

There were millions of these posts going by at breakneck speed, but I did see one that I was sure was going to make a profit and immediately opened up a private chat with them.

[@ Frozen Rose: @ Lilly Lake, I'm willing to trade water with you. What do you have to offer?]

Three nanoseconds later

[@ Lilly Lake: @ Frozen Rose, Um I have blueprints! And I think I can trade you some of my subjects as well. I also have 27,963 pieces of stone, 13,458 pieces of timber, and 9,658 pieces of metal.]

[@ Frozen Rose: @ Lilly Lake, what blueprints do you have, and what race are your subjects?]

[@ Lilly Lake: @ Frozen Rose, I have three blueprints: an adventurers guild blueprint, a shipyard blueprint, and a church blueprint. My subjects are Cerberus Beast Men and Women.]

'Huh, hey System, why did she get beast women... and men?'

|Notice: The System took your romantic preferences into account when summoning your subjects. As you prefer the female gender that is what the System summoned.|

'Oh, well thank you,' I thought as I smiled to myself, picturing the voluptuous forms of the women I had just summoned.

'Hey System, how long will my freshwater spring last?'

|Notice: Even with an entire Empire using it, the freshwater spring will last for the next 10,000 years give or take.|

'Damn, well it's good to know I won't run out of water anytime soon.'

[@ Frozen Rose: @ Lilly Lake, I will take the Adventurers Guild blueprint and the Shipyard Blueprint. In return, I will give you enough water for you and your subjects for two months. If you need more after that we can trade again, deal?]

[@ Lilly Lake: @ Frozen Rose, yes deal, here you go, but um how will I get the water?]

|Notice: Lilly Lake has transferred two blueprints to you. Because the trade that you made is with a water source that cannot be moved, the System will create a small portal that will continuously transfer freshwater to Lilly Lake for two months as agreed upon.|

'Sweet, I don't have to do anything, thanks System.'

[@ Frozen Rose: @ Lilly Lake, The System said that it will open up a small portal to give you fresh water for the agreed upon two months.]

[@ Lilly Lake: @ Frozen Rose, Yeah it already did, and told me I could place it anywhere. Thank you so so much!]

|Notice: Lilly Lake has left the conversation.|

'Well, that was productive. Hey System, how much will it cost me to build the Adventurers Guild and the Shipyard? Also, can you give me a brief description of them?'

|Notice: To build the Adventurers Guild will cost 2,000 pieces of timber, 1,000 pieces of stone, 800 pieces of metal, and 1 ton of ice and snow. Information: The Adventurers Guild will attract people from outside your territory to come and visit as well as do tasks for the kingdom in exchange for gold, food, shelter, or other materials. The Adventurers Guild can house 200 people and has a forge, kitchen, and training room. If you build the Adventurers Guild now, the shield around your territory will disappear.|

|Notice: To Build the Shipyard will cost 1,000 pieces of timber, 500 pieces of stone, 300 pieces of metal, and half a ton of ice and snow. It must also be placed next to a large body of water. Once placed a UI will appear for it as well as all ships that you can build, you can also design your own ships and build them at half the cost. No one needs to work at the Shipyard, all you have to do is provide the materials and the Shipyard will build the ships by itself.|

'Damn, that's fucking nice. System, my territory encompasses the seven rivers and part of the lake that feeds into the ocean right?'

|Notice: That is correct, here is a map of your territory.|

A large, semi-translucent white map appeared in front of me, not only showing my castle and territory but also all life signatures moving within it. I could see Artemis and her pack exploring the frozen tundra, I could see a group of what I assumed to be the Sirens traveling under the ice and I could also see some red dots on the screen which I assumed were monsters or some other wild animals prowling my territory.

'Well, that's useful. Hey System, can I place building blueprints in my territory through this map?'

|Notice: Yes|

Immediately the map became horizontal with grid lines on it and I could see some of the underground river and cave systems if I raised the map upwards. As much as I wanted to continue to explore this I had other things to do right now.

I moved the hologram-like map till it was positioned over the large lake. The seven rivers all poured into it from varying directions. I placed the shipyard near one of the rivers that poured into the lake. 

|Notice: Do you wish to place the shipyard here?|



|Notice: Building Shipyard now.|

|Notice: Shipyard Built.|

Once that was done I closed the map and opened my Kingdoms inventory.

|Food: 271 Frostfin Tuna rank-SS, 13 Magma Crabs rank-SS, 24 Frostwing Octopus rank-S, 17 Iceberg Scorpionfish rank-A, 25 Phoenix eggs rank-SSS, 40 Gallons of Steel Plated Cows Milk rank-A, 2 Gallons of Azure Flamed Royal Honey rank-SS|

|Metal: 2,700|

|Timber: 3,000|

|Stone: 1,500|

|Gold: 0|

|Population: 301|

'Damn, the Sirens have been busy. It's only been like 30ish minutes since I told them to find some food. Well, that just helps my kingdom more so who am I to complain.' I thought with a slight shrug. Now that the most important tasks had been handled I wanted to try out some of my magic.

As I stood up I teleported myself to a large training room. Once I appeared I immediately thought of some fire appearing in my hand, and sure enough, a gold flame with flecks of black appeared. It was beautiful and enchanting, I could stare at it for hours as it swayed in the breeze. 

Deciding to test its destructive power I launched at one of the training dummies. Before it was even a foot away from the training dummy the dummy turned to ash. I recalled the flame quickly after that, not wanting the flame to burn a hole through the walls.

'Damn…' was the only word that came to mind when I looked at the ash lying on the floor. I decided to test out one of my less destructive spells. Standing tall, I pictured a copy of myself appearing before me.

|Notice: You have activated the Skill, Duplicate. Would you like your clone to have access to the system as well?|


"Yes, of course, I would, she is me," I said out loud with a bit of confusion, thinking the System was a bit stupid for asking such a question.

As I was confirming the access rights for my clone, a small tornado of gold and black flame appeared. Slowly it condensed into a perfect replica of myself, she was even wearing the same clothes as me.

|Notice: -10,000 MP|

For a few minutes, we were both silent just staring at each other. I couldn't help but think I was the epitome of beauty, and that I wanted nothing more than to fuck myself silly. In this case, it was much more literal though.

"Your me, so you probably want to fuck me as much as I want to fuck you. However, you and I know we have more work to do. So we can't just yet, so what do you want to do while I keep working on the trading platform?" I said to the other person in front of me.

"Huuuuh, yeah you're right, but you and I do have to get around to exploring these new bodies soon. I'll start researching our new Life Skills, as well as learning more about the Ancient Runic Language, and see where that takes us. Also, it will get a bit confusing for our subjects when they see both of us together with the same name. So seeing as I am the clone, what do you want to call me?" She said in a no nonsense manner.

"Well, how about the name of our first kill? We always thought that was a nice name, it didn't hurt that she was our dear departed sister." I said with a grin.

|Notice: Do you wish to name your clone Tanya Rose?|


"Yes," I said with a smile.

|Notice: You have named a magical clone Tanya Rose.|

|Notice: As you have given life to an immortal sentient being and named it, you are rewarded the title: Creator of Life. Information: This title gives you an aura of peace, all creatures will be more inclined to trust you, and everything around you will grow and prosper when activated. You also have been rewarded 10,000 XP, +50 Charisma points, and one randomly generated S-rank sapling.|

|Notice: You have reached level 17, and have gained 300 attribute points. You now have 900 free attribute points.|

Tanya and I both looked up at the same time and grinned.

"Scarlet, you and I should both try and get more titles, they seem to have some pretty good rewards." I just nodded before walking off with a huge grin.

"Don't explore that body without me!" She shouted as I felt her eyes locking onto my ass as it/I walked away from her. I just laughed before disappearing in a flash of light.

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